I love, love, LOVE how much more positive you sound. Yay for supportive partners and golf buddies, yay for arsepimples not holding club positions, and yay for Archie being back to his charming little self.
& I really loved this post, LaMa
Arsepimples made me laugh out loud. I had never heard it before but will be using it in the future
Big congratulations on such a wonderful first week! It's so good to hear you are feeling much better, too! My back goes out so I need to crawl out of bed sometimes and crawl around the house, and it's an awful feeling, even though I know it's temporary, so I get how alarming needing to be lifted out of bed might be. I'm so happy your knees are doing better, too!
Thanks, M. It's amazing how much better I feel. Is it the 2.5 kg lost, the clean eating, no wine......? Whatever it is, I'll keep doing what I'm doing. Unfortunately, I twisted my right knee yesterday just a little while moving some furniture & it hurt like hell. G was vacuuming & he usually doesn't move anything so I try to do each room before he vacuums & then I go back & put everything back in place. I often sweep around the edges- skirting boards etc. I don't do this every time. It's such a big house.
I had already taken Arch into town with me & because I had so much energy I took him for a walk around the river (the half walk only). My legs felt really tired before we started the house cleaning.
My right knee has had a burning sensation for a while now, but doctors don't want to hear anything about that & only want to look at one leg. I'll insist next week when I see my GP. Today it feels worse than my left. My whole body is out of whack.
I'll have an easy day today.
It's funny how you can be married to someone so long and still be getting to know them in some ways. J and I are very different, so I am often surprised by how he does things in clever ways I never would have thought of.
It's good that they can still surprise us, especially if it's not in a bad way.
I know what you mean about just that little extra snack each day tipping you over the edge so it's way harder to lose weight. I don't eat much junk food, but I tend eat too many little snacks that add up quickly. I think we can overcome this this time because we're putting our long-term health front and center. Each little snack does stand in the way of what we want, and it's not worth it!
I don't like junk food luckily. Those little snacks ( & my wine) are (were) my downfall. Our long-term health is way more important than any of that.
I'd love to hear what the vet says about keeping Archie's teeth clean. I just noticed that my cat's teeth are very yellow and I'll probably need to take her in for a cleaning.
I'm so glad I took Arch in. The vet I saw last week came up to reception while I was there & I asked her if she could do me a small favour & show me again how she gives small animals their pills. She was really sweet about it.
I had already talked about the best diet for him with the vets assistant who said kibble is best & to avoid soft pet food as it builds up a film on their teeth. I said he loves some cooked chicken & that I just put a little of it on top of his kibble to make it more appealing. A little cooked meat is good. I asked about raw chicken wings, which I don't give him (K9 said not to) & she said she is in two minds about them as, while they are good for cleaning their teeth, there are the dangers of choking, so she doesn't recommend them.
I came away from the vets with firm ideas about what he will have from now on. I have some expensive canned food, which I may give to someone as I feel I'm starting over. No more bits of Speculaas biscuits, no dog loaf or canned stuff. He can have a little boiled egg on top of his kibble sometimes & we make his dog biscuits, which he loves. He has 2 small ones while we eat our fruit platter after dinner. They only have coconut oil, coconut flour, brown rice flour, 1 egg & some water. At bedtime, while I'm cleaning my teeth he has a Greenie (doggie dental chew).
Happy Very Successful First Week!
Thank, you xoxo