you can also try it with some cinnamon and vanilla extract - and maybe apacket of splenda - and heat it up - and it's a fake tapioca pudding.. hold the cinnamon nd add some cocoa powder and it's chocolate tapioca
I'd love to find some better snacks that don't cost $3 a lb
how about hard boiled eggs? lots of protein, probably better if the yolk is disposed of - but eggs are relatively inexpensive, and you can boil up a dozen and leave itin the fridge a few days.
Tuna on crackers?
Hummus on vegetables or pita bread (hummus is ground up garbonzo beans w/ garlic, lemon juice and a bit of olive oil)
nonfat cottage cheese is pretty common in my diet. sometimes ill just add some black pepper to it, little bit of salt maybe, sometimes ill slice up some fruit and toss that in as well. i just avoid the full fat varieties, prefer to get my fats elsewhere.