Complete B.S Thread

poast in teh thread
And put an upside down cat on top of every post. Then we will have a paradox. Everything that can go wrong, will. However, it is also a known fact that cats are exceptions from this rule, cats ALWAYS land on their feet. Toast will always land butter side down. So by virtually strapping a pice of toast with butter side up on a cats back you will get a paradox if that cat were to fall. The universe would seize to exist. In this case, AllCndBoy's server would explode.
We have a new weight loss fad here, If you sprinkle some crack on your Nutella on toast then the weight loss qualities of the drugs will off-set the calories in the chocolate spread!

Or another one I was thinking about - After seeing how the western world justifies its massive carbon emmissions by buying 'carbon credits' (paying a poorer country to use some of their quota) I think there sould be a calorie credits diet. How it works is that if you're approaching your calorie limit for the day you can just pay a poor person or an anorexic to miss a meal and use some of their allowance instead

All I need to do is put it into a DVD and I know of at least one person who would follow it :)
It is indeed.