fighting acne !!

well its hasnt exactly been proven to cause it, there seems to be a relationship however significant but dont forget that other causes may contribute. I mean, people with bad acne are already more likely to have low self esteem.

I agree with Lillian as well, proactive does look like one of the better acne treatments on the market haha.
Straight from the MHRA and if they say it its good enough for me.

The adverse event profile includes; teratogenicity, metabolic effects (increases in liver transaminases, elevation of plasma triglycerides and VLDL), psychiatric disorders (depression, including suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide); musculo-skeletal effects (myalgia, arthralgia, premature epiphyseal closure and hyperostosis when used at high doses for prolonged periods); neurological effects (benign intracranial hypertension); ophthalmic effects (dry eyes, decreased night vision); intestinal effects (inflammatory bowel disease); allergic reactions; and mucocutaneous adverse effects (cheilitis , dry skin, epistaxis).teratogenicity, metabolic effects (increases in liver transaminases, elevation of plasma triglycerides and VLDL), psychiatric disorders (depression, including suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and suicide); musculo-skeletal effects (myalgia, arthralgia, premature epiphyseal closure and hyperostosis when used at high doses for prolonged periods); neurological effects (benign intracranial hypertension); ophthalmic effects (dry eyes, decreased night vision); intestinal effects (inflammatory bowel disease); allergic reactions; and mucocutaneous adverse effects (cheilitis , dry skin, epistaxis)
Theres always going to be different sides of the story, if you have experience in these sort of proffesions its important to realise that just because one side has evidence for one claim theres usually always at least an equal amount refuting the claim. Heres a question i popped out:

Media reports say Roaccutane can cause depression and suicide. Is that true?
No. Despite this being something that comes up in the media from time to time, the evidence continues to show there is no proven link between isotretinoin (eg, Roaccutane, Oratane, Accure, Isohexal) and depression or suicide. Several reviews by various international scientific experts (such as dermatologists, psychiatrists, epidemiologists) and government authorities have shown that people taking isotretinoin are not at an increased risk of depression or suicide.
i like clearasil. its working pretty good for me. it was a kit for 17 bux; it comes with a bottle of .5% sylacylic acid, 2.5% benzoyle peroxide and a daily lotion moisurizer. its working good. i have the cream bp. 2.5% and my face peeled like a bananna :/ it was gross. watch out for strong bp.

dont touch your face. before you put anything on your face, wash your hands with a gentle antibacterial soap; i get it from walmart.

try not to roll your face around on the bed while you sleep. i find this hard to do because sometimes i wake up and im already sleepign with my frign face against the bed.
is acne part genetic or something? I don't get it *touch wood* however I know a lot of people my age with pretty bad acne. My mum and dad say they never got it. I obviously get the occasional spot(s) but they are rarely outbreaks. I'm just curious to know why I don't get it.
well, my belief is that it can be from a number of things such as hormones, poor diet, sweating, hygene, genes, etc. there's really no way to know. just try to stay clean, eat right, and if it's hormones see a dr. for that. i know birth control pills & proactive help me to stay clear, but it's different for everyone.
i know there's been a whole other thread somewhere on this subject from a while back. there is more info. there if you take a look back for it.
Acne is hereditary so you can blame your parents for that one.

Contrary to popular belief, chocolate, sweets etc DO NOT cause acne.

If you only occasionally get the odd spot here and there it's more likely due to having a dirty/sweaty face. The pimples are usually superficial and go away after a couple of days. Make sure you use a good cleanser everyday.

I was on roaccutane for about 18 months and while it was quite hellish for the most part it was worth it.

In regards to suicide, while the ingredients in the drug may not directly cause suicide/depression, the side affects can definitely hamper your self esteem. Initially what the drug does is bring all the acne to the surface so it can start getting rid of it....hence you acne gets considerably worse for a while before it gets better! In my experience, my skin was painfully dry and required constant moisturizing. As a result my skin turned ghost white in colour and was often flaky because of dryness. In the mornings my lips were so cracked I couldn't yawn without making my lips bleed in several places. I had cuts on my body that wouldn't heal for months. My eyes were constantly dry and painful. I couldn't drink any alcohol. I needed blood tests and dermatologist visits every month. I had little energy. I couldn't go out in the sun for any length of time (which is tough in Australia!) as I would just fry.

