This is ludicrous. Allow me to unravel the flaws in your argument.
While I have no idea what its like to be a pro wrestler, I notice that the vast majority of them manage to abstain from committing murder-suicides. In my universe, a stressful job is not license to commit homicides.
So what? Does this mean nothing can be ascertained regarding the event? Let me guess - you think the mob did it, just like they killed Marilyn Monroe!
We are absolutely entitled to judge people based on their actions. What kind of Romper Room nonsense is this? I am a lawyer, and even I am rolling my eyes at your gratuitous use of "allegedly".
OH thats right, I forgot... nobody here believes in God, Christ, or the Bible...
Where do you think we got the "Thou shalt not kill" law?
If he were alive, he'd be tried, convicted, and sentenced... He's not.. and will be judged in the final days.
You're rolling my eyes at allegedly eh... what happened to innocent until proven guilty? You're a lawyer? What if you had to defend Benoit, and whether or not you believe he did it, you had to try to get him off of the charges (if he were still alive), would you still roll your eyes at allegedly?
You have missed the point of my message totally.. people in this thread were not only commenting on what he did (which was tragic), but also the character of a man they didn't even know... while we can denounce the act, we don't have the right to judge the man. Not even a court of law can judge a man, they can only find him guilty or innocent.
I know he did what everyone thinks he did... but even Jeffery Dahmer was innocent until proven guilty, its our right, being a lawyer you should know that..;