Bloody noxious fumes; I hope you recover quickly.
I'm getting there, thanks Llama. A couple of days at home, breathing in our crisp, cold air is really helping.
hope you don't mind a geographic question, and i'm well aware that these are three separate countries, but is there any way, as in a world perspective, you guys refer to Australia, New Zealand & Tasmania as a group?
I don't mind at all, Flyer. You probably know as much about our geography as I know about the US. I think most Americans assume we know what the abbreviations for each state are, but in truth, I have to look them up almost every time. I remember my BIL (in Baltimore) showing me a "World Atlas" that was almost all of the US, with about 30 pages for the rest of the world. We didn't study American history or geography when I was in high school. I loathed British history. We should have been studying our own history in-depth & then maybe there would not be so much racism towards our first nations people.
Sorry, I got up on my soapbox then.
Tasmania isn't a country, it's an island state of Australia, but we talk about ourselves as being Tasmanian first & foremost, rather than Australian. Anyone would be easily mistaken to think it was another country. We "go to the mainland" & many people say, only partly in jest, "Oh, you're from Australia." I feel very much Tasmanian, although I wasn't born here. I have lived here for almost 37 years. When customers in our bar used to say "Oh, you're not from here. You're not Tasmanian." I would retort that I was Tasmanian & I
chose to live here. Australians don't really feel that they are grouped with New Zealand, although most of us have a soft spot for New Zealanders & used to be able to travel backwards & forwards more freely between the 2 countries. Historically the 2 countries were allied in war. We also have a soft spot for Canada. We actually haven't ever been to NZ as we always felt it would be very much like here in Tasmania, but we might one day.

oh that sucks. Hope you recover quickly.
I'm definitely getting there, thanks, Liza xo
Sounds like you are having the kind of spring/summer we had this past year...ours was cold and wet and I didn't know when to plant the warm-loving plants and then didn't bother as it was so odd and off!
I don't think I mind really, so long as we do get some summer sometime. It is weird though.
I only got about 5 hours sleep last night & watched the Morocco/France semi-final at 6 am this morning. Morocco played really well & I feel it's a bit of a shame they didn't get through. The final will be very exciting & we will get up at 2 am on Monday, our time to watch it. Messi is the most skilful football player I have ever seen.
I managed 2 walks with Arch(picked up some lemons & banana passionfruit from a neighbour up the other end of the street & 2 chats with R, our younger son, had a delivery of a couple of Christmas presents & have been pottering about doing some housework in instalments. I have enjoyed the day. I'm quite happy with how the hampers are going. I keep finding things & adding them.