- Jog/walked to gym [140]
- Biked 19.3 miles [133]
- A1 BB BP 95x20 [127]
B1 WG LP 90x17
C1 BB BOR 55x20
D1 DB MP 40x20
E1 Hang Jump Shrug 225x20
- Jogged home [162]
Numbers be all wonky today. I think it's because I didn't bracket stim, but also am feeling a bit.. worn down, and thus simply not working as hard. There's also the consideration that I had been taking the mean incorrectly earlier (well, was looking at the wrong display, actually - I don't often make mistakes with arithmetic).
As you can see, doing something kinda more dc now, as I've decided it hurts the best, and that "fat burning" 3x(max) **** was straight-up ruining me, but much more in the way HIIT would than in the way strength training should. This thing I'm doing now, it's strength training. And takes 30-45 mins, so I like. Also allows me to work at a relatively high range without ****kicking my still-lagging (and in the case of my right wrist, pretty damn inflamed) support structure.
No more waffling, now. This is what I like for the next couple months (and have always wanted to try, so).
Sometimes, I have no idea what your little abbreviations mean
I mean, I'm super flattered by them, but I wish I understood them
P.S. What ever happened to "hitting it like a tomahawk missile"??
I will be happy to educate you in either/or at your leisure, miss.
Hope everthang's goin' good. I think I might have an idea of how hungry and tired you must be, these days.
Here is a video of my marathon finish...
Agreeing with the others on your limpage. Lil bit, but not too awful. I would definitely take your wife's word for it, though. Not so much as to worry, but to (continue to?) keep a close eye.
You are so much more vertical than I am when I run. I find I naturally align with my hips, but because they've still a moderate anterior tilt, a flat back puts me more into a sprinter's form. Gonna see if I can't post a video later to get some critiques on that, actually.
Actually, on 2nd-6th viewing, I think it might be that your shoulders aren't entirely low and loose. Back looks somewhat hollow. And is it just me or are your elbows away from your sides and drifting excessively (moving laterally)?
I realize it's the end of a race and all, I'm just sayin'.
Focus, where have you been?
For someone who does not "work" for a living or attend almost any of his classes, I have, lately, this alarming habit of being very busy. 4'ish hours a day devoted to exercise that until recently had been what I call "buffer time" isn't really helping.
Not gonna bother logging here what occurred while I was gone (have it down for my own records) but it was mostly according to plan. Didn't do the long bike+run on Sat because.. well, I was tired. And my **** is burning up. Shins in particular. I can blaze through it, but the pain is... considerable. And as I understand it, even delusional mutants like myself shouldn't work through searing pain. Planned solution for which will I think to be doing the one run per week, following the 2 hour max sustainable pace bike, to simulate the actual event.
Edit: Starting next week. Just to make sure I'm not being a wuss. Specificity of training and all that. Until I can find time to fit in fancy drills and such. Also, swim starts next week, not this one, as I agreed to coach some cross-country skiing for The Winter Club (meaning no time at all today), sadly.