I have never really been one to have any serious objections to anything in this world above the norm. However, today, for some reason something just hit me.
We were reading something in Religious studies about Death Row. And there was one line which really got me thinking:
"... he was then injected with a lethal substance and put to rest."
This did, and still proceeds to anger me. When I got home I started reading up on 'Death Row.' Not exactly a nice subject, but still, I wanted to know more about it.
For some reason human beings seem to all have some form of hate inside of themselves. Part of us wants to cause suffering to those that have made us suffer, and I've just realised I think it's pretty sick.
Yes, there are some completely and utterly messed up people in this world. People who have murdered, abused, tortured and raped others mercilessly, but I really don't think putting somebody into a death camp is the answer.
All 'Death Row' seems to serve is a long, completely F***ed up mind game, in which a person is left to be psychologically tortured for years, before finally put to their death like an animal. It is savage. Acting in that way is not a 'suitable punishment.' A suitable punishment is making that person rot in hell. Stick them in a prison. Make their lives crap, and make them repent their sins.
I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination. The life is precious. There is all this about the 'Sanctity of Life' but at the end of the day, it is completely barbaric to meet one heinous crime with a long, twisted death. It's warped. It is twisted and, I would like to say it is not 'humane,' but what does that word even mean. As a race we have always resorted to bloodshed. We get more technologically advanced, but at the end of the day we are still as barbaric as we were 10,000 years ago. We just choose to hide it.
One fine example of how we think is our view on what alien life would be like. For some reason aliens are only ever viewed as murderous creatures who'd want to come and take over our planet. Well let me ask you this. Are we so different from the perspectives we have of aliens?
Every story line regarding alien life is can be taken exactly from acts of human beings. We fight each other just as bitterly as any alien is shown to fight us on film. We slaughter lesser life forms with out a blink of an eye. We farm cattle, sheep, pigs etc etc. We crush ants under our feet and quite frankly we don't give a sh1t because that is human instinct. So in this case, if a vastly more intelligent race were to invade this planet, we, as humans can't really say they are any more barbaric than us. Because no matter what they do, we have already probably done it. And if they are so much more intelligent than us, then they have a right to farm us, use us as slaves, abuse us. Test on us. Because it is exactly what we as humans do.
Anyway. I have now strayed from the point.
Back to Death Row. It really makes me laugh, and feel quite sad at the same time that our modern fundamentals are built on hate and revenge at the same time. Look at the Old and New Testament for the Bible.
Quotes such as "An eye for an eye" just completely contradict any form of an idealist 'humane' nature. Why do we as humans continue to live as hypocrites. It is pathetic.
I don't want to continue over into religious territory however, because we, as a forum seem to have burnt that out on countless other occasions. But anyway. There are my thoughts.
We were reading something in Religious studies about Death Row. And there was one line which really got me thinking:
"... he was then injected with a lethal substance and put to rest."
This did, and still proceeds to anger me. When I got home I started reading up on 'Death Row.' Not exactly a nice subject, but still, I wanted to know more about it.
For some reason human beings seem to all have some form of hate inside of themselves. Part of us wants to cause suffering to those that have made us suffer, and I've just realised I think it's pretty sick.
Yes, there are some completely and utterly messed up people in this world. People who have murdered, abused, tortured and raped others mercilessly, but I really don't think putting somebody into a death camp is the answer.
All 'Death Row' seems to serve is a long, completely F***ed up mind game, in which a person is left to be psychologically tortured for years, before finally put to their death like an animal. It is savage. Acting in that way is not a 'suitable punishment.' A suitable punishment is making that person rot in hell. Stick them in a prison. Make their lives crap, and make them repent their sins.
I'm not a religious person by any stretch of the imagination. The life is precious. There is all this about the 'Sanctity of Life' but at the end of the day, it is completely barbaric to meet one heinous crime with a long, twisted death. It's warped. It is twisted and, I would like to say it is not 'humane,' but what does that word even mean. As a race we have always resorted to bloodshed. We get more technologically advanced, but at the end of the day we are still as barbaric as we were 10,000 years ago. We just choose to hide it.
One fine example of how we think is our view on what alien life would be like. For some reason aliens are only ever viewed as murderous creatures who'd want to come and take over our planet. Well let me ask you this. Are we so different from the perspectives we have of aliens?
Every story line regarding alien life is can be taken exactly from acts of human beings. We fight each other just as bitterly as any alien is shown to fight us on film. We slaughter lesser life forms with out a blink of an eye. We farm cattle, sheep, pigs etc etc. We crush ants under our feet and quite frankly we don't give a sh1t because that is human instinct. So in this case, if a vastly more intelligent race were to invade this planet, we, as humans can't really say they are any more barbaric than us. Because no matter what they do, we have already probably done it. And if they are so much more intelligent than us, then they have a right to farm us, use us as slaves, abuse us. Test on us. Because it is exactly what we as humans do.
Anyway. I have now strayed from the point.
Back to Death Row. It really makes me laugh, and feel quite sad at the same time that our modern fundamentals are built on hate and revenge at the same time. Look at the Old and New Testament for the Bible.
Quotes such as "An eye for an eye" just completely contradict any form of an idealist 'humane' nature. Why do we as humans continue to live as hypocrites. It is pathetic.
I don't want to continue over into religious territory however, because we, as a forum seem to have burnt that out on countless other occasions. But anyway. There are my thoughts.