Daily Check In - For support & motivation

Ghstgirl, Hang in there! Small changes, don't expect things to reverse course overnight. Start by ridding your house of temptations if it helps. If a food is not available, you're less likely to crave it. Or if you do, it takes too much effort to get it.

Regarding your planning to go out and walk/exercise - well lets just say I know what its like to plan out what you're going to do and get all psyched up to do it, and then not follow through. I'd be unable to sleep for hours at nights sometimes, convincing myself that tomorrow was the day I would start working out and losing weight. When tomorrow came, I always found some excuse, some rationalization to not do it. That sounds like exactly what you're doing. You want to go out and walk, but your mind is rationalizing that the weather makes it impossible to do it, so you do nothing at all. I used to do the same thing. You do know that there are tons of stuff you can do within the comforts of your own home that will be completely unefected by the weather. Workout DVD's come to mind, but even simple bodyweight exercises like pushups, crunches, bodyweight squats, etc. Jumproping is good. Outline some boxes in masking tape and jump from box to box, using both legs and then 1 leg at a time. Climb your stairs as many times as you can if you have some. Find a single stair or step and jump from the floor to the step over and over again. Play games like the wii fit, or my personal favorite, Dance Dance Revolution. If you're really insistent on wanting to walk, there's no reason you can't head down to the mall and make a few laps inside, right? There's always something you can do, remember that! You are not trapped, you have all the power to do what you need to do!
just checkin in. We had a cookout today. corn on the grill. Im trying to not eat anymore because i have no idea how many calories was in that big piece of boneless chicken I ate. It was really good, but big. my gym closes in 2 hours. fighting with myself to just get up and go. The thing is im sick of cardio. I want to lift weights also but I dont have any sort of good plan or know how to do many of the exercises like deadlift.

lastly i had to turn down ice cream tonight. oh well maybe 50 pounds from now i will splurge and get one.
Size32: I wouldn't stress about the calories from your cookout. Stuff like chicken and veggies, even corn, unless covered in butter or high calorie marinades is really not going to make you any fatter. One of my staple meals is plain grilled boneless chicken breast, steamed broccoli, and whole wheat noodles with some butter, olive oil, and parmesean cheese. I know that aside from the noodle mix, I can eat as much chicken and broccoli that I can fill myself up on and be just fine.

Lifting weights would be a good thing to do. Your goal when trying to lose weight should only be to maintain muscle mass. If you've never lifted before, you might actually gain some muscle and you'll definitely gain a lot of strength, even while losing weight. My gym is a fitness club, and there are trainers around all over. There are signs all over telling you to ask for for help if you don't know how to use any equipment (which includes free weights). Any of the trainers can also spot you, and I'm sure they would be able to show you the proper methods for some basic lifts. If your gym is similar, it might not hurt to ask around. Some gyms offer a couple complimentary sessions with a trainer as sort of a sales pitch to get you to buy sessions, and I'm sure you could definitely learn the techniques then. The trick is making sure you get them to do what you want to do, and not what they want you to do. As for a plan, well, I have my opinion and others will have theirs, and there may not be any right or wrong way. I believe in free weight exercises that utilize muscle groups rather than isolating individual muscles. I don't really believe in the circuit machines. I do 2 major exercises a day - squats and bench on day A, and squats and standing overhead press on day B. On day A, I also do seated cable rows, and on day B, I do assisted pull ups. I may incorporate some deadlifts on Day B, and I may try to learn how to do a free weight form of rows instead of the cable rows. Someday, I hope to be able to do unassisted pull ups. This is just what I do, and I don't mean for you to carbon copy it, but just offer it up as an example. I don't believe there is any need to spend hours lifting weights isolating every muscle individually, when I can hit all the major muscles in a few lifts - at least, not while I'm only trying to maintain muscle while losing weight. If at some point I become more trained or my goal switches to gaining muscle, I may have to change my methods.

Try reading this sticky, and this sticky, and even this sticky too has some good information for guys.

Oh, and you can also find videos online explaining the proper form for most lifts.

As for me, I'm still completely sore from my monday weight lifting, and I'm dreading going in to lift today, but I know it will only help with the pain. Gotta make myself do it. By the end of next week, it'll be smooth sailing. Oh, the act of doing the lifting will get harder as the weights go up, but at least the DOMS should be gone.
Hey everyone! Just checking in. Had a pretty good day for the most part. Finished today just under my calorie budget! Used incredible will power today - Had a bunch of baked goods pushed at me while at the spa and declined all of it. My sis-in-law works at a spa and does my nails for free (she's awesome). It always makes me feel so much better after I have had a little pampering. :)

Still trying to push myself to workout - set up the Wii today and used the Wii fit for awhile. That's about as far as I got lol. Got a little discouraged though and this is where my day went from good to not-so-good...

I weighed myself last friday up at my parents house, and I thought today that I felt a bit of a difference in my clothes, but when I set up the Wii my weight was the same as last friday. :(

Maybe there is just a difference with my parents scale and the Wii board? So now I am getting myself all anxious and freaked out about weighing myself this friday on my parents scale. I don't even know why I am putting so much pressure on myself in the first place.

