Cate's Diary

Thanks, M 😘
I'm having a pretty good day today & feel a bit more positive. I took Arch for a 2.13 km walk, average heart rate 112 bpm, 2 min peak, 17 mins cardio & 15 mins fat burn. We have made a big batch of tomato relish, had a chicken & salad lunch, followed by a fruit salad & are about to drink a pot of herbal tea. I feel good, but a bit knackered.
R will be up on Sunday & A is bringing the 2 younger GKs & D is coming up after work & we are going to have an early birthday dinner for me. Lovely :beating:
So glad you had a better day! Tomato relish sounds lovely. Yay for having a birthday with all the sons and GKs! Hope you have a wonderful one!!
Your pre-birthday party sounds like it'll be wonderful! Wearing your safest mask on the bus definitely seems like a good idea, and if you're just sitting down it shouldn't be too hard on your breathing, either. Do you do breathing exercises to help with strength?
So glad you had a better day! Tomato relish sounds lovely. Yay for having a birthday with all the sons and GKs! Hope you have a wonderful one!!
Thanks, M. We made about 8 litres of relish & it's delicious.
I'm never happier than when we get together with our 2 sons & the 3 GK's :beating:
Your pre-birthday party sounds like it'll be wonderful! Wearing your safest mask on the bus definitely seems like a good idea, and if you're just sitting down it shouldn't be too hard on your breathing, either. Do you do breathing exercises to help with strength?
Thanks, LaMa. I'll take a collection of masks with me & will definitely wear my best on the buses. I don't do breathing exercises for strength but it sounds like something I should be doing. I just had a quick look & came up with this article ( that has lots of different ones that may be helpful for me. I have never read leaving your tongue on the roof of your mouth during breathing exercises, now humming on the exhale. Did you mean to strengthen my lung capacity?
My lungs feel so mucky again today. I get like this after a big perfume exposure but also when the weather gets foggy & rainy, which it sure is today.
Edit: I'll start doing some breathing exercises every day. G just accused me of snoring 🤣
It might be hard doing any with a mask on though. I'll look up how best to breathe in a mask. I panic a little bit with one on.
This article is helpful
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We used to do breathing exercises in yoga because traditional yoga was a precursor to meditation, and the breath played a big part. I really liked those breathing exercises, but since then have not had as good a yoga teacher and haven't had as good luck with nice breathing exercises. So I think if you don't find ones you like at first, keep looking! Also if you ever start hyperventilating from panicking in the mask, remember to completely exhale every inch of air. If you do that, you can't hyperventilate!

Hope the weather and your lungs improve quickly!!
just had a quick look & came up with this article ( that has lots of different ones that may be helpful for me. I have never read leaving your tongue on the roof of your mouth during breathing exercises, now humming on the exhale. Did you mean to strengthen my lung capacity?
It's funny though: the therapist in the video explains things well but when she shows diaphragmatic breathing she's not moving her abdomen at all but rather her chest and shoulders, which is the opposite of what I have my patients do. You want to see/feel the hand on your abdomen move while the hand on your chest moves as little as possible. The humming creates more resistance for breathing out, which is kind of what a mask does as well. There are official gadgets out there you can breathe into to strengthen your muscles but you could also take a straw and try breathing out through that, maybe even into a tall glass of water. Or wear a tight, restrictive mask, now that we all have those. You want to practice breathing (out) against resistance while in a relaxed environment where you know you could just take off the mask or remove the straw at any time. When you do that for a couple of minutes every day it won't feel as restrictive once you really need it. If you practice with your "worst" mask you may even try doing some light activity (talking, singing, walking around, then maybe walking stairs or getting up and sitting back down) once you're used to breathing in it. On the bus you just have to sit quietly but you do have to get on the bus and they often have a couple of steps to get up. It really is a matter of practice and your diaphragm and intercostal muscles can build up just like any other muscles.
Also if you ever start hyperventilating from panicking in the mask, remember to completely exhale every inch of air. If you do that, you can't hyperventilate!
Completely exhale, and ideally do it somewhat slowly. That way it doesn't feel as restrictive and slowing down means you don't drop the CO2 levels in your blood so much (which is what triggers most of the unpleasant feelings that happen while hyperventilating).