Thats all I can remember for now but there are host of other side effects that you can get but luckily that's as bad as it got for me from memory. I think I was lucky I had a good head on my shoulders and had no self esteem issues at all before taking the medication. However, as i said the side affects are really something to consider before jumping in and I would only recommend it to people with a serious acne problem. My skin is now really great and I have had absolutely no trouble since (it has been about 7-8 years). I get the occasional superficial spot and thats about as bad as it gets. I have very very minor scaring that can only be scene in the right light and if you look really closely. Which reminds me......DON'T SQUEEZE "EM! I did and was lucky to get away with minimal scarring....many others aren't so lucky.

Lastly, if you are considering roaccutane please go see a dermatologist. They may be able to prescribe something a little milder depending on the severity of your acne.

Acne is basically hereditary, however theres so externam factors such as living in a hot area or dirty faces that will cause a few to pop out butnothing significant such as severe acne.
Acne is basically hereditary, however theres so externam factors such as living in a hot area or dirty faces that will cause a few to pop out butnothing significant such as severe acne.

Heres the most simple way i can think of describing the process.
When one allows their face to become dirty bacteria (Staphylococcus) invade the area. Then whats called a Macrophage locates the bacteria and ingest it to identify its property's and warn other the T and B cells of the body about it. Once this happens your T and B cells respond to the area and do their best to destroy the bacteria . Once the T and B cells have killed the bacteria they then turn and kill them selfs so they do not accidentally harm any good cells. Once they along with the bacteria die the remnants of the battle float up to the skin. Essentially the pimple is dead immune cells and bacteria.

Sweating feeds the bacteria so they invade areas of sweaty and or dirty skin. Yes one can have a genetic discrepancy to attain acne but for the most part it is completely avoidable.

No, eating chocolate and pizzas may not directly cause acne but the small amounts of food that get spread on to your face do lead to acne because in feeds the bad bacteria on ones face. In a way food may not directly cause it after ingestion but the by products of eating can and do.
Sweating feeds the bacteria so they invade areas of sweaty and or dirty skin. Yes one can have a genetic discrepancy to attain acne but for the most part it is completely avoidable.

Thats totally wrong. Try telling people with severe acne or even moderate that it is avoidable. That is why thousands and thousands of people use drugs such as roactuane to get to the root of the problem. People may be genetically determined to produce excess oil and that in turn cant be avoided without the use of drugs, nice cut & paste though.
Thats totally wrong. Try telling people with severe acne or even moderate that it is avoidable. That is why thousands and thousands of people use drugs such as roactuane to get to the root of the problem. People may be genetically determined to produce excess oil and that in turn cant be avoided without the use of drugs, nice cut & paste though.

Cut and paste LMAO?

Now, as i said a"some people can have genetic discrepancy" then you go and agree with me by saying "people may be genetically" now how are you trying to correct me? Secondly, do you realize that near 100% of all acne meds are nothing more then anti-bacterial?
ohhh from reading "Yes one can have a genetic discrepancy to attain acne but for the most part it is completely avoidable" i thought you meant that people with a high discrepencie for acne can avoid for the most part. if you mean by most part in people that dont have a high discrepencie then i agree.
so teens get acne more often because of the hormones but the real cause is the bacteria? does the hormones(testosterone) lower our antibacterials or something? lol sry im rly ignorant
not exactly :D

As a teen's body begins to mature and develop hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum, and the glands may become overactive. Pores become clogged if there is too much sebum and too many dead skin cells. Bacteria can then get trapped inside the pores and multiply, causing swelling and redness — the start of acne
not exactly :D

As a teen's body begins to mature and develop hormones stimulate the sebaceous glands to make more sebum, and the glands may become overactive. Pores become clogged if there is too much sebum and too many dead skin cells. Bacteria can then get trapped inside the pores and multiply, causing swelling and redness — the start of acne

Glad we see eye to eye now Matt.

Yeah, The hormones really are the "precursor" to the acne.
for putting on acne medications(benzoyl Peroxide, sylacilic acid, lotion) is it better to put it on with a cue tip or a cotton ball. because lately i have been waching my hands with a gentle antibacterial soap and then putting it on with my fingers. i have a feeling i shouldnt be touching my face at all.

and why the heck to breakouts occur at one big burst. usually i will be clear of whiteheads for a week or two(only those frign red marks that wont go away) but then a start getting tons of whiteheads :*( why?