Thats true Tom, However....
Actually, Sirant, the biggest problem in marathons these days is people drinking too much water.
How many of us are running marathons these days?

Certainly not me, but I wouldnt mind.... If not for all that damn running. Besides, those people are a breed unto themselves. Marathons races where someone "doesn't" keel over are few and far between. Water related or not, deaths in marathons are an all too common occurence.
But really, aside from the sensationalism in the news, how many average joe blows (like us) would ever even purposefully sit down and drink 2 gallons(or more) of water in one sitting? I doubt very much it is a big issue. I would think sitting down and driking that much beer is much more of a danger, yet I know people who do that all the time. However tell them not to pee.....
This woman did it under obligation to a contest, not losing weight or an attempt to rid herself of dehydration. Plus, as I mentioned, she was directly told not to pee, which from what I heard was also a large part of the problem.
My fear from these kinds of sensationalised stories is people will get the wrong ideas. Folks who were never ever in any danger of "drinking water to death" may all of a sudden develop an aversion to drinking water because so much is said about it after a particular, media frenzy. In such case a person could actually stop drinking enough water to remain healthty in the overblown fear it will kill them. I have suffered for years with the headaches, body aches, weight gain and other related issues that come with dehydration, as too many of us in our society have. It would be a crying shame to get everyone on the dehydration bandwagon just because of a radio stunt.
Fact of the matter is, unless you are drinking LARGELY excessive amounts of water in one sitting, to the point of being uncomfortable (which if you listen to the telephone transcript you will see is the case) the average person, not marathon runner or extreme athelete, really is in no danger of impending water realted death, unless swimming of course.
Once I start running marathons I will take it into further consideration, but for now I will still continue to drink my 8-10 glasses throughout the day, and I hope everyone else does the same....