Chris Benoit Story

He did not "pass away".

He murdered his wife and his own child (strangled his wife and smothered his 7 year old little boy). Then hung himself a day or so later.

Frankly, I'm appalled that people actually commented stuff like "RIP" and "God Bless You" on those links. That is truly disgusting for anyone to say such a thing about a person who murdered his own family.

Rest in Peace? - I highly doubt that.
deschain - :yelrotflmao: That made me laugh.

Yea. The guy had issues. He is definitely not to be commended. I agree fully.
Whether it is true or not...right away there was questions of 'Roid Rage' becuase they found steroids in his house.

Such a tragedy
Does anyone actually have the confirmed story? I heard his wife murdered their son, he killed his wife, then hung himself.
Yeah. That whole story makes me sick to my stomach. How do people go so wrong? What drives one to do something like that? Whew...
I'm suprised nobody posted about this sooner. I couldn't believe this story when i read about it, absolutely shocking news and of course, i'd like to believe that someone set this up and Benoit had nothing to do with it but all the evidence points directly at him. It's just bizarre that something like this would happen.
This is proof positive that we don't really know the celebrities we see. Sometimes it can feel as if we do know who they really are, but we don't.

The fans of his wrestling character (and they are characters) are probably going to try and believe that it isn't true, or that it's some conspiracy, much like how many of the fans of Kurt Cobain swear to this day it was Courtney Love that did it.

Assuming it is shown to be related to roid rage, I wonder how that will be perceived by the overall public? Will it be seen as a tragic side effect to a dangerous drug or will it be seen as a deliberate act of evil?
Assuming it is shown to be related to roid rage, I wonder how that will be perceived by the overall public? Will it be seen as a tragic side effect to a dangerous drug or will it be seen as a deliberate act of evil?

Being that nobody can "rage" for a day or 2. The link to steroid use is a reach as it is. Thy guy clearly had problems and this needs to be viewed as a deliberate act of evil.

That being said, "roid rage" will be played by the media because it is easier to blame a substance than a person, and people do not want to believe that a "non drugged up" person could do those things.
I am not jumpong to wrong conclusion here but I think he killed the other part of me says , why would he do it? He led a awesome life. Ahh well there are parts of his life we'll never now about...

This is really sad, he used to be my favourite wrestler after Guerro.
I used to be a big fan of wwe when I was in middle school He was one of my favorite characters. He was the typical good guy that got screwed all the time and then finnally triumphs to win the belt. I remember a show when he had his wife and his son on stage with him.

This is surprising. When I first saw this on I was shocked.
Well, judging from his behavior and good personality on WWE.

I saw this story on TV about some actor who had depression. With all that money you think he would be happy all the time.

Also I read on wikipedia that his son had "Fragile X" Syndrome.
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Also I read on wikipedia that his son had "Fragile X" Syndrome.

He was injecting that son with HGH because he thought the kid was too small.

I've heard all the steroid stories too and had to say I was sceptical about the link to a crime like this. I did also hear that he was on a lot of prescription medication too and this could have altered his personality too. Does anyone know if this was the case or more media hacks clutching at straws?

P.S. Why do grown men in the US watch wrestling? It's all an act anyway and once you know that then what's the appeal? WWE in the UK is just something for pre-teen kids
P.S. Why do grown men in the US watch wrestling? It's all an act anyway and once you know that then what's the appeal? WWE in the UK is just something for pre-teen kids

Because we appreciate what they do and it's entertaining. That's like saying once you know acting is acting there's no appeal...:rolleyes:...There's so many elements to wrestling that marks like you don't get about it.
Being that nobody can "rage" for a day or 2. The link to steroid use is a reach as it is. Thy guy clearly had problems and this needs to be viewed as a deliberate act of evil.

That being said, "roid rage" will be played by the media because it is easier to blame a substance than a person, and people do not want to believe that a "non drugged up" person could do those things.

Agree completely.

I was just thinking of the possibility of the overall public viewing this as tragic, rather than evil. The same "public" who believed a mentally ill, brainwashed woman suffering from a total psychotic break was acting in deliberate evil when she killed her children.
I'm very surprised that people are actually praising this guy citing that he was so nice and stuff. He murdered his wife and mentally ill son. He killed them by first killing his wife from choking her, then he waited a few hours for his son, then killed him by placing him in a choke hold. Afterwards, some hours later, he decided to kill himself.

Personally, this guy did the most cruel and selfish act ever. If we praise him and pay tribute to him, then we might as well start setting up memorial services for people like Jeffery Domer (SP), or that guy who recently killed his wife and unborn son.

I'm sick of people praising this guy. These wrestling fans should be appalled by what happened and should be looking for answers if it was a steroid issue. This guy is a coward. Instead of living to face his issues, he decides to end it in the most selfish manner by taking the life of two people who had nothing to do with his downfall.

Personally, I don't like or watch wrestling. I did when I was really young, but I don't remember issues like Chris's, happening. I personally don't see why any fan though would want to praise this guy for any reason. I liked Chris Fairly, but when he killed himself by drinking and doing too much drug, I was more appalled and wondered what could be done to save others from his downfall. I didn't praise him and I even disliked him after finding out the truth behind his downfall.

I'm guessing behind every star, there is a dark place; possibly what makes them stars in the first place. Don't praise this guy, don't pity him, just know that whatever caused his downfall, it can happen to anyone else. Find the truth, and pass it on.
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