I don't disagree that the system, as it is implemented now, is very poor.The thing is thought Trevor. They can keep appealing. They don't know the day of their death until a few weeks/months before. They also know that they can basically do whatever they want while on death row and not receive any more punishment apart from temporary isolation etc. Plus, if they are having a completely miserable time in prison (as they should be), then knowing that their death date was set would possibly put them at ease for the next few weeks/months, just as it could make them have to think about it.
Agreed 100%.. Death row as it is now, however, is not a well-implemented system.
So did I...I thought this thread was about a really hardcore back exercise.
To put simply; I'm not too worried how much they suffer. They are blemishes on this earth. And as such, should be abolished quickly.
Y'all seem to be stuck on the fact that they should rot in jail for the rest of their life. I just say end it. I don't care if its by injection, gas, or a bullet. Just get it over with.