Hi everyone!!
I think I was here before but I can't remember. I know I was in the 150s group for a little while... and well I couldn't get into this group because I *gulp* went up to 175.
But... this morning I weighed in and was at 168.6! YAY!!
So I figure I should do something to celebrate... and here I am, writing in the 160s group. Seemed like a good thing to do to keep myself motivated and talk with those who have similar goals.
I'm terrified that I'll go up to 170s again. I'm also frusterated that I was in the 160s and just went up. I had a trip to Vegas in the spring and that definitely hurt me. We walked EVERYWHERE, but apparently that didn't make up for the bad eating I was doing. I went from 162 up to 168 and well, since then have sneaked up a few pounds.
I've done some things which I'm proud of though. After reading a bit of a book about artificial sweeteners I gave up diet pop. I also rarely drink juices, but will have a glass of juice if we splurge on pizza or pop some airpopped popcorn to watch a movie.
I definitely drink lots of water... so much that I actually think I need to cut back. As an example, yesterday I had 9 glasses and was soooooo bloated. I was too uncomfortable to walk in the evening and just felt awful. I keep trying to just sip my water, but when I'm at work I find I keep sipping it and drink my 8 cups during my work day. Anyone else have this problem?
What else, well, that's about all I'll bore you with. Just wanted to introduce myself in this group and would love to talk to others with similar weight loss goals and such.