Weight-Loss Challenge Suggestion

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I totally agree it's like a ghost town in a couple of the challange
forums! Challanges are fun and really do help push ya to losing those
lb's! I think the teamies disapear and like Mal said alot of them are
new members that post twice then vanish! Katie awesome ideals!
Im new here but i like the whole challengs idea and Ive been dieing to get into one. So here is my input

What makes a challenge fun?

first its almost like a game, your trying to win for your self but at the same time your helping others. they see you and say WOW he/she did it Im gonna do it next time.

What would keep you in the challenge?

Im not sure, I think a fun prize would keep more people in them. Like loser has to post a pic of them self waring a dumb hat Or winner gets a bttion for there siggy, web page, were ever, saying they won this challenge.

What's the ideal length of a challenge?
a month for most but I also think having a a few longer ones for things like summer and such would be good. Like 2 or 3 month beathing suit challenge would be good. But most of them should probly be a month long.
I like the challenge board too, but I think the rest of the members should have an input too. Like, the challenge board could do a post and ask members if THEY wanted to do the challenge, post the rules, etc, and then if over so many members say they want to, it should be allowed....I think if someone proposes a challenge, it should be up to more than just four people. Inform the other members about it, and let them decide. Kinda like a democracy. BUT, there should only be so many challenges going on at one time. For example, lets say the limit is five challenges at once, then if five challenges are going on, I can propose my challenge to the board, let them have the members of the forum vote, and then, if the majority says they do want it, they can have it, but only after one of the other challenges are over....just my opinion, I think alot of people would get mad if it was only left up to 4 people, and no one else got to have an opinion....
i got your point t&e....hum *thinking, thinking*

ok, so first thing we need to decide is if we are goign to have a 'board' or just post a thread asking everyone what their thoughts are on starting a new challenge. Thats the first thing that needs decided.....I can post another thread asking everyone if they have any input at all in the challenges, to get to this thread and voice their thoughts.

Then after that I think we need to set some ground rules....like how long a challenge should last (i personally really think 4 wks is great length for maintaining enthusiasm)....um, how many challenges should be going on at once (and again, sorry, but my 2 cents is that 3 is plenty...remember the point is b/c its getting overwhelming and messy...i really think 4 or more would make it too much...again, my 2 cents), and who can join a challenge (for example, unless its a 'newbie challenge' can people w/ 100 or 200 posts or less join??)

But again, we can answere these questions later, lets decide weither (sp)or not to have a board. Lets give everyone till tommorrow evening to post their thoughts on the matter and the group w/ the largest number of votes wins...sound good?????
you were faster than me, new bride... :D perhaps a poll if the members want a board or not?

I've been trying to envision how this could work to improve it - if it indeed really needs improving... and it might very well be me being incredibly stressed out and i'm cranky and overly anal...

some random thoughts
1. a consisent monthly challenge that would start the first day of every month and end on the last day of every month. No teams, just individual members competing against themselves to lose the highest percentage of weight. Prize at the end? Hmmm I don't know.

by having it consistent, new members will know that if they join in the middle of the month, they only have to wait til the next month for the new challenge.

What's done on another site, is a monthly, stay on plan challenge.. it's done every month and the members individually compete against themselves to stay with their plan for the entire month... the prize there is an "award" for their signature.

2. A mid month quickie challenge, individual event, for whatever purpose.. that gives newer members a chance to join a challenge and not wait 3 weeks.

3. A 4 -6 week team challenge... that may have mini challenges in it.. (i thought the halloween challenge was fun because it wasn't just dropping weight, the exercise bonus points and other challenges in it were fun.. the frustrating part was the drop offs and chasing down people for their numbers)

4. something else... what that is i'm not sure
Hey heres a thought, instaed of limiting the challanges because
there are all sorts of different ones to fit our needs why don't
you limit how many challanges 1 person can be in example I am
in 3 and yes it is a little hectic to remember to post everywhere so
limit 2 challanges per person and when 1 ends you can pick up another
challange, and as for new members they should be able to join
challanges but maybe have a newbie start like a 2 week mini challange
just to see if they like it?Just ideals! Tammy:D
Ok so I'd like to be on the 'board' if that is possible. :)

Another idea for awards.... posting pictures in peoples threads...so for the Halloween challenge everyone who lost posts a picture of something Halloweeny in the winners thread. (candy, pumpkin kind of thing) No bigger than a normal size avatar of course.

Like this:

Go Vamps!
Ok, so lets start here...how about i post a poll...."do you think we need a limit to how many challenges we have or how many challenge you can be in" and then go from there??
Challenging challenge?

I have a voice but you can't hear it right now. Anyway, on to challenges. I think challenges should be monthly and their should be probably 2 challenges. One should be for weight loss and the other should be for inches lost. It depends on what stage of weight loss people are in.

I have lost 35 pounds and I have another 15 to go. I have changed my plan to move from straight weight loss to weight loss and muscle toning. The speed of the weight loss will be slower, but the inches should fall as fast or faster. BTW, I've lost 10 inches in the waist.

