Weight-Loss COTTAGE CHEESE - what i've been missing!!



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Cottage Cheese

I just happened to notice as Ive been trying to watch my sodium as I am a big water retainer...I found that cottage cheese for 1/2 cup has like 370 mg of sodium..if you have a cup a day thats over 700!! I couldnt believe it...
Other things like V8 which i love are really high & I hate the low sodium..I just switched from salted nuts to unsalted..its taking some getting used to but I like the scale going my way much better than salt.
Salad dressings are really high as well as so many other things that maybe low in cal or fat..but hello sodium!
So many wonderful things to worry about!
i have amajor problem with water retention too and when i walk my hands especially swell up like balloons. i drink TONS of water to try and flush it out but its not working. its just so darn hard to watch everything. calories, sodium, carbs, etc. my gosh, who has time to live?
lol i know everything has something in it thats bad for you....i love cottage cheese some have less sodium than others but i dont salt my food and i watch the sodium(best i can)on everything else....i love it its good w/ fruit or veggies...the best stuff around lots of protein, you can mix in some protein pwd in it tastes almost like pudding, blend it in a strawberry shake and you extra protein and its pretty cheap how can you go wrong :D (im a fan can you tell)
Cottage Doubles

Recently I discovered these packaged containers of low-fat cottage cheese and "fruit topping" (aka marmalade). I like to eat it on top of a wasa cracker, for example, and it's a delicious and pretty filling snack.

The only thing is, the sugar content seems to be really high...and there's no fiber in there to speak of...:eek:

I was wondering what your thoughts are on cottage cheese in general and if any of you have tried these cottage doubles...


Trust me to come up with the randomest thread on...cottage cheese:rolleyes:

I love cottage cheese, but I'm also kinda cheap, so spending money of the fancy packages I won't do - I'll get a bigger container of Cottage cheese, and some canned pineapple to it, or some fresh strawberries, or whatever fruit/veggie happens to catch my eye.

this morning's breakfast was a bowl of fat free cottage cheese (80 calories), some canned pineapple chunks (80 calories), 1/2 minced jalepeno pepper, and some fresh minced cilantro... it had a lot more flavor, more filling, and less fat than the doubles..
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you can find low-sodium cottage cheese and V-8!:) I dont know how many grocers carry the cottage cheese though:(
Since I have been strength training, I have been wolfing down cottage cheese - its a goldmine of good quality protein and calcium! I just checked my favourite low fat brand, and yes, it states 0.3g of sodium for a '60g' serving. However, it also lists that 0.3g as equivalent to 5% guideline daily amount. I could live with that. I do eat alot of it, so I will take note of the sodium in future.

I have really reduced table salt in my diet - in my old lifestyle, anything boiled had salt added, and I liberally sprinkled some meals with it - I don't do either now. I also don't use any spreads on breads etc. I think that I can continue with the cottage cheese :)
This is something I allow myself to eat as a treat, because it has a little more sugar than other yogurts. I buy the Yoplait whips, (my favorite is chocolate raspberry) 1 jar has 160 calories and a serving of cottage cheese((fat free) 1/2 cup) has 70 calories.
I use 1/4 cup cottage cheese and half of the yogurt, which cuts back on the sugar content, the fat and the sodium. not to mention that yogurt has live and active cultures to help with digestion and by eating both your still getting the protien but it tastes like a dessert!:D
I love it!

and it only has
115 calories
2 grams of fat
230 grams of sodium
9 grams of protien
I like cottage cheese, despite all the sodium I feel like it helps me maintain a healthy eating habit while feeling like I'm indulging. Hi, my name is Iwan and I'm a cheese-a-holic. It keeps me from raiding the brie.
I hate cottage cheese

From what I've read, cottage cheese is a superb health food, due to it's high protein contend and fairly low fat content, and because it is fairly inexpensive. I can't choke the stuff down; I'd probably rather eat a dirty sock. I know a lot of people eat it for a snack, but the thought of it makes me want to dry heave...bleh. Anyway, does anyone know of anything else that is great for snacking that may rival cottage cheese? I can't keep up with the rising cost of fruits in my grocery store :eek: So I'd love to find some better snacks that don't cost $3 a lb that we go throug in 2 days. (I have 3 kids that are bottomless pits-they don't like cottage cheese either-so we go through a $6 bag of apples in 2 days~that gets EXPENSIVE)
how about hard boiled eggs? lots of protein, probably better if the yolk is disposed of - but eggs are relatively inexpensive, and you can boil up a dozen and leave itin the fridge a few days.

Tuna on crackers?

Hummus on vegetables or pita bread (hummus is ground up garbonzo beans w/ garlic, lemon juice and a bit of olive oil)
haha that is so funny...I just posted on my diary how much I hate eating cottage cheese...I just had some for lunch...and trust me I'm in it with you...I have to hold my breath to eat the darn stuff!! It's so nasty...Someone told me it was good to eat it....but what they didn't tell me was how nasty the stuff was!!!

Made me laugh when I read this....I'm glad someone shares the same feelings for it !!!!

I have to agree hummus is really good...I just tried the stuff not too long ago, and really liked it! My son loves it as well....

I've been trying to eat more yogurt lately with apples...just dip the apples in yogurt and eat them for a snack....or I love triskets to snack on....when I think of some great inexpensive snacks I'll post them....
Thanks for the suggestions. Ironically, egg yolks make me want to hurl as well (pregnancy morning sickness trigger gone awry...don't ask) Egg whites I can eat til the cows come home.
I think the best health food is the kind you don't have to force yourself to eat.

And cottage cheese is pretty high on calories, it's just filling. I personally like it though so I have to limit myself :)
I got the "no salt added 1% milk" cottage cheese......it says for sodium for 1/2 cup 45mg...That isn't too bad is it? Oh besides I'm not eating 1/2 cup...lol

maybe I'll start likin' the stuff....Hmmmmm...
I used to hate cottage cheese as well, but I tried it with the Cottage Double pack and mixed it with the fruit on the side, and began to like it. I can now eat it alone, but still prefer it with the fruit.