Weight-Loss COTTAGE CHEESE - what i've been missing!!

you can also try it with some cinnamon and vanilla extract - and maybe apacket of splenda - and heat it up - and it's a fake tapioca pudding.. hold the cinnamon nd add some cocoa powder and it's chocolate tapioca
I love the fake tapioca pudding idea! I can't stand the taste of cottage cheese alone, but I'll have to give this a try.

chickpeas - dead cheap (even the organic which has no soduim is under a buck a can). ....1/2 cup=6g protein, 2 g fat, 6g fiber, 110 cals.....Y

You can drain them, toss with spices like garlic, onion, parprika, etc, keep chilled in the fridge for a cold munchie or spread out on a cookie sheet, add spices, bake until hard and they make a crunchy, nutty-like snack.
I'd love to find some better snacks that don't cost $3 a lb

I'm quite sure that I can easily find cottage cheese that is $3 a pound. If anything, cottage cheese is more expensive than some of the alternatives. Just look at the difference in volume. I can get an entire bag of like 10 apples for $2, yet you're saying that's much more expensive than cottage cheese?
I have 3 kids and a husband as well, who also eat apples, so yeah, as fast as we go through apples in our house, it is expensive. And I said I don't like cottage cheese for the taste, not for the cost. I don't know where you shop, but my store doesn't sell an entire bag of apples for $2! It's at LEAST $3.49 for 6 apples. That's one apple a day for my family, with one left over. If I buy 4 bags of apples, that is $14 JUST for apples. If we have to buy apples individually at $2.50 a lb, it's even more expensive. So yeah, a carton or two of cottage cheese costs less than a week's worth of apples, but it doesn't matter, because I won't eat the stuff.
how about hard boiled eggs? lots of protein, probably better if the yolk is disposed of - but eggs are relatively inexpensive, and you can boil up a dozen and leave itin the fridge a few days.

Tuna on crackers?

Hummus on vegetables or pita bread (hummus is ground up garbonzo beans w/ garlic, lemon juice and a bit of olive oil)

Definitely leave the yolk out, but still it's only 4grams of protein per egg.

68Cal-12Protein-4Carbs for 100G of my cottage cheese

The kind of protein in cottage cheese gets absorbed by your body very slowly making it ideal for your last meal :)

PS, if you can't get it down try to take one spoon full of it, then take a sip of water. It goes right down then :)
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Barf. Sorry, no. Just the thought of putting that stuff in my mouth gags me. Water won't conceal that horrid taste and consistency. Sorry if that sounds rude, but I eat a lot of stuff I don't really like, and cottage cheese is where I draw the line. Thanks for the suggestions. I already do some of them (hardboiled eggs-white nly-yolk is yuck for me, tuna, etc).
spend some time in the grocery store -there are some snack foods that if you portion them out - aren't killers - just read the labels and avoid high amounts of saturated fats.

One of m y favorite things is the whole grain goldfish crackers - the 100 calorie p acks are ridiculously expensive but if i get a bag, then use my handy dandy zip lock snack size bags -i'm good for a weeks worth of snacks...

Anything could really be a snack - get chicken breasts while they are on sale, cut them into chunks - and coat them in some high fiber cereal -then bake them -- or just marinate them and stick them on skewers and broil them -and you've got chicken kebabs...
Cottage Cheese!

Cottage Cheese (not the gross leg fat kind) is yummy! I bought these cottage cheese combo things this past weekend (very similar to yogurt with fruit) and they're delicious. I've done some research online for different recipes that use cottage cheese as a main ingredient... there seems to be a lot of variety.

I'd recommend it to anyone who feels like they need a break from their regular routine... it's not only delicious, but it's healthy too!!

Any comments?
nonfat cottage cheese is pretty common in my diet. sometimes ill just add some black pepper to it, little bit of salt maybe, sometimes ill slice up some fruit and toss that in as well. i just avoid the full fat varieties, prefer to get my fats elsewhere.
I love cheese. But I cannot understand the appeal of cottage cheese! I bought a container of it, determined to like it....but that didn't happen. Now I wasted a container of cottage cheese. I also bought a little tub of brie and I had to give it to my mom, I almost tossed it- my brie experience was terrible as well!
i put cottage cheese on my salads too instead of salad dressing.. with some shredded chicken breast and sliced strawberries.. so yummy and filling
nonfat cottage cheese is pretty common in my diet. sometimes ill just add some black pepper to it, little bit of salt maybe, sometimes ill slice up some fruit and toss that in as well. i just avoid the full fat varieties, prefer to get my fats elsewhere.

Regular fat free cottage cheese has a ton of sodium in it - so yoo might want to avoid adding additional salt -and use the salt free seasonings like mrs dash or mccormacks :) gives it some kick witout the added sodium.

it's also pretty good with some super hot salsa mixed into it...
I have found enormous variety in the quality of low/non-fat cottage cheeses. Some I think are great. Others really taste terrible to me. Nancy's brand is currently my favorite. Not a bargain, but an unusually good almost sour taste. Good probiotic cultures in it too.

Just try several. You're bound to find one that agrees with you.

Other ideas:

Topping for a "taco" salad instead of sour cream (make mine with lots of veggies, some beans, cottage cheese and some taco sauce.

For a snack mix a little with tomato or V-8 juice.

Yeah I notice that too, cottage cheese is massively different from brand to brand.
I'm trying to cut out low fat foods now from my diet though, so I'm getting the normal variety to bump up my fat and calorie intake a bit. ;)
I think my kids would be lost with out cottage cheese. we eat it all the time. There are nights that cottage cheese and fresh fruit are all that is on the dinner menu at our house and my kids love it that way. I like to mix it with jello for the kids too. They love it that way. It may not be low fat to do it that way but it gets eaten!:) I also mix it into my baked macaroni and cheese rcipe. This is a new thing I have started doing but it means I can cut back on the cheddar that way and the kids haven't even noticed the difference in taste.