I am part of another discussion board and I was nominated to monitor and post the weight loss and the question about inches was addressed, so we are monitoring weight and inches. Also, I market an energy drink, so I am sending 10 energy drinks to the winner. The prize seems to help others to stay motivated. So, if there is some kind of tangible prize, then that may help as well.

Just my $.02.
I dont agree with not letting new people join. I mean I can see why but im new and I want to join.
maby instead of not letting new people join make a rule saying that if yo udrop out with out reason you cannot join another one for so long.

maby add a specal advent one. there is always some kind of specal day comming up. You could do thinkings like thanks giving, Xmas, vernal equnox, easter, 4th july, boxing day. things like that it will always give you the chance to start a new one when needed because something is always comming up. I know the little ones sound kinda strange but you would be shocked on what people do. For vernal equnox We dance around the house and call everyone and then play with eggs for the rest of the day.
Just a though
Ok so I'd like to be on the 'board' if that is possible. :)

Another idea for awards.... posting pictures in peoples threads...so for the Halloween challenge everyone who lost posts a picture of something Halloweeny in the winners thread. (candy, pumpkin kind of thing) No bigger than a normal size avatar of course.

Like this:

Go Vamps!

AWWW Cuite ideal Katie!:D
I dont agree with not letting new people join. I mean I can see why but im new and I want to join.
maby instead of not letting new people join make a rule saying that if yo udrop out with out reason you cannot join another one for so long.
i think there should be a minumum number of posts.. maybe something like 15 or 25 - a number that's easy to get to but it also takes a little effort so we know you are sticking around.

The halloween challenge, we had at least 7 drop outs that were 1 and 2 post wonders... teams might have been set up differently if they were not part of the challenge.

I don't want to exclude anyone.. but I'd also like to know that aperson will be on the boards at the end of the challenge as well
I'm of the sound opinion that no one person/group will be able to please all people all the time.

So...if there's only 4 people on the team of decision makers - so be it...they will not be able to make all people happy, always. And that's ok.

Overall, I'm fine with however many challenges are out there, simply because I know I will only be in one and will pick and choose them carefully.

I think the Halloween Challenge has been the best one I've been involved with - like OHD said, it had a lot of mini challenges that created a focus on healthier living, not just a scale number. To me, that is HUGE! It also helped me feel like I could contribute, even during the times when my weight wasn't dropping.

Like Mal said, chasing people to post their numbers must have been a PITA, and seeing people drop out two weeks till the end if frustrating. It makes me think that because they might have "hurt" the team, they would pull out. I think that's unfortunate for all the teams involved.

As for length of duration of challenges, I like 4 weeks or so. I know I'll be taking a break after this challenge because I don't want to go from one right into another back to back.

However you guys (moderators) decide to work this will ultimately be fine with me. You guys put a lot of time and effort into making this a great forum community to be a part of - so I'm all for leaving the decision making process to those of you who do so much to keep this a smooth running place to be!
:D Well said M2M! "Leave it to the "MODS" they have to deal
with alot of the things that go on with the challanges!So
whatever you all decide I am sure every1 should agree with!
This is a gr8 website helped me lose alomost 40lbs do to challanges
and gr8 supportive people! Thanks again Tammy:)
thanks ladies for your input.

I wish everyone agreed w/ you, but alot of people still get upset w/ mods, so I will still post a poll and see how that goes.

So far everyone has said that 4 wks is a good challenge.....Oh, and I agree, the halloween challenge was a great one...it had a new challenge every week to keep you going...and I'm sorry I pulled out of it. But for real, i've been having some issues lately and I really felt I HAD to pull out to help me figure out whats going on. might not make sence to you, but believe me, it really was somethign I unfortuanatly had to do.
While we're talking about challenges.. any other changes or additions you folks would like to see... i'm not sure we can promise that everything asked for can be implemented... but ithink we'd like to hear how things can be improved...

I was thinking of a good prize could be changing the name under the screenname, instead of "Newb" or "Moderator" it could say "Nov. Challenge Winner" Or something like that. I'm not sure if its possible to change the words individually, if not then dismiss this. Also, something like Kaitie said about a cute little picture of something, maybe the winners could get a specially made avatar that has a trophy or something that says winner.

People not posting their weight...

I also don't like the fact that some people don't post their weight. I already see this in the Newbie vs. Oldie threads. I can understand that people are busy, so if they know they're gonna be busy, why enter?? I think if people don't post their weight by a certain deadline, like they have one day after the due date to get their weight in, otherwise they'll be disqualified to continue, I think that's reasonable. Otherwise we get behind and its hard to start a new week.
Oh yeah, and I also think that challenges shouldn't be cut down to just a few running at a time, otherwise tooooo many people will join and then it will be harder to keep track of everyone.

If there are many challenges, then I think its more intimate and close nit, people can be like a small little group and support each other better IMO.

But I do think that people should be only allowed to enter a few at a time and not many. But then again, people can use their own judgement for how many contests its good for them to enter into.
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