Took some time off. I'm gonna be doing full-body stuff for a while. It will be 3 workouts (lifting) per week. Probably tuesday, thursday, saturday...for the next few weeks. In August it may be 4 days a week sometimes, depending on how the days work out.
Each workout will be about 4 - 5 compounds. I'll try to get in one upper push, upper pull, lower push, and lower pull/hip dominant exercise everytime, but some days will be different of course.
Day 1 will be 3 or 4 sets of 8, of course the last set or two may not turn out to be 8 if I can't get it.
Day 2 will be 3 X 12, again same note as before
Day 3 will be in the lower range, 4 X 6, maybe 5 X 5 sometimes, occassionally 6 X 4? possibly....
I may work in some sumo deadlifts, but I've never been a big fan of good mornings, the regular squats will be in of course. Occassionally front squats. A number of presses, pulls, rows, and all that will be in of course. I may end with isolation stuff, depending on how I feel.
This varies from what I currently do in that I want to get in some exercises from upper push, upper pull, lower push, and lower pull for most workouts.
I should try to get in more cardio as well....eww, cardio....
New diary?? Maybe...we'll see