
Read a review on it and seen some adds and it seems like its gonna be a pretty good movie...kinda like Godzilla but from some ones camera :) look forward to seeing it.
yeah looking forward to it also.
but it will have to be pretty good to beat no country for old men
I would pay top dollar to see a live action Voltron flick.

Transformers was awesome. CG has finally gotten to the point that it doesn't look fake and can totally fool the viewer.

Too bad for all those scale-model makers, like back in the original Star Wars days. its so much easier to build everything on a computer.

and with advances in motion capture, objects move naturally instead of herky-jerky.
stupid??? it looks heeps good!!! what makes it look stupid ?

The fact that:
1. Its supposed to be one giant monster going throughout the city destroying ****, something like godzilla, which is hella boring, stupid, and over done.
2. They never really showed the creature, just showed these stupid little people yelling "OMG WHAT IS IT, were gonna die, lets go run away through the tunnels"

I've seen these type of movies before..over done...hollywood needs to come up with something original.

Anyway, i'm off to read the movie script for Matrix 4 :)
The fact that:
1. Its supposed to be one giant monster going throughout the city destroying ****, something like godzilla, which is hella boring, stupid, and over done.
2. They never really showed the creature, just showed these stupid little people yelling "OMG WHAT IS IT, were gonna die, lets go run away through the tunnels"

I've seen these type of movies before..over done...hollywood needs to come up with something original.

Anyway, i'm off to read the movie script for Matrix 4 :)

From the review i have read the fella sead it was awesome and is totally original? And wtf matrix 4....i dout it!?
Does anyone else find the combination of these statements hilarious?

The Matrix is not a movie. The Matrix is a RELIGION. One continuous story filled with so much philosophy and metaphysics.
Cannot be compared to some ****ty form of entertainment like cloverfield.
The matrix was intended to be one very very long story, while cloverfield is just another godzilla copycat, which is the reason why it's not original. The matrix is as original as it comes.

Smith: A guy I know is a holly wood script writer, he mailed me the script for a matrix 4 and i'm half done reading it, and its pretty awesome. Though he's having trouble because the original creators of the matrix refused to make a 4th, and finding an agent for making another one is a very tall order.
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Matrix was pretty good but meh...if they make a forth one i will watch it but i aint that excited about it. I look forward to the World of warcraft movie :)
Matrix was pretty good but meh...if they make a forth one i will watch it but i aint that excited about it. I look forward to the World of warcraft movie :)

They are making a world of warcraft movie...? That will get the nerds who play that game 12 hours a day excited...
Okay... first off... the matrix isn't a relgion. Some asswipes in an office came up with a good story and put a bunch of metaphysical **** in there. That doesn't make it a relgion. And honestly, a religion with keanu reeves at the head? We might as well all just go to the Church of the Fonz.

And secondly, that's not exactly "the script for matrix 4" its a story your friend came up with that even he admits has been refused for production. If it does get made by some second rate production company, it still isn't matrix 4. You say it like its something that is about to come out in theaters.

Actually, the Matrix has turned into a religion called "Matrixism". If you really pay attention to the plot of the matrix, it answers a lot of questions about life. And whats wrong with Keanu Reeves? he's awesome, love his movies.

Your right, its not an official script, and it doesn't really matter to me if it gets accepted or not, it's still an awesome script to a 4th matrix that answers alot of questions I still had, and includes some crazy new twists and turns which give me a new outlook to think about on the Matrix and its philosophical meaning.

Proffessors have wrote hundreds of essays on the matrix and how crazy the story really is.
Do a google on matrixism
Seriously...matrix as a religion??? The movie would have been better if Keanau didn't go "whoooaaaa" so many times like he started in Bill and Ted. And if I didn't have to hear them repeatedly say "Open your mind, your your mind...blah blah blah." There is nothing in the Matrix triology that hasn't already been covered in basic philosophy classes.

Maybe I'm just jaded towards the movie due to having had 'getting in deep' with it in my Cyberpunk Film and Fiction class...that and the books Necromancer and Snow Crash.

I guess I don't see how they could add too many new twists unless suddenly Neo and Agent Smith discover they are actually one after forming a secret group called Matrix Club where he fights the evil of the machine.

Now for an important question...
Voltron movie-cars or lions? I suppose they could do the Lions and then come out shortly with a Robotech movie. Orrrrrr...have a 2 for 1...go see Voltron lions and then you get to see Robotech immediately following. Awesome.
They are making a world of warcraft movie...? That will get the nerds who play that game 12 hours a day excited...

Meh i guess...what is a feature length film compared to a 24/7 game where you can play instead of watch :p but yeah everyone who played or once played or even has never played and just played warcraft three will watch it :) they are the richest game company now so it should be a pretty good movie. Well i hope so with all that money they have
Does anyone else find the combination of these statements hilarious?

I thought he was joking :confused:

And the Matrix? Decent film, but there's not exactly any deep philosophical content there, it's too 'Americanized' to be challenging in anyway. And by Americanized I mean everything is thrown in your face and explained to death in order to appeal to lowest common demoninator as they sit there munching popcorn, which is where most US movies and TV shows fall down. What happened to the art of directing?

Notable exceptions to this that have come out of the US include: Twin Peaks, Carnevale, Lost, anything by David Lynch