I am, thanks, Marsia. I have had a headache & very little energy today& I actually did a rapid antigen test, which thankfully was negative. I had 3 Ryvita biscuits with tuna & avocado, garlic, chilli & a little mayo for lunch & have had 2 oranges. I feel I could eat oranges nonstop at the moment. I feel a bit run down.Oh, sorry you had a run in with chips. I've had to stop buying a few things that J and K love to eat because I'll devour them if they are in the house and I'm in the wrong mood. Hopefully the extra exercise will take care of it! Ok, now I really really have to try making muesli once I can unpack. Hope you are having an excellent food day!!
They are evil, addictive little suckers, LaMa & I won't buy them again!Chips are a clear example of things that are almost impossible to stop esting until they're all gone. I once read it's to do with the excitement of the crunch but I think it's mostly the carbs/fat/salt combination.
I think I must, LaMa. I also think I am allergic to mouse poo & droppings as we're having an influx of mice & my asthma has been bad. We had a blitz yesterday. I have been getting a mouse a day & have traps set everywhere. I feel like I have the mouldy smell stuck up my nose!Do you have fungus spore allergies, too? That would suck so much!
Sounds scrumptious!I have been experimenting with breakfast muesli combinations & this morning's was delicious. I layered greek yoghurt, muesli, stewed rhubarb/nashi pear, almond meal, crushed nuts(not many) & sprinkled some cacao buds on top. This is so convenient. I need to get the amount right though. The first day was too big & today's was too small.
It was. Next time I'll add some pistachios, almonds & brazil nuts on the top layer. First I'll roughly chop a container of them so that they're more convenient. My pantry looks very healthy & I have a lovely collection of nuts & seeds. I'll also add pumpkin & sunflower seeds to the mix. There's something very satisfying about this breakfast- visually, nutrition-wise & also the combination of tastes & textures. I do need to find a suitable jar though- one that is visually pleasing & also the right size.Sounds scrumptious!
Oh, that sucks!Oh, I am so jealous, both on the art and on the muesli counts. I was in my health food store today, spotted muesli in the bulk section, got all excited, and ... none would come out of the container. It was so full it was stuck! Your muesli combos sound delicious!!
That would be so much fun! I have to get over my total lack of confidence that I have any artistic ability at all though.A painting class with champaign and snacks sounds divine. Can I come, too?!
You can get "electric" mouse traps which I am tempted to get, but they are battery operated.I just noticed that the room I am putting our spare food in it has evidence of mice - insulation on the floor that came out of insulated ducting. So will go get food safe buckets so I am not feeding micies and when J comes, he can take care of the mouse traps without crying and getting all traumatized.
Thanks. It was lovely & I am not struggling to breathe today. I doubled my anti-histamine dose yesterday & that may have done the trick. I'll keep that up until we get back from Queensland.Anyway, glad you had a nice time with friends and good food, too!
I don't think it would do that unless it was sugary? Then moist air would make it clump. Always check the ingredients on the ready-made stuff.I was in my health food store today, spotted muesli in the bulk section, got all excited, and ... none would come out of the container. It was so full it was stuck!