Daily Check In - For support & motivation

Tiny Bubbles

New member
I thought it would be good to start a thread for a Daily Check In - a place to visit daily for support and motivation. What do ya think?

Like right now.... I need someone to talk me down... I am eying a chocolate donut and haven't had breakfast yet. I know - I shouldn't even have the donut in my house, but it's there and I want it!

So how is your day going? What challenges are you facing right now? What is working for you today?
Anyone out there?:waving:

Well I didn't eat the donut... not yet anyway. I had a 1/2 a bagel with 1 tsp. of peanut butter instead. I am still super hungry though.:willy_nilly:

:seeya:Come join me... let's support each other!
Through the donut in the bin!! Then it can't be eaten!

I could always take it out of the bin if I was desperate enough. Maybe I should drive over it with my car! LOL! I meant to give it to my son this morning before school or put it in his lunch. Actually I think I didn't on purpose so I could eat it. Arrghh.:banghead:
I think this daily check in is a good idea :waving:
Im happy this morning as i finally lost all the weight i had put on over the last few days. Busy day today though so i dont think i will have time to excercise.
My problem times are at night after dinner, i get major food cravings. I like to indulge in cheese corn chips. So last night instead i had a packet of weight watchers crisps. Still tasty but fewer calories and only a small portion size.
What else works for others?
Good job Kakutzi! Way to go!

I'm about to run to the grocery store and buy some healthier foods to have around the house for when the cravings kick in.

Emi on another thread suggested just what you did above - find replacements for binge foods. She finds substitutions for her favorite things that she knows she won't binge on. For example, instead of having chocolate around, she has chocolate covered pretzels and breaks them down into serving size baggies. Now, that would not work for me because I would want to eat all of the choc. pretzels - so for my chocolate craving, I am going to get some kind of hard chocolate candy because I know with those I won't sit there and eat the entire bag.

Btw, the donut is still here and untouched! :)
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My son got home from school and I forced the donut on him - YAY! I didn't even lick my fingers after I gave it to him - LOL!

So anyone else out there? How ya doing today? Having a good day, hard day, something working or not working for ya - let us know. Hopefully we can work together to find the support we need when we need it most.

Check back here daily!
* waves* Having a bleh day so far was all pumped up for a good week back on the wagon after falling off and then bam it's that tome of the month ( i knew it was coming but still * sigh*) so now I'm crankyish and far less thrilled at the idea of pushing myself to get back into the habit of working out even though it;s imperative now medically.
hey guys.. just joined slimming world yesterday.. sounded like the dream diet.. shall see what weighing scales have to say for that next thurs!! so far so good.. went out yesterday and bought loads of fresh veg etc.. i must say tho my biggest craving is cans of coke.. id go through them like a good thing..
Hi ladyumbra & Modders!


Ahhh lady, it does suck when it's that time of the month for sure. Just hang in there and keep it up - you can do it!! What type of exercise are you doing?

Modders, I know what you mean about coke! When I did Weight Watchers along time ago, I lost a lot just giving up the great big coke I always started the day with. Have you tried Coke Zero? I think it's better than diet coke. If I am somewhere that has a soda dispenser, a lot of times I will mix diet coke and regular coke. I know it's not the same thing though. Just work one coke into your daily plan and it should be ok. Good job getting the fresh veggies.

I actually had a successful day yesterday. Ate well and didn't cave into any cravings. Today is a new day!

We can do this!
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Everyone must be having a great day! No one checking in for support or motivation...


I'm doing pretty good myself. :)
Funnily enough I was just having a jam doughnut as I was reading through this, but then I threw half away by the time I got to the end of this thread! It was meant to be a one off treat for myself after going a week long on my new diet plan. According to this new plan im following it's never good to resrict any kinds of food from my diet but to only limit it. But I knew it was bad for me - so in the bin it went. I'm hungry! :banghead: lol
The odd treat never hurt anyone it's just about moderation and making sure you track the calories.

Feeling mostly better today if still sluggish, bah have doctors appointment on Monday, that's going to be killer.
Hi Jessica! Mmmmm donuts! LOL. Good job on your week's success! What plan are you following? How do you like it so far? I agree with not restricting things to a point. It depends on you. For some people allowing themselves to have that tiny piece of cake opens the door for them wanting more and more. For others, depriving themselves of that tiny piece of cake makes them want it more and causes them to binge. You gotta do what is right and what works best for YOU!

I just bought some Coke Zero and it really is NOT like regular coke, but I guess it satisfied my craving somewhat.

