Diary - AJP


DB shoulder presses: 30 X 7, 45 X 8, 52.5 X 7, 60 X 6, 65 X 5

Romanian Deadlifts: 135 X 8, 205 X 6, 235 X 5, 255 X 4

Upright rows: 45 X 8, 75 X 7, 85 X 6, 95 X 5, 65 X 5

Barbell Pullups (underneath, I call them reverse pushups because I forgot the real name, the delts and rhomboids thanks me though)

did 4 sets of 7-9 don't remember exactly
I forgot to post Tuesday's workout, it was some chest presses, a little bit of triceps, etc

Thursday (today) Quads

Squats: 135 X 7, 225 X 6, 275 X 5, 295 X 5, 315 X 4

Sitting down completely for two seconds, a little wider stance too: 155 X 7, 175 X 6 X 2

Barbell Lunges: 95 X 7, 115 X 6 X 2

a few leg extensions
a little bit of ab work, leg raises, planks, and all that jazz

Wide Grip Pullups: 6 sets, 4 reps each

DB bent over rows: 70 X 8, 80 X 6, 85 X 6, 90 X 5 X 2

Chinups: 5 sets, 4 reps each

Cable Seated Rows: @10 X 8, @11 X 7, @11.5 X 7, @12 X 7

DB preacher curls, a few sets
Saturday was off completely

Arnold Press: 40 x 8, 45 X 6

Standing Barbell Shoulder Press: 85 X 6, 105 X 6, 125 X 5

Deadlifts: 185 X 6, 235 X 5, 285 X 5, 305 x 3 x 2 (personal best)
changed form as well from what I usually do

Shrugs: 235 X 6, 255 X 6 x 2, 275 X 4

Pulls (under barbell in squat rack with feet up on bench, body in a downward plane) 4 sets, 8-10 reps or so

Db front raises (seated) 22.5 X 6, 30 X 6, 32.5 X 5
Forgot to put yesterdays...

Monday..chest and stuff
Decline Bench: 155 X 8, 185 X 6, 195 X 6, 205 X 5 X 2
DB Incline: 65 X 8, 75 X 7, 80 X 6, 85 X 6 (supersetted with 50s..crazy)
Close grip: 135 for 3 sets, dont remember reps
attempted skull crushers and some barbell extensions...didnt feel them
did a few DB lying extensions
ended with some pushdowns

Attempted cardio last night...didn't go well at all.

Attempted quad work today..didn't go so well either. I squatted 295 and stopped at 4 or so, but I was not feeling anything much. Could be due to not enough sleep...
It's all good bro. We all have our "off" days.

Get some rest tonight and get back into it starting tomorrow.
I forgot to post thursdays workout, it was back and a little bis
friday was off completely

Today, saturday...

DB shoulder press: 45 X 8 (arnold), 50 X 7, 60 X 6, 65 X 5, 70 X 3

Deadlifts: 185 x 6, 225 x 5, 275 X 5, 315 X 3 x 2

Shrugs: (Barbell): 225 X 7, 245 X 6, (db) 80 X 7 x 2

Upright rows: 65 X 8, 85 X 6 x 2

DB shoulder raises (front): 30 x 6, 32.5 X 6
Sunday was off completely..


Flat Bench: 135 X 10, 185 X 7, 195 X 5 X 2, 135 X 10
DB Incline Bench: 65 X 8, 75 X 6, 80 X 6, 85 X 5
Close grip flat: 125 X 9, 135 X 8, 155 X 6
DB preacher curls and some hammer curls
ended with a couple flies

Front Squats didn't go so well...I don't remember the exact numbers

Lunges, some side step lunges mixed in: 95 X 7, 115 X 7 X 2
Leg Press: 360 X 7 X 2

Back Squats, wanted to finish off with high reps because I wasn't feeling much throughout the rest: 135 X 12, 195 X 12
195 X 12 (supersetted with) 95 X 20...then I was DEFINITELY feeling it

Today: wanted to get in some cardio since I don't much....
Light-moderate jogging for 15-20 minutes
ended with 10 minutes HIIT, running four times up a hill
Back work...

Pullups: 6 sets 4 reps
Deadlifts: 185 X 6, 235 X 5, 285 X 5, 305 X 3, 325 X 2, 335 x 2
Bent Over rows: 115 X 9, 135 x 7, 125 x 6
finished with two light pulldowns and two light seated rows

DB shoulder press: warmup arnold press...40 X 9.
50 X 7, 60 X 6, 65 X 6

Dips: bw warmup x 8, w/ 25 lb plate X 8, w/35 x 7, w/45 x 6

Upright Rows: 65 X 8, 75 X 7, 85 X 7 X 2

Shrugs: 225 X 8, 245 X 6 X 2

Barbell Skull Crushers: 60 X 8, 65 X 7 X 2
Pushdowns: @8 X 7, @7.5 X 7

Squats: 135 X 8, 205 X 6, 245 X 6, 295 X 5, 315 X 5, 335 X 3
sat down for a couple of seconds each rep down: 185 X 7, 205 X 7

Leg extensions: 90 X 7, 115 X 7, 125 X 6, 135 X 6

Decline Bench: 135 X 10, 185 X 8, 205 X 7, 225 X 5
Incline Bench: 135 X 8, 155 X 7, 165 X 6, 175 X 4
DB one arm incline: 50 X 8, 60 X 7, 65 X 6
two arm standing cable curls
barbell curls, reverse curls
tonymcclellan said:
I love this one. Good numbers bro!

Thanks man...I always forget about the one armers, I shoulda done more, but I figured I should give it a rest since I had already done barbell
Tuesday and Wednesday were off

I was gonna go last night, but I was way too tired, so I collapsed instead...anywho

Arnold Press: 45 X 8, 50 X 6 X 2
Push Press: 115 X 6, 115 X 4 X 2

Squats: 135 X 12, 185 X 12, 235 x 12 X 2

Dips: 10 (BW), w/35lb X 8, w/45lb X 7, w/55lb X 6

DB front raises: 25 X 6, 32.6 X 6, 35 X 6

Barbell Skull Crushers: 55 X 8, 65 X 6 X 2

ended with some lateral raises and pushdowns

Pullups 4 sets of 4 reps

Deadlifts: 185 X 10, 205 x 8, 225 X 8, 245 X 8

Bent over rows (barbell): 115 X 10, 135 X 8, 145 X 7

Upright rows: 65 X 8, 75 X 8, 85 x 6

Today is off completely...

Squats: 135 X 8, 205 X 6, 245 X 5, 275 X 5, 315 X 5, 335 X 4
Sitting down: 205 X 6, 225 X 5 X 2

Deadlifts: 225 X 6, 275 X 5, 315 X 4 x 2, 325 X 4
AJP said:
I should give it a rest since I had already done barbell

Ya I've been doing BB flat and incline singles. Then its dips, but I dont do any direct tricep work...yet.

What are your stats AJ? Those numbers are killing mine!