Hi Todless
Who did that belief evolve from?
Interesting thing beliefs. You can’t touch one or see one, you cannot put a belief in a wheelbarrow...and yet people will fight to hold onto their beliefs.
We used to believe that no human being could run a four minute mile. We used to believe that the earth was flat, now we believe that it is round (ish) and spinning on its axis whilst hurtling through space (even though our senses tell us otherwise). People used to believe that they could not travel in the new steam trains because if a human being travelled at more than 30 miles per hour then they would not be able to breathe!
Our beliefs drive our behaviours.
Henry Ford once famously said “whether you think you can or you think you can’t.....either way you are right”
A belief is just a feeling of certainty that something is true. We create a belief by accepting something may be true, then looking for evidence to support our fledgling belief. Ironically, whatever we go looking for...we tend to find.
If our desire for these things were evolutionary, then we would all desire them...yet we don’t all desire them, certainly not to extremes.
To get back to your question. I would teach people to shift their desires and focus. Give people the power to understand how to manage their emotions and cravings. You will notice that in many of the posts above people are not talking about eating because they are hungry. There is something else going on that is causing them to turn to food.
We have been conditioned to turn to food to pick us up when we feel sad or lonely and we have also been conditioned to turn to food as a treat when we have done well! A vicious circle. If we feel empty inside then food is never going to make us feel “full”.
Let me give you one technique to try out. A freebie if you will.
Try removing your sense of sight when you eat. Ideally blindfold yourself (perhaps not in a restaurant). If not possible, then simply close your eyes and then eat.
Ever heard the expression “your eyes are bigger than your stomach”? If you remove this sense and just eat then you will find you feel “full” much quicker and you will find that you tend to leave more on your plate.
When you do this, switch off the television and stop all conversation. Once you remove these distractions and just take the time to enjoy your food.... you will actually hear your body's signal that you are “full”. Most people, especially those struggling with their weight, just keep eating right past the full signals because they can see that there is still food on their plate.
I suggest that you do this at least four times (you have to re-train your body to some extent and create a new habit).
I know it is odd...but just do it and let me know how you get on. You never know, it may even evolve into a sweet new tool in your toolbox.
I have helped many people to successfully lose weight (with no “diets” involved). This is just one tool in hundreds and a good place to start.
I look forward to hearing your results. I wish you every success in your aim to reach your ideal weight, whatever that is for you.