Sport Cut the Dairy to Cut the Fat

Sport Fitness
I drink a glass or two daily, usually pwo with whey added. I do, however, use sweet acidophilus in a solid yellow container. If ya don't know, SA is 1% with added cultures. a serving is 2.5 g fat, 13 g carbs, 8g protein. Yep, sounds like it's a quarter fat to me =) And I eat cheese as well, usually a serving every day or two. And it's that evil cheddar, but it's 2%. For the record, block cheese of certain types, like the devilish cheddar, contain oral benefits as well.

o0o0o0o0o0o, evidence to backup a claim, what's up with that. =P
Thanks R.Lewis, or malkore.

But what about the negative effects of light on milk?
"ight-induced off-flavor in milk, which is referred to as sunlight
flavor, has long been a recognized problem in the milk industry.
White and Bulthaus (1982) reported that 53 of 90 grocery-store
milk samples in plastic jugs under light have characteristic light-
induced-off flavor. The mechanisms for the formation of sunlight
flavor in milk have been studied for more than 50 y.
Many studies have identified several sulfur compounds in light-
exposed milk. ..."

Alot more to be said in that. As far as negative (detrimental to your health, even to a minor extent) that light has on milk; Calcium and Vitamin D were notably getting destroyed by the light (within 15 minutes of exposure), so the common perception that milk contains alot of calcium would be indeed false at that point, and should consider opaque/heavily translucent containment.
so the common perception that milk contains alot of calcium would be indeed false at that point, and should consider opaque/heavily translucent containment.

are you claiming that milk in clear containers dont have "a lot" of calcium?

Thats a rather subjective way of putting it. I think a comparison of those in opaque containers to clear containers would be a lot more descriptive than saying it doesnt have "a lot" of calcium. I'm not saying your point is wrong, im just saying that doesnt really say a whole lot of anything
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are you claiming that milk in clear containers dont have "a lot" of calcium?

Thats a rather subjective way of putting it. I think a comparison of those in opaque containers to clear containers would be a lot more descriptive than saying it doesnt have "a lot" of calcium. I'm not saying your point is wrong, im just saying that doesnt really say a whole lot of anything

Try to take it in a different way then. Think of how the body absorbs calcium. Vitamin D is one of the requirements to absorb it. If Vitamin D gets destroyed rapidly (within 15 minutes according to this study) by light, then the calcium, in effect is useless.

BTW, you were right about questioning my statement. I misread the study. I thought it was including calcium along with Vitamin D being destroyed by light, which is not the case. Only destroying Vitamin D, which is necessary for the absorption of the Calcium, in effect, rendering the calcium in the milk useless. Maybe drink the milk out in the hot hot sun? :D
Light vs. No-Light, Raw vs. Cooked, Meat vs. Veggies...

I know what i like, i know whats good for me... maybe i'm a bit ignorant, but none of your unscientific and invalid testimonials are going to convince me otherwise...
Listen dude. I actually got into a verbal arguement -in front of 300 people- with a guy from PETA at a concert, saying how KFC is killing chickens aimlessly, because he didnt have any solid information on it. Unless you have a statistician (and im taking a college level Stat course for my senior year right now, so dont give me some statistic crap), you should back of until you get FULL information on milk in certain situations, such as bulking/mass building, trying to lose weight, and living a daily life.

Milk is a great source of protein and other vitamins, but should be used in reasonable amounts. That link basically says "Milk is bad for you". Cmon, if milk was bad for you, it would have the amount of ingredients in something like a Dr. Pepper (which im currently drinking lol). Secondly, "59% of all men in the U.S.A. are obese" is such a lame excuse. I could bet that out of the 59% of those obese people, 70%ish of them dont exercise or are active. I have no proof to back that up, but I am giving my opinion.
Thanks for the info people!!

I knew it!
Milk in translucent containers DOES taste different from the carton, and the fact of the matter is if it does taste different, that is because it has been effected by something outside, something non dairy related.
Reason I asked was b/c organic milk in the carton is MORE expensive than the same amount in a translucent plastic carton. Adn eyars ago I heard a nutrionist tell my mother to only to buy cartons made of paper.
Now I know.
And no more plastic containers for me!
just FYI milk also costs more because they don't give the cows tons of hormones to keep them producing milk, so you get less milk per cow, which decreases profit margin, so to make up for it, the price is higher.

because, people who only want organic foods will pay for it
I love the logic, people drink milk and people are fat so milk makes you fat.

I'm fat and I DONT drink milk, THAT MUST MEAN that milk is the miracle cure to fat loss!

I smoked the ciggies for 15 years off and on.

A.) I do not have cancer
B.) I gained a good 10 pounds after I quit


Cigarettes are a safe way to prevent cancer and weight gain.
I smoked the ciggies for 15 years off and on.

A.) I do not have cancer
B.) I gained a good 10 pounds after I quit


Cigarettes are a safe way to prevent cancer and weight gain.

I knew a business man that smoked for 15 years as well, never had any repritory problems or weight gain either. But he kept having "anxiety attacks". Well, he's not dirt poor b/c of a quadruple bypass surgery that took a toll on his wallet, business, and social life. He told me one thing I'll nevr forget " I knew that smoking causes cancer and lung problems, but I never knew it would effect my heart!" And of course smoking curbs appetites and increases your heart rate, but prolongs use of such stimulants causes almost irreversible changes to your metabolism.

FYI, after 6 months of not smoking, a person becomes 70% as healthy as a non smoker of the same age/sex/bodytype/etc. BUT it takes an additional 7 YEARS to get that 30% margin of health back.

But I can tell you're being sardonic, so ha ha.
I knew a guy who smoked, he said something once which changed my whole outlook on idiots.
he said
"well Ive been smoking for 30 years, and I'm not dead"

He died of lung cancer 6 months after saying that.
Its sort of funny, but sad that he was too ingnorant to see his faults.

Anyway - back to the subject in question - milk.

On the subject of PETA and the likes of such groups, I offer a story of how the A.L.F. "liberated" 10,000 minks some years ago. To the dismay of the townspeople, not only were the roads litters with mink roadkill, but the animals turned quite violent and even ate one another. An estimated 10% of the minks died within their short period of emancipation. And over $300k in damages were done to the farm, which seriously affected the jobs of those who worked there.