Death Row

I have never really been one to have any serious objections to anything in this world above the norm. However, today, for some reason something just hit me.

We were reading something in Religious studies about Death Row. And there was one line which really got me thinking:

"... he was then injected with a lethal substance and put to rest."

This did, and still proceeds to anger me. When I got home I started reading up on 'Death Row.' Not exactly a nice subject, but still, I wanted to know more about it.

For some reason human beings seem to all have some form of hate inside of themselves. Part of us wants to cause suffering to those that have made us suffer, and I've just realised I think it's pretty sick.

Yes, there are some completely and utterly messed up people in this world. People who have murdered, abused, tortured and raped others mercilessly, but I really don't think putting somebody into a death camp is the answer.

All 'Death Row' seems to serve is a long, completely F***ed up mind game, in which a person is left to be psychologically tortured for years, before finally put to their death like an animal. It is savage. Acting in that way is not a 'suitable punishment.' A suitable punishment is making that person rot in hell. Stick them in a prison. Make their lives crap, and make them repent their sins.

I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination. The life is precious. There is all this about the 'Sanctity of Life' but at the end of the day, it is completely barbaric to meet one heinous crime with a long, twisted death. It's warped. It is twisted and, I would like to say it is not 'humane,' but what does that word even mean. As a race we have always resorted to bloodshed. We get more technologically advanced, but at the end of the day we are still as barbaric as we were 10,000 years ago. We just choose to hide it.

One fine example of how we think is our view on what alien life would be like. For some reason aliens are only ever viewed as murderous creatures who'd want to come and take over our planet. Well let me ask you this. Are we so different from the perspectives we have of aliens?

Every story line regarding alien life is can be taken exactly from acts of human beings. We fight each other just as bitterly as any alien is shown to fight us on film. We slaughter lesser life forms with out a blink of an eye. We farm cattle, sheep, pigs etc etc. We crush ants under our feet and quite frankly we don't give a sh1t because that is human instinct. So in this case, if a vastly more intelligent race were to invade this planet, we, as humans can't really say they are any more barbaric than us. Because no matter what they do, we have already probably done it. And if they are so much more intelligent than us, then they have a right to farm us, use us as slaves, abuse us. Test on us. Because it is exactly what we as humans do.

Anyway. I have now strayed from the point.

Back to Death Row. It really makes me laugh, and feel quite sad at the same time that our modern fundamentals are built on hate and revenge at the same time. Look at the Old and New Testament for the Bible.

Quotes such as "An eye for an eye" just completely contradict any form of an idealist 'humane' nature. Why do we as humans continue to live as hypocrites. It is pathetic.

I don't want to continue over into religious territory however, because we, as a forum seem to have burnt that out on countless other occasions. But anyway. There are my thoughts.
The reason why death row is a long wait is because it allows time for the criminals to get a lesser sentence. They are allowed access to the library where they can study the law and possibly get off of death row.

As far as the death penalty, I agree with it 100%. Many of which I guess are selfish, but here's some key reasons:

1) Criminals cannot be rehabilitated, no matter what you try or how much progress they made. Let them out, they'll repeat the crime. It happens every time, and very few actually make up for it.

2) Everyone is innocent on death row. If you were sitting on death row, you would feel as if it was too harsh. It's human nature.

3) Prisoners cost tax payers a lot of money to stay in prison. A lifer puts a large amount of stress on the expense of tax payers... money that can be used to actually teach school age children and actually prevent further crimes.

4) Most prisoners don't repent for their crimes. They just sit in prison, angry at the world, then come out even more pissed off than before.

American justice system is probably the most lose one in the world. In other countries, criminals are treated much more harshly. For example, if you steal, you get your hands chopped off. If you commit rape, well... you know what will happen. I couldn't imagine what would happen if you killed a little girl like this one dude this here.

I mean I certainly see how death penalty can be inhuman. On the outside it seems like. But imagine this... let's say you had a daughter who was killed by some guy raping her, then put her in a box, and buried her underground alive while she sit there to die probably days later?
Someone kills or rapes one of your loved ones and you will change your tune. Death row is a waste of taxpayer money. The condemned should just go straight to the injection table, chair, gallows, firing line etc. No need to feed them or give them cable TV.

I guess I'm a hypocrite because I fully support the death penalty and I feel it should be expedited to those that receive that sentence.
Tax payers money = valid point

Rehabilitation is a load of bull. I agree with that. But 5 life sentences in pretty much isolation is more punishing imo than killing the person. As soon as they are dead, they are dead. There is no more suffering on their part.

I agree. Putting somebody in prison isn't the best punishment in cases of horrific crimes. But the death penalty is screwed up. It's not in an act of revenge. It's not a victims family member getting 'justice' because they aren't doing the killing.
I look at things this way: If you can fully understand the outcome of your actions. Than you deserve no sympathy when you take action without care or thought of the consequences.
Tax payers money = valid point

Rehabilitation is a load of bull. I agree with that. But 5 life sentences in pretty much isolation is more punishing imo than killing the person. As soon as they are dead, they are dead. There is no more suffering on their part.


