Do orthopedic doctors look at knees, too? Is that what that appointment is for? I'm glad you trained G not to say yes to all the golf stuff! It seems like it's been a source of frustration for a while. It's the best to hear how well you are doing with wine as a treat instead of a regular thing! Shopping after the ortho sounds nice. I think I may go look for some warm weather blouses soon.
They do, M. Last one I saw was a foot specialist & at the time it was my knee giving me the most grief. This one is the knee man(they always seem to be men) & my feet are causing me the most problems. Isn't it just the way?
It has been annoying me for quite some time that G just says yes to his golfing buddies so if he can be more considerate & ask first I will at least feel considered.
I actually can't remember when I had a glass of wine last. About a week maybe. I will do a little shopping after my appointment next week. I never get a chance as I either have Archie with me & I can't take him into shops or I have G & Archie & I hate shopping with G waiting outside. I like just wandering. I might take some books with me to a second-hand book shop & see if I can get some credits to get some "new" ones. I must take some photos of the ones I have from my favourite authors.
I am starting to get excited about having my vision improved. My sister yesterday cast doubt on my decision to pay instead of waiting on public health, but this morning I feel really keen & don't want to wait.
Yay for G being a little more considerate! And I´m glad to hear you´re not moving your appointment: best of luck.
Thanks, LaMa. I am wondering if there is much point as I am certainly in no hurry for a knee replacement. I will go though & ask if there is something that can be done to reduce the pressure from the cyst.
G was gone from 8.45 until 7 pm yesterday, but I had a good day & didn't wait for him & had dinner early. I did quite a few things on my "to do" list.
Our son, D got married on Tuesday, on their 7th anniversary of getting together. They rang last night to tell us. I am really happy for them. We eloped too & I have never regretted it. They both sounded so excited & happy.