Sport DL/SQ/BP/Row Challenge

Sport Fitness
396 pounds
old PR was 407.5 done first thing in the gym. I'm sure I could have gotten 407.5 now, but from 396 i went straight for 440.
Sh1t yea, i was thinking you put 160kg...

Better luck next time tall man ;)
Squat - 315
Dead - 335
Row - 155 (guessed high here because I don't normally max on rows)
Bench - 205

= 1010 pounds
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I should be able to get a max row, DL, and Squat without a spotter. Its bench im scared to do on my own. Think ill only be going for 198lbs on bench anyway lol.
I'm in, I have been wanting to join in one of these challenges. I am in cut mode atm for a few weeks but after 2-4 weeks I will be going back to strength which should coincide with the start of this challenege. My max's aren't exact and I will test this when I can but at this point based on what I can do I would say :

1. Squat (have to do front squat because of my back) : 100kg (I can do 10 x 80kg so it's probably more than 100 but my balance isn't the best so don't want top put something crazy up)

2. Deadlift : (Last workout I did 2 x 10 x 90 + 1 x 9 x 100 so it would have to be above this) 120kg

3. Bench Press : 80kg (I can push out 4 at 75 so this should be close)

4. Row : Which row is it again, I am bad with acronyms?

As mentioend I will have to test each of these as it's always hard to find a 1 x max but this is a decent estimate to start with.
i guess not. i tried sending a full user email of those who were active on the site since April 1st letting them know about the challenge.
hey, change my deadlift maxout to 225, i just did 265 today, but i realised anytihng above 225 i lose my C-back, and with my previous back problems, that definitely cannot happen, so i'm dropping the weight back down to only when I can keep a c back.
I've never checked my max dead lifts por squartes, i normaly do at least six to twelve reps on these. My max bench is 110 kg so convrted to pounds is about 225 ( i think, correct me if im wrong). I never have done BB rows, (i usually use the t-bar instead), but i know how it is used so will give it a go. I usually lift 100 kg on both squates and deadlifts , i reckon i could max about a hundred a twenty on both tem, so i give that a go and come back with some better numbers.

By the way nice challange.
110 would be more like 242 pounds ;)