Weight-Loss Does Anyone Focus on the Mental?

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Hi Guys

Thanks for the feedback. It is both informative and useful. I need to take that onboard and take stock of how I can be of most assistance here and adapt my approach if it is not going to prove useful to people.

I understand that people have tried to sell us all sorts of approaches before (me too!), but if we tar everybody with the same brush then all we succeed in doing is chasing away people like myself even though I may genuinely have people's best interests in mind.

I think we actually agree on the underlying concept of expending more calories than we take in.

I have been trying to give people additional options and tools that will help them with how to do that.

I have to say that from my point of view, Jericho, it has felt like you have jumped on every posting I made. Right from the start, every post I made, you came in and told people that what I was saying was nonsense. Even though my intentions were good and the postings were genuinely made in the best interests of the people I was responding to. I have never tried to sell them anything and neither have I hidden what I do.

You say that it can be "reduced to" or it is "just" - what if it actually is the essence of everything?

How can I help you? What would you like to know about me?

Well first off, you might notice that I have stayed out of this for the most part so no, I haven't jumped on your case. Do I think what you do is nonsense? Yup, completely. I PERSONALLY think you are more akin to a fraud snakeoil salesman who uses fast talking and telling people what they want to hear to make a buck. I know who you are and I know what you do. This is just my opinion and I have for the most part stayed back.

What do we want to know about you? Well, for me it is the idea that is your real reason just to help people or is it laying the groundwork because it really comes off as the later. How about a name? Where you live? Were you overweight? Do you know what it is like coming from our end? WHO ARE YOU outside someone who is telling people that they can change their biology with thought?
Hi Spinner

I am not sure what you mean by "trolling" - can you expand on that for me.

Jericho - My name is Gordon Berry. I am a real person too. I live in Fife, Scotland, UK.

The thing is, yes you can change our biology with your thoughts.
If you think about something that you find scary for example - immediately your body chemistry changes. Your brain releases chemicals that change your body temperature, your breathing, even your metabolism!
If you then revert to thinking about something that you love to do, something that brings you pleasure - then your body reacts again in an instant.
(there is a more obvious example of how your biology responds to your thoughts- particularly for men - but it's rude)

You could check out:
Dr Bruce Lipton - The Biology of Belief
Candice Perts Phd- Molecules of Emotion
Dr David Hamilton - It's the Thought That Counts
Dr Deepak Chopra - Quantum Healing
Dr Wayne Dyer - The Power of Intention

If we can bring some of this understanding to people I believe it can help.
Yes, putting down your knife and fork between every mouthful is good advice.
Other than that I am not sure about the point of your post. You seem to want to disagree with anything that does not agree with your own beliefs. I am not convinced that is helpful as a moderator.
Hi douknowjello
Of course, I cannot convince you to do anything...only you can decide to give this a try.
Jericho and I have offered you a tool to have a shot at, that is part of the solution to permanent weight loss. I am not suggesting nonsense diets, neither am I promoting drugs or surgery. Simply easy tools that will allow you to cut down the intake and yet still feel good and "full".
The choice is yours. This is easy. If you are ready to lose weight and you want to lose weight then give it a go. Are you ready?
I wish you well whatever you choose to do.

Ok a bit of my frustration is going to come through here but I'm going to post anyway. This is our safe haven like I said. And Jericho is a mod and a friend to us here who we've known for some time, our protector if you will. I didn't comment last week but found it ridiculous when you attacked him then but turned around to ME and tossed his name in there with yours. Now when you're not well received by by anyone you're trying to deflect on him again and it's not going to work. Honestly Jericho was probably trying to do you a favor and give you a heads up to back off because I'm sure he could see this coming. You're about to have a linch mob on your hands. I hardly ever post like this and you're even irritating me enough to do so.

SECOND OFF Weightwizard, you didn't even start this thread, in fact you hijacked it about 10 posts down with a ridiculous sales pitch. And since then you keep redirecting this thread back to yourself. If you don't want to start a journal you can at least start your OWN thread if you're going to self promote.
I don't agree when it comes to your pure biological processes, but then this is my opinion. I am talking about how you come across on the forum, not the actual information.
Wow Guys

I've surely ruffled a few feathers here and it's not I that referred to someone as "a fraud snakeoil salesman"! nor had I any intention of doing something called trolling that I had never even heard of.
I am genuinely confused and feeling somewhat misunderstood. I thought that I offered to pass on some knowledge that is different from the status-quo - because the original post asked "Does anyone focus on the Mental?".

So please allow me to do this>
It's bedtime here, so can I just apologise to anyone/everyone that I have upset and I will go sleep on this.
SECOND OFF Weightwizard, you didn't even start this thread, in fact you hijacked it about 10 posts down with a ridiculous sales pitch. And since then you keep redirecting this thread back to yourself. If you don't want to start a journal you can at least start your OWN thread if you're going to self promote.

Good point douknowjello - the OP put a good question out there and the thread was quite interesting to read until it got derailed.

Okay, I'm going to ignore weightwizard. I think he's making a mess of what was once a good thread...
Spinner, I 100% agree. We've tried to get the thread back on track. We've been upfront and weightwizard still keeps making it about him and refuses to make his own thread so only thing left to do is ignore. Maybe the good conversation here can get picked up again in a new thread. Who wants to start one? :D
closing this train wreck
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