Aaand... I should've read the second link as well before writing a novel here! Not removing it now though :rotflmao: I agree that most of the restricted feeling is psychological but with the N95 and firmer masks you do get some additional resistance. I wear my mask all shift long and if my ears don't hurt I'll forget to take it off during breaks. I even exercise in it with my patients. It doesn't make much of a difference now that I'm used to it except when I'm genuinely out of breath. It does feel like it takes longer to recover then.
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I will definitely practice wearing a mask more around home, but I think trying to forget I have a mask on at all will be my best approach. I have started doing belly breathing exercises during the day. I often do when I can't get to sleep.
My lungs are still congested & I'm still itchy so that's a constant reminder that I should wear my masks more often, especially while we're away.
Thanks, Em & Hi, Jeff.
I'm feeling much better this morning. I have been concentrating on breathing better & have been doing breathing exercises when I wake. Last night was lovely. I really love our family get-togethers. They have been really special the last few times. E brought along a friend & she was really lovely & fitted in well with us all. A's GF was disappointed that she couldn't come as she was working. D is coming up again tonight for dinner & snooker as T is working. We may not see R for a while as he's starting a new job this week. He's at the dentist at the moment & heads back down south tomorrow morning.
I drank very little last night (2 small glasses of red wine & now whisky) & mostly had water instead. Our 13-year-old GS is now much taller than me. He'll reach well over 6'. He's so lanky.
The fact that your family gatherings even attracts outsiders proves how fun they are :)
It feels nice actually, LaMa. I heard J say to E, "they're my grandparents now" :D
I'm very pleasantly tired this morning. R left about 20 minutes ago, G about 45(to golf) & Arch & I are just chilling. Arch will be very tired after having puppy company for a couple of days. I woke at 4.15 & couldn't get back to sleep so I'll be napping today.
It was really sweet, LaMa.
I have had a good day today. I could very easily have stayed at home after a hectic few days, but Arch & I went into town & went for a couple of walks. I did some shopping at the whole food place & have a nice selection of nuts- cashews, brazil nuts & roast almonds & some lovely fresh spices. I had a nap during the afternoon. Arch & I were both pooped. G has gone out again to play pool this time. It's my birthday tomorrow, but we'll stay at home & we'll go out to lunch on Thursday instead to fit in with G's dental appointment. I am going to buy some new winter clothes. I really don't have many clothes at all. The weather has really turned. Today was very cold. I think I'll wear more blue this winter. I'm a bit over wearing black.
Well done getting out and enjoying yourself despite being tired. Time for a rest now though, I hope.
I had a nice, quiet evening avoiding any politicians on TV. Whenever they came on I muted them. We have our federal elections this Saturday. I have my fingers & toes crossed for a change of government.
Winter needs a bit of color as an antidote to the blues. Wait...
I like what you did there, LaMa :)
I have some navy blue boots with tan laces(& a spare set of navy ones) & I will try to buy a tan shirt tomorrow. I like navy & tan together. I have some lovely scarves but need some plain tops to wear them with. I hope I find some clothes tomorrow. I'm leaving Arch at home so I can do some shopping while G is at the dentist's.
Your family celebration sounds so festive and welcoming. So nice you gained a grandkid! I love blue with tan. Nice winter colors. Glad you are muting the politicians. I can't listen to ours anymore either. I really hope things go well in your elections!
Your family celebration sounds so festive and welcoming. So nice you gained a grandkid!
It was really pleasant. A’s GF was disappointed that she couldn’t come, which is nice.
I love blue with tan. Nice winter colors.
I usually wear black, red & grey in winter but I’m switching it around this year.
It’s my birthday today. Not a major one( next one is) but I do think every birthday should be celebrated. @alligatorob I just caught up with you 😊
I have had a lovely day, with some nice calls & messages, lots of walking, sunshine, delicious food & no angst. Sometimes I struggle with not hearing from some people, especially our sons, but today I am not. Not everyone feels the same way about birthdays as I do & it doesn’t mean they don’t care as I know they do. I am well loved 💕