Complete B.S Thread

Calories are for babies. You're not a baby, are you?

How could it be boring!! OMG the things I would do! I would even rub the hubby's feet upon his arrival and give him slippers! NO KIDDING!!!!!

WHY am I forced to this slavery LOL!
Yeah I rather be kid-less with money lol

Then I'd wake up workout, clean, cook, get all decked out looking hawt for his arrival, be all cheery and crap -ahhh the life. I can dream can't I!
you don't know how to peel an egg? You just have to get under the membrane thingy that holds all the shell together.. sorta :p
I am replying to every post you make with something completely irrelevant in a shameless display of whoredom! For great 1000.

OH man your a senior now!! I have to be more whorish!