I think all I can do for now is just keep on being consistant with my calorie tracking or I'm going to drive myself crazy! I think I'm halfway there already lol

Hope everyone is having a good day today!
High Sugarplump! Don't let the scales bother you. Focus on how you look and feel. If you feel your clothes fitting looser, then you know you're making progress. Different scales often read slightly different. A better measure of progress would be to measure your arms, legs, belly, etc. and get a measure of the inches coming off. "weight" is pretty meaningless, really.
I wish I had a Wii sometimes. I don't know that I'd get enough use to justify the cost but we went over to my sister in law's house and she was doing exercise in the form of this obstacle course game where she had to walk in place, jump, dodge stuff etc. Looked pretty fun and neat.
Thanks Mar for the encouragement :) I have my measurements down in my fitday account and you are definitely right about focusing on how I feel not on the scale. :)

Lisa- I know which obstacle course you're talking about...that one kicked my butt lol - The Wii is fun, but after the novelty wore off we didn't really use it that much and I'm just getting back to it again. It's like everything else in that you have to be disciplined in using it. :)
I wish I had a Wii sometimes. I don't know that I'd get enough use to justify the cost but we went over to my sister in law's house and she was doing exercise in the form of this obstacle course game where she had to walk in place, jump, dodge stuff etc. Looked pretty fun and neat.

If i ever jumped on the wii balance board all you would hear is "craaaack" with little pieces shooting everywhere.

nahh probably not. sometimes it feels like that way though.
haha size32 thats why I would never get a Wii... like most video game equipment, probably too flimsy to hold up to the abuse a big guy like me would put on it. My parents have one though and I guess its good up to 330lbs. I do love DDR though... I can play that for hours. I even sprung for the metal and wood arcade style dance pads a few years ago. They hold up well to my weight, but I broke on of the plexiglass panels last time I used it before my wife sprained her ankle and I had my gall bladder removed.
DDR can really make you sweat. I suck at it though :( sorry about your wifes ankle. hopefully its better by now.

just checking in. getting used to the water weight bouncing. I just look at what is the lowest it is when i wake up and as long as it keeps going lower every morning im not going to worry about weight spikes due to water or sodium.

I was hoping that after loosing about 10 pounds my pants would start to feel a little loose. turns out they are just stretched out alot and not really loose. I guess I got alot of weight to loose before i notice my jeans getting looser for real.

I think ive been overestimating the amount of calories thats being taking in. Overall though I havent felt really that hungry so there is no plans to change it even if it is kinda on the low side.

my motivation is still high thanks to all the people on this website. If it wasnt for you guys i would have gotten bored and given up by now.

off to make myself a bowl of strawberries for a snack. good luck everyone!
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Size32 - that's a great idea - weighing in the morning...I noticed that I really react to sodium too and it can be so frustrating! Drinking lots of water seems to help quite a bit! I'm glad YOU are here on the forum, you're awesome and you always have great ideas :) Keep up the great work!!
thanks Sugar :)

Just checking in. didnt get to work out today, had a dentist appointment. had a bad cavity in the front tooth, it got weak and broke down the middle. This is not cool since i didnt have dental insurance. So basically I had a half inch gap in the front of my mouth and no insurance. I ended up getting a dental loan. since the crown i needed was 1000 dollars minus fixing the cavity. it was alot of steps to get it fixed. Today was the final permanent crown so i am happy. still cant feel my nose actually from the Novocain.

I will have to work out tomorrow to make up for it. meals have been real solid. However I cant seem to break the 206 mark. been bouncing between 206 and 207 for a week. Cant seem to get to 205.

Everyone in the forum has been real supportive and awesome. you guys rock. i cant say enough how much this site has helped me stay on track and not give up.

Good luck to everyone and their weigh ins. you can do it!
Great idea, starting this thread! Thanks Tiny Bubbles for thinking of it! This week has actually been a pretty good week. I started going back to the gym monday from having a week off from being sick all week. luckily I maintained, just slowed own the process a lil:( Where do you find those weight loss trackers and how do u put them on?
size32: I had to pay like $5000 out of pocket for my hospitalization and gall bladder removal, and that was WITH insurance :( So I feel your pain. I loathe dental work. I've had some cavities filled, and it was an overall miserable experience. One time, I actually almost passed out in the elevator leaving the office. I sat in my car and collected myself for a good while before driving home. I know I'm going to need my wisdom teeth out sooner rather than later, and not looking forward to it. Especially since my teeth are impacted in my jaw, so it will be a surgery rather than a simple extraction. That means, another round of medical bills :( I don't know whats worse, the anticipation of pain or the anticipation of bills. Both are reason enough to keep putting it off as long as possible.
haha size32 thats why I would never get a Wii... like most video game equipment, probably too flimsy to hold up to the abuse a big guy like me would put on it. My parents have one though and I guess its good up to 330lbs. I do love DDR though... I can play that for hours. I even sprung for the metal and wood arcade style dance pads a few years ago. They hold up well to my weight, but I broke on of the plexiglass panels last time I used it before my wife sprained her ankle and I had my gall bladder removed.

I weigh 359 and the wii board holds me just fine. :)
I wish I had a Wii sometimes. I don't know that I'd get enough use to justify the cost but we went over to my sister in law's house and she was doing exercise in the form of this obstacle course game where she had to walk in place, jump, dodge stuff etc. Looked pretty fun and neat.

I have a wii and use it at least five times a week. It really has helped me with my weight loss so far. I know it's expensive and honestly I wouldn't be able to afford it if my boyfriend didn't love me so much and care enough about my health to get it for me. I also look at it like this - in the long run it's a heck of a lot cheaper than a gym membership, and the fact that it sits in my living room makes me actually use it. Where as when I had a gym membership I put it off more often then not because I didn't feel like driving all the way there. lol