I'm very surprised that people are actually praising this guy citing that he was so nice and stuff. He murdered his wife and mentally ill son. He killed them by first killing his wife from choking her, then he waited a few hours for his son, then killed him by placing him in a choke hold. Afterwards, some hours later, he decided to kill himself.
Personally, this guy did the most cruel and selfish act ever. If we praise him and pay tribute to him, then we might as well start setting up memorial services for people like Jeffery Domer (SP), or that guy who recently killed his wife and unborn son.
I'm sick of people praising this guy. These wrestling fans should be appalled by what happened and should be looking for answers if it was a steroid issue. This guy is a coward. Instead of living to face his issues, he decides to end it in the most selfish manner by taking the life of two people who had nothing to do with his downfall.
Personally, I don't like or watch wrestling. I did when I was really young, but I don't remember issues like Chris's, happening. I personally don't see why any fan though would want to praise this guy for any reason. I liked Chris Fairly, but when he killed himself by drinking and doing too much drug, I was more appalled and wondered what could be done to save others from his downfall. I didn't praise him and I even disliked him after finding out the truth behind his downfall.
I'm guessing behind every star, there is a dark place; possibly what makes them stars in the first place. Don't praise this guy, don't pity him, just know that whatever caused his downfall, it can happen to anyone else. Find the truth, and pass it on.