Sport Cut the Dairy to Cut the Fat

Sport Fitness
I think that this site over generalizes the bad of dairy and meat products. I think its pretty common sense that fatty steaks and whole milk isn't the way to go to lose fat or in general to consume. However there are great benefits to having dairy in your diet that is low in fat.

Low Fat Cottage Cheese for example is a great source of slow digesting protein and casein for late night. Calcium is also important and granted not only found in diary, but certainly a great source for it as well as Vitamin D.

To that site I say "Got Common Sense?"
I seriously cannot believe you posted a link that will lead you to the militant group known as PETA. If they had their way, we'd be on leashes with our dogs walking us. They launch huge campaigns about how terrible any form of meat is, how cruel we treat our animals...etc.

Food for thought-any time you see something advertised that strongly, there's always an agenda behind it and it's always biased.

Use this link:
search away there and you'll find actual peer-reviewed published articles and abstracts.
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Isopach, you said in your last thread you're not trying to give people advice or make us think your way, but at the same time introduce and defend your idiotic and extremist views on nutrition. No one is going to take you seriously.
If they had their way, we'd be on leashes with our dogs walking us.

Exactly. PETA is an extremist organization. I swear they must really hate themselves for having the misfortune of being born a human instead of some other more worthy being, like a dog, or a cow. You know, since humans are the cancer of the earth, and we're all soooo evil and whatnot. :rolleyes:
I don't support Peta. I hadn't even heard about them before I read this info, nor do I care about them even now.

The link I posted was regarding the obesity milk causes. The title of this thread is about fat, not animal cruelty. You guys are off topic.

In North America milk is in a sorry state. In Europe, its quite a bit better, but it still is not designed for human consumption. Anything milk's got, veggies got too, and are a whole better for you.
Yeah, that explains why Arnold Schwarzeneggar was such a tub of lard when he used to drink 2quarts of milk for his post workout shake....

I mean jeez, what a fat-ass!
I don't consume milk at all due to the dairy bloat is gives me. If you choose to utilize milk in your approach, I'd stick with skim as any other type combines all 3 macros in the same serving which can possibly lead to fat storage depending on how high the sugar spikes your insulin.
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I don't consume milk at all due to the dairy bloat is gives me. If you choose to utilize milk in your approach, I'd stick with skim as any other type combines all 3 macros in the same serving which can possibly lead to fat loss depending on how high the sugar spikes your insulin.

im assuming you meant "fat storage", cause otherwise, that would rock
I'm beginning to you think you're intentionally posting stuff like this to get a reaction.

In my humble opinion, you're not offering advice or help for anyone, you're posting propaganda...
I'm beginning to you think you're intentionally posting stuff like this to get a reaction.

In my humble opinion, you're not offering advice or help for anyone, you're posting propaganda...

And the Super Mod's aren't blind to that possibility either. As long as everyone keeps it civil its fine, unless it smells too trollish.
Skian is right...pure propaganda. That site is nothing but generalizations. Maybe a glass of whole milk is 49% fat, but there's a HUGE difference between whole and skim milk. And more and more people are becoming obese for a lot more reasons than dairy products.
In North America milk is in a sorry state. In Europe, its quite a bit better, but it still is not designed for human consumption. Anything milk's got, veggies got too, and are a whole better for you.

True, I'll give you that.

However, it's an over generalization to remove milk from the diet entirely, unless doing a low-carb diet. I use milk sparingly, in my eggs, but I'm moving more toward a low-carb diet which will remove milk from all feedings, except PWO, when the body can utilize the carbs.

I say, choose your diet on what works for you. I'm having the biggest trouble losing fat on a moderate carb, moderate fat approach, so I'm going back to low carb, higher fat diet, which means more cheese, less milk and yogurt.
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You're right Kent Man. I'm not trolling. Just speaking my mind, which is not advice or demands. I'm just talking to myself.