Cate's Diary

That's so hard Cate. I really had a hard time with my mom's birthday this year, and it makes sense with August being when two very close relatives passed. Maybe you could do a little ceremony for them like ringing a bell to let them know you are thinking of them or having a meal of their favorite things in their honor or something that would help you feel closer to them?

I hope G can make you a lot of immune booster foods so you make sure you get over Covid completely. I need to look up how we get tested without having state IDs yet, as we've all been head achy have little coughs, so could possibly have a very very mild version of this. The local testing centers are very busy here.

Good luck with your new plan. I will probably do something similar.
I have been dreaming a lot & having nightmares. I have been anxious a lot of the time.
:grouphug: sending you hugs Cate.
It's strange when you see the patterns that come up year to year. I can usually plan on more anxiety in the Spring. Doesn't make it feel better but it does help to know that there is a certain rhythm to it.
Thanks, Marsia & Liza :grouphug: I don't think I dwell on their deaths & Mum had lived well past her time. My sister too looked like living a lonely life after her husband died. I think my feelings are more to do with it being winter. Today is very gloomy. It has been raining heavily overnight & is very overcast at the moment. We have another funeral to go to today(an elderly friend) & then one on Thursday. We will catch up with lots of friends. I rang my brother the day to tell him about our aunt's death & he has just been to 4 funerals of friends in the last few weeks. He's 8 years older than me.
Do you think there's a link between the vivid dreams and not drinking?
I think so, Em.
Thanks for the hug, LaMa. They're always welcome 💓
The funeral was in the Catholic church & their funerals are usually quite long. It would have been what she wanted. It was absolutely freezing & started raining as we got to the cemetery. It was "6oC, feels like -1.3oC". I stayed in the car. I was frozen already & I didn't want to be wet & frozen. G took our pathetic little umbrella. I really, really must get a lovely big, nice umbrella. There is an umbrella shop in Launceston that I keep meaning to go to.
Yesterday was a very lazy day.
Last evening I shared a bottle of Portugeuse red with G & sipped it very slowly. It was delicious, I know how to reduce my wine consumption & I don't want to make a big deal of it as when I do I usually set myself up for failure. I won't have a drink today. G has golf & then pool tonight.
yes for sure, winter, funerals, cold...all can bring up a lot....I like the sound of the wine after that--sounds like warmth for the heart and soul.
I love umbrellas...i use them for the sun and the rain :)
I just thought of mulled wine. How good would that be on a cold evening? I think I need a really nice umbrella to develop a love for them. I must start looking. Meanwhile I just put my golf umbrella in the boot of my car.
I just got back from walking Archie. 4B7AB96B-DE67-4382-A5E9-7375CC45EC57.png1659407909486.jpeg
I’m a bit pooped & so is he! It is so steep getting back up to our place. I just had an orange & a sugar-free Kombucha & will wait until I’m hungry before I have lunch.
Love the tuckered out dog pic! Sorry you are having to go to so many funerals. My grandparents used to have that happen where so many of their friends and relatives passed in close proximity to each other. I can't imagine. I've never had Kombucha. What does it taste like?
Such an adorable pup! Umbrellas make my shoulders tense up till they hurt but my neighbor collects them and has some really nice ones.
Thanks, Marsia & LaMa. He is a cutie. We just got back from our second walk. I don’t think I can describe Kombucha, M. I don’t like them all, but this one is mango & sugar-free. I have it with a lemon juice ice block.
I don’t think I would like to hold an umbrella up for very long, LaMa. One that could double as a walking stick would be practical.
I don’t think I would like to hold an umbrella up for very long, LaMa. One that could double as a walking stick would be practical.
I like the ones that fold up small that I can just shove into a bag or even a coat pocket...
Very sweet picture of Archie!
I've never tried kombucha...maybe I will buy one next time I'm shopping and give it a try.
Hi, Liza. I want an umbrella that will really keep me dry. I have a little one, but it doesn't protect you except your head. Archie is a sweetie. I don't think we'll be getting 2 walks in today. It's wild out there.
I wouldn't say I like all kombucha. The mango one is nice. Some taste too artificial.

I just went & had a look at umbrellas online. Maybe I'll get one in a nice colour that folds up but is still relatively large. So many choices. Meanwhile, I put my golf umbrella in the boot of my car. It's very good quality & huge.
I never thought of doing lemon ice cubes - that's such a great idea! I also didn't know that Kombucha came sugar free. I've never tried it because of the sugar, so I'll look out for sugar free and/or mango. I inherited a few really nice huge umbrellas, just in time for living where it dumps down like a waterfall. We were on a walk on a long boardwalk across a marsh the other day when it dumped really hard and blew it under the umbrella, but I could angle the umbrella to cover everything except from my knees down. That was so nice! They need to invent a way you can secure it to a belt or something though - you are right, LaMa!
Whenever we get given a big bag of lemons I usually do a tray of lemon ice cubes. G has made some preserved lemons. The native animals have managed to get into our lime tree & are decimating it :(
I think I'll go have another look at real estate & umbrellas. It is raining so heavy at the moment that I can't hear myself think!
Oh, I really dislike how the animals wreck the tree to get at the fruit. We had plum trees that the dear loved and they broke many branches while also eating most of the delicious plums. I put fences around every fruit tree after that. Here we have a massive fig tree, and only got a little of the figs. The squirrels and birds are very happy though. I need to net the tree next year. Glad you are having a good rain year this year. It sounds like here. Are you experiencing extra heavy rain with the La Niña year?
My favorite way to stay dry when it is super heavy rains and cold out is good rainpants, raincoat, rain boots...with all that an umbrella is unnecessary. I use umbrellas just for either spring/summer rains....or just as an extra protection on bad days. I love proper rain gear as I love to get out on a good walk in the rain and stay dry.
Too bad about your lime tree Cate--i hope they haven't ruined it permanently!
Oh, I really dislike how the animals wreck the tree to get at the fruit. We had plum trees that the dear loved and they broke many branches while also eating most of the delicious plums. I put fences around every fruit tree after that. Here we have a massive fig tree, and only got a little of the figs. The squirrels and birds are very happy though. I need to net the tree next year. Glad you are having a good rain year this year. It sounds like here. Are you experiencing extra heavy rain with the La Niña year?
Fences don't keep the possums out & I think they're the main culprits. The rain was unbelievable! It really bucketed down & the drains couldn't keep up. We hadn't been getting much rain up until now, but I think that would have been about 50 mm.
My favorite way to stay dry when it is super heavy rains and cold out is good rainpants, raincoat, rain boots...with all that an umbrella is unnecessary. I use umbrellas just for either spring/summer rains....or just as an extra protection on bad days. I love proper rain gear as I love to get out on a good walk in the rain and stay dry.
I would much prefer a really good raincoat & rainpants too. I'm still looking. I used to have the best raincoat! I bought it at the Burlington Coat factory in Baltimore. It was huge.
Too bad about your lime tree Cate--i hope they haven't ruined it permanently!
I don't think they have, Liza, but we'll have to try to protect it better. They are determined little buggers.

Archie appears to have an upset stomach again this morning. I may take him to the vet soon I think. He may need a change of diet. He's a bit hang dog.
We have another funeral to go to today. I'm glad it's not raining!
Archie is the cutest! I hope the vet can help him. Hope the funeral went okay.