Hi Lady!
Yes, I agree - track those calories! It really does help to keep a log of what you eat. I absolutely HAVE to do that. Hope your dr's appt goes well on Monday.

Btw, I bought some chocolate covered pretzels in the 100 calorie packs and ate just one. I left the box in the car and haven't caved in to have more.

Have a great weekend everyone! Keep up the good work - it will pay off!
Hi, I like the idea of this thread.

Its 7:50am and I am just getting ready for work :( I too suffer on a night with hunger pangs. I allow myself one high protein snack, usually with a little bit of salad. If I still want something after that I take Celevac. Its just a raspberry flavoured tablet that swells up in warm liquid. fills me up enough to get rid of hunger pangs :D It isn't chemical, your body absorbs barely any of it - it kinda like fibre in that respect. It just expands to make you feel full. Doctors normally prescribe it for childhood obesity.

I'm a bit gutted for two reasons today. Firstly, I was meant to be getting my new kettlebell delivered yesterday but it didn't come :( and I wanted to use it today.

Secondly, I think I have pushed too hard with a weights workout the other day - my left thigh feel sore. Not the usual weights ache, but like minor injury sore. Dam! So I won't be doing my leg weights today, just upper body :(
-waves- :waving: Hello
Started off this week great. Have been totally motivated after actually seeing results on the scale finally. But, well, yesterday (the 4th) was a horrible day for snacking. It's a good thing that the day before when hubby & I were at the store that I bought some good things (cantaloupe, carrots, lettuce, bananas, etc). Just seemed that I was wanting to eat all day; ended up eating 2,030 calories which I'm sure would have been much higher if I didn't have the fruits & veggies.

Like I said in my intro post I have been making changes in diet as well as dancing for exercise for the past 16/17 months with no results, until last week. Yesterday I decided to add Zumba into my routine throughout the day and wow, I just thought I had been dancing previously. Ouch... a little sore today LOL
It'll all pay off eventually :)

Tiny Bubbles, I see that we have almost the same amount of weight to lose. If you'd like, feel free to add me & perhaps we can work together (although online) to lose the weight.
Hi aesir22!

I have not heard of Celevac before. Is it a prescription? Sounds like a good idea to help with hunger. For me, it is usually not about hunger - it's about cravings and just wanting to have what I want to have. Although since I started this a couple days ago, I have been hungry (like now and I just ate a bunch of veggies). I guess I need some protein.

What is a kettlebell? I hope you didn't hurt yourself too bad with the weights. Take it easy and have a great weekend!
Hi Dee!

Thanks for stopping by! What's Zumba? I know what you mean about snacking - I want to today soooooo badly. The veggies just aren't cutting it for me. But I haven't given in.

I would love a weight loss buddy - thanks! I really want to do it this time. So you have been working at your weight loss for 16/17 months now? Do you have a goal for when you want to loose your weight? We can do this!!

Have a great weekend!
Zumba (you can see videos on youtube) is like a latin dance. Sure works muscles I seem to forgot I had LOL

-sigh- Yes, I started making lifestyle changes about 17 months ago. I was seeing no results then come to find out I have some serious health problems concerning sleep (corrected some with a CPAP machine). Then Aug-Sept I suddenly gained 20lbs. Doc sent me for stress test, etc. They thought there were problems/blockage probable so in Jan I had heart cathe for both sides. Thankfully there was no blockage so no stent needed. During all those months I had continued the changes and have finally started seeing results. It has taken a lot of time but have slowly been able to build up stamina so I can exercise for longer periods of time, but still far from where I need to be. But that's ok, as long as I continue making changes and adding exercise, the results will continue :)
You can just buy Celevac you don't need a prescription. It isn't chemical, there have never been any side effects reported. It just bulks up in the stomach to make you feel full.

Search kettlebell on youtube, you'll see how they work :)

Its been a bad couple of days. Yesterday I did quite a bit of exercise because I know I was drinking last night. But I ate a large pizza, had 3 southern comforts with diet lemonade, a pint of cider and a bottle of wine. Yikes! It was my 'free' day though, where I allowed myself to indulge, and I did do a little extra exercise to compensate.

Ate a sunday dinner today. Gave my friend the yorkshire pudding though. So I ate 3 roast potatoes, the veg, two slices of beef and two spoons of mashed potato. Just had a nap for two hours lol, still feeling a bit delicate after last night, but going for a brisk walk to wake my brain up, then going to be on the exercise bike for an hour or so. Don't think I'm up to HIIT today though lol!!