Complete B.S Thread

I would be at around 2,000post if I hadn't changed names.
Sweeney Tod was a disappointment. There will be blood was kinda odd...

I have over 120movies in my netflix queue at the moment. I don't think beowulf is even in there.
Dont add it to your qeue. It wasnt really Angelina dummy. Regardless, I also have Syriana from I think my list is about 50 movies. I keep adding new ones but we only watch 1-2 per month lol.
The last movie I watched was...10,000 BC or something. Yeah, I think that was it. Pretty foretful, if you ask me. I really liked No Country for Old Men, or as I like to call it,

Several Thousand Hectares of Land are not Applicable Nor Available for Geriatric Males.

This thread is now about toning down movie titles.
Male Who Exhibits Ferrous Qualities