The problem is its not. Most of these people have a better life in prison then on the streets. 3 meals a day, cable TV, all the drugs you want. I don't know how prisons are in the UK but here they are very corrupt. We have too many bleeding hearts who care about violent offenders over here and support legislation to provide drugs, meals etc to these criminals.
Death Row Within:

Failure to tap into the inner beauty of yourself is a crime, "punishable by death" and thereby putting your Diet and Fitness on "Death Row".

No amount of "self appeal" will develop a "plea-bargain" until one discovers for themselves that their beauty inside is real.

Know that your inner beauty is real and bring your personal power into play.

Grant yourself a "Stay" of execution and remove yourself off of Diet and Fitness "Death Row" today.

You are no longer a "Prisoner" within your own skin

Watch your Diet and Fitness begin

Let me see that grin, as your love flows within

as you are about to win.....


Best wishes,

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The problem is its not. Most of these people have a better life in prison then on the streets. 3 meals a day, cable TV, all the drugs you want. I don't know how prisons are in the UK but here they are very corrupt. We have too many bleeding hearts who care about violent offenders over here and support legislation to provide drugs, meals etc to these criminals.

I hate that too. And I don't think prisoners, especially in High security should be allowed to live the way they do. I mean the big criminals on the streets live a lifestyle inside which most people wouldn't mind all that much.

It's a different matter. But what I am saying is there needs to be another way to punish the people who show no remorse and have commited completely sick crimes. But death just isn't the answer. At least not execution. Solitary confinement for week long periods of time with two meals per day for example imo would be far worse than death as time progressed.
When is murder legal? If you believe in the death penalty, ask yourself that question. Also say they find out a year or so after they put someone to death that that person was innocent? What then? Another thing to think about is if you are religious, then it says "an eye for an eye" but it also says "thou shall not kill" Also "judge not" I'm not saying we let them run loose, as they should never see the light of day again!
Death Row Within:

Failure to tap into the inner beauty of yourself is a crime, "punishable by death" and thereby putting your Diet and Fitness on "Death Row".

No amount of "self appeal" will develop a "plea-bargain" until one discovers for themselves that their beauty inside is real.

Know that your inner beauty is real and bring your personal power into play.

Grant yourself a "Stay" of execution and remove yourself off of Diet and Fitness "Death Row" today.

You are no longer a "Prisoner" within your own skin

Watch your Diet and Fitness begin

Let me see that grin, as your love flows within

as you are about to win.....


Best wishes,


WTF? :rolleyes:

It costs more to have someone on death row then to keep them in prison for life.
thats why I'm saying put in an express lane.

And then be faced with the consequences of killing an innocent person?

The one benefit of having such a long time on death row is the small chance that the person may be innocent. Which happens.
And then be faced with the consequences of killing an innocent person?

The one benefit of having such a long time on death row is the small chance that the person may be innocent. Which happens.

No system is perfect. Not much different than destroying an innocent persons life in the prison system. Even if someone is exhonerated they still have a hard time acclimating back into society after x number of years behind bars.

Besides this situation would be a total anomaly like it is now.
x2 OP what if someone went on a murder rampage and killed your brothers or sisters and was not put on Death Row?

The thing is, killing someone on death row imo just wouldn't make it any better.

I'd want them to rot. I'd want them living like a rat, rarely seeing daylight. But murdering a murderer just isn't the answer.

Sure, part of me wants to say I'd want them on death row. But it wouldn't stop with just that criminal. If you can't make exceptions there is no point to it. Prison needs tightening up. No debate. And life sentences need to be absolute hell. No debate. But death row isn't a good idea. It doesn't solve anything. And in some ways the person probably would welcome their death in some cases.
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It doesn't solve anything. And in some ways the person probably would welcome their death in some cases.
I would assume those who would prefer to live in prison for life outweigh those who would want to be placed on death row.

I know I would not like knowing the day of my death. I would not enjoy feeling each and every day pass as I get closer and closer to my death.
I can only imagine the hell that must be. To sit in a cell and contemplate the fact that you know your death and the hour, yet can do nothing but wait.

To me, this is not a pleasant thing.

But murdering a murderer just isn't the answer.
Why not? Why waste time about. Hurry up and take out the trash I say.
I am not strongly against death row. But I am against it. It has more cons than it does pros. When you read the rap sheets of some criminals, death is what they obviously deserve. Death row as it is now, however, is not a well-implemented system. Rotting in prison is a much better method of punishment. Especially if we downgrade the quality of life present in modern prisons today.

I thought this thread was about a really hardcore back exercise.
I am not strongly against death row. But I am against it. It has more cons than it does pros. When you read the rap sheets of some criminals, death is what they obviously deserve. Death row as it is now, however, is not a well-implemented system. Rotting in prison is a much better method of punishment. Especially if we downgrade the quality of life present in modern prisons today.

I thought this thread was about a really hardcore back exercise.


The thing is thought Trevor. They can keep appealing. They don't know the day of their death until a few weeks/months before. They also know that they can basically do whatever they want while on death row and not receive any more punishment apart from temporary isolation etc. Plus, if they are having a completely miserable time in prison (as they should be), then knowing that their death date was set would possibly put them at ease for the next few weeks/months, just as it could make them have to think about it.

I'm sure the thought of another 40 years + on a life sentence in a horrible jail would be gladly traded for it by many. The question is, are jails bad enough for hardened criminals.