fighting acne !!

Well yeh you can use your finger tips, just make sure you wash them afetrwards.

Im not sure but pimples are quite capable of spreading. here are some pointers along with the medication cream your taking i presume.

- try and keep showers quick and not to warm, you dont want to make your face dry as the warm water will take it off.
- If you have some on your cheeks, then it might be aggrevated by sleeping on the side of your face throughout a night.
- try & limit the amount of times you touch your face.
thanks a lot matt your a nice person.
yes i have it on my cheeks and i hate it. i try not to sleep on my face but its sooo hard not to!!! i wake up and im already there :(
i dont touch my face at all during the day; only when i apply medication. thanks for the tips man :D
what is a blackhead and what should i put on them?

should i put BP on zits after they go away on their own? when the white head isnt there?

and i ran out of antibacterial gentle soap to wash my hands with before i put medication on my face. what can i use instead???

St Ives apricot scrub is pretty good if you get blackheads just make sure that you wash then exfoliate them tone. Drink lots of water, I also heard somewhere that squeezing lemon into your water helps with acne. Anyone care to refute?
whenever i get a whitehead, i dont pop it. i just put BP on it and wait for it to go away...however it goes away...usually during night.

and whenever the whitehead is gone, it leaves behind a its pretty big. i get pretty big whiteheads on my cheaks for some reason and the marks they leave are even bigger.

i have no idea what to do in order to get rid of these. :( they are annoying. am i getting rid of the whiteheads properly?
When I get white heads I normally pop them. Quite often I don't get red marks, but I can do. And seriously wouldn't recommend popping them.
I use OXY daily Cleansing pads with 2% salicylic acid acne medication. Maximum.
every night, scrub as hard as i can.

than after that dries, i put on Clean & Clear Persa- Gel-10 10% benzoyl Peroxide acne medication!

works wonders.