New member
I posted those pictures so that I could get suggestions on how to lose the rest of my weight. I think that I look like a fucking piece of shit right now and really want to finally reach a point where I look good.
I am frustrated and disappointed by comments like these, because people are making fun of me; they know I'm chubby and they're just fucking around with me.
I doubt that anyone is "checking me out," because I'm still really fat and ugly.
I don't appreciate comments that say I "look good," because I know the people are being untruthful.
Why can't I be one of the hot girls?
I posted them on a forum, where I don't know anyone personally, because I expeced some nasty comments like "take the pics down fatty!" "you're burning my eyes!" "only plastic surgery can fix you!"
You are either...
A) ...a huge attention whore who is looking for a self-absorbed ego boost by posting "poor me" type of comments that will result in canned responses that tell you how gorgeous you are, serving as a temporary self esteem induced orgasm for the evening.
B) are a liar.
My answer?
C) ...all of the above. Because, you are a liar and you are just saying those things (things you don't believe at all) in order to get people to tell you what you want to hear. And, even though you are claiming otherwise, you want to hear how gorgeous and sexy you are.
How do I know this?...
I WANT to look good in a bikini, therefore I posted my progress pics in a bikini. Simple LOGIC.
People who think they look gross in a bikini usually don't smile in the pictures they take of themselves in said bikini. Pictures, mind you, which they willingly posted on the internet for the whole entire world to see. Call me crazy, but if you really thought people would insult you and if you really think that you look gross in a bikini, you wouldn't be smiling in those pictures. You also wouldn't be wearing a bikini in those pictures. Oh yeah, and did I forget to also wouldn't have posted those pictures on the INTERNET?
If a person says one thing, but does another, it means that they are a liar. Simple LOGIC.
*EDIT - I just saw that you are looking to close your account. Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because you're not getting the attention that you're looking for? Hmm...why am I not surprised?
Reality - 1
Stefani's Make Believe World - 0
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