Hey Jamn, I've been meaning to write a response to this bud but it keep on slipping my mind. Lets start out by saying that I am sorry to hear that you and your family are going through this tough economic times and I hope it gets better.
With that said man, please try to be considerate of your parents. It is hard on you but know what man, its 100 times harder on your parents. Back me up here guys / gals on the forum but don't you want to provide for your families needs and when you feel like that you cannot, you feel helpless and less of a parent at times? Think of how difficult it is for your dad (who is a man) and as a man, it's his social role to provide for the family and he is not feeling as adequte atm about it. You are probably very frustrated and the household is stress but try to make things easier on your folks, they are trying their best.
Sometimes, one have to swallow ones pride and it is a tough pill to swallow; but like spidey says, "What doesn't kill you, will make you stronger." I am glad to see that you are trying to take any job to assist the family out, that is a great first step. Next time you see your folks, give them a hug and tell them it's going to be okay. They will be shocked and try to be as supportive as you can without adding more stress to the sitituation. During tough times like this is when your character is being tested, show your parents that you are a MAN and not a whining child.
Sorry if I seem a little rough man. Try walking in your dad's shoe for a day. Btw, I think most library have internet access.
Best wishes,