Weight-Loss Challenge Suggestion

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Oh yeah, and I also think that challenges shouldn't be cut down to just a few running at a time, otherwise tooooo many people will join and then it will be harder to keep track of everyone.

If there are many challenges, then I think its more intimate and close nit, people can be like a small little group and support each other better IMO.

You do make a good point there. Lets see how the polls go.
I think, challenges shouldnt be any longer than 4 weeks, I think we should have consistent, month long challenges, I think that would be GREAT! I abslutely LOVE that idea however, I do think that the people should be able to vote on if they want the challenge or not. I also think the minimum post number should be a low number....maybe 25.... I'm not sure, I was thinking 50, but some people may not like that. I also think that we should not limit necessarily the number of challenges, but the number ppl can be in....but, if people want to be in more challenges, then...they might do it whether or not u say they can.....please, keep in mind, this is not something I would do, and I dont think anybody else I have met on here would, but u never know! I dunno.....ugh, im confused now! lol
ok, another thing, lets say someone has an idea for a challenge, and it gets turned down....could that person start a "club thread" and just people who want to join the club could do the activites they have? Like, the heading 4 and reaching the 100s, thats a club of people trying to get to the 100's, so that wouldnt be limited right? And like the walking thing, if people wanted to get together to do so many miles, but not in a certain amount of time, could they do that, if it was like a "club" thing? I hope that makes sense....if not i'll try to reword it later....
i think we'd need to come u p with a clear definitition of a challenge...

a challenge, in my mind, has a definitely start and end point... usually dates...
Ok, i see....so t&e..what you are saying is, you can still have clubs, or support groups...a group of people w/ the same goal, but no specific weigh in days or start or end date

I agree w/ Mal..a challenge has a start and end date.
Ok so when I was addicted to a Harry Potter site I was in charge of the Contest Approval Committee.

K, I haven't read all 4 pages yet, but I got to this, and Kaitie, I think we should meet.:D LOL!
Oh, and what I get confused about, and again, haven't read all the pages, so forgive me if I'm repeating something...

But is it possible in the future to have one set day of the week for challenges to start/weigh-in? I know that for the halloween challenge it's a Friday, the 6 week challenge was a Monday, etc. It got so confusing I honestly couldn't tell you how much weight I'd lost for any given challenge..because it kept changing!
the weigh in date can be whatever the challengers decide.. friday was what most challenges defaulted to because most participants were in the friday scale day club ....

but that's a good point if you are in more than one challenge...
yea, i agree....i think we should have either friday or monday be our official challenge weigh in day. If you weigh more than that, its your choice.

I think monday's are a great weigh in day b/c you know you are weighing in and it makes it harder to slurge on the weekends!
1. a consisent monthly challenge that would start the first day of every month and end on the last day of every month. No teams, just individual members competing against themselves to lose the highest percentage of weight. Prize at the end? Hmmm I don't know.

by having it consistent, new members will know that if they join in the middle of the month, they only have to wait til the next month for the new challenge.

What's done on another site, is a monthly, stay on plan challenge.. it's done every month and the members individually compete against themselves to stay with their plan for the entire month... the prize there is an "award" for their signature.

2. A mid month quickie challenge, individual event, for whatever purpose.. that gives newer members a chance to join a challenge and not wait 3 weeks.

3. A 4 -6 week team challenge... that may have mini challenges in it.. (i thought the halloween challenge was fun because it wasn't just dropping weight, the exercise bonus points and other challenges in it were fun.. the frustrating part was the drop offs and chasing down people for their numbers)

Personally I like this idea very much. We could potentially expand to 5 challenges per month and people have a deadline to submit their ideas for the month and five (if that's the designated number of challenges to run per month) will be chosen by the board. The next month a new five could be chosen based on the ideas submitted. Does that make sense, while there may be a challenge with minichallenges every month, it will be a different concept/theme each month, decided by the creator(s).

I do like the prizes listed so far, especially the pics and the "banner change" under member's names and the e-card idea.

I think 5...or maybe 4 could be manageable in regards to monitoring ..potentially and still allow for a cozy, family feel within the challenge.

Just my 2 cents. But like M said, you're not going to please every body all the time. So I think opening a case by case challenge up to a forum vote is just going to cause an ongoing open ended discussion with no resolution. That's the point of having a board, to avoid all the hassle and potential disagreement. Needless to say, I vote for a board. :)
I would also like to say that there's really no way to punish or penalize people who flake on a contest.
I like the idea of a banner or signature "award" for those who win a challenge by staying on track, or losing their goal:)
very interesting thread so far...

just a thought. In order to sign up for a challenge the individual must read a "terms and conditions" section... this is where its explained what the challenge is all about, and so forth.... or perhaps this is just a one time shot in order to even participate in the challeges...

really though, whatever the mods decide, I will be happy. I'm confident we're in good hands :)
I can run it by Sean and see if it is able to be changed or not.

Also, are we goign to do it for the winning team or just the biggest looser?? IF we are goign to do it for the whole team, how might we word it?
it should probably have the whatever thename of the challenge champ... or whatever theme the challenge was... and they keep the title for x amount of time..

makes for an intersting dilemma though- what if a person is inmore than one challenge.. and they are on thewinning team for both?
well, lol, that is a good question...i can't believe it would happen that way, but you never know. I doubt Sean could put both team names under our username...um,well, in order for that to happen, both challenges would have to end at about the same time....but maybe whichever challenge ended last would be the one he/she would get under the username?
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