Ouch, that sucks about the asthma and the loss of trees. I do hope they're done now! It sucks but people can be nice and still not value things we value...
The logger has gone now. He was leaving as we arrived home, thank goodness. It is really disappointing, LaMa. I'm so glad that we have 50 acres & can provide a haven for birds & animals.
Oh God, all that smoke sounds really unpleasant. Is it any better today? It’s disappointing that your safe haven has been disturbed!
It rained the whole afternoon, Em so the fires were put out. I'm sure they'll start up again sometime though.
Oh my heart breaks with you there Cate. I can't stand to see trees coming down with little concern. It's hard when a neighbor has really different ideas of what should be done with a place

Sorry to hear about all the smoke and noise too--sounds awful.
Thanks, Liza. It really did make my heart break. The word apocalypse kept coming into my head. It's back to being silent again. There is a mountain of logs up there now so I would imagine there will be a lot of noise when they get cut up. It won't be as bad as hearing those trees crashing to the ground, but I'm not looking forward to it.
I get legitimately upset when I see trees cut down. Not if it's for forest/park tending reasons, like cutting down an old, sickly tree that's a danger in stormy weather. But just hacking them down left and right hurts my soul. (My ex used to joke that I'm a forest spirit in disguise.)
I'm sorry about the noise and the smoke, and I hope you'll get to rest and recover. Take care! <3
I feel the same. We have trees come down over our tracks which we cut up, but never do we wantonly cut down trees. I love our "bush" & the peace & quiet.
I feel much better today. It has changed my views about our neighbour a little, but I have to remind myself that he seems to be a kind, friendly person who loves his kids.
Archie's visit to the vet was a bit eventful. He's a stubborn little bugger & doesn't like anything done to his face in particular & as for taking pills!

The vet managed, but with great difficulty. He needs dental work, which I think I knew. His teeth were a bit brown when we got him. I have booked him in to have it done.
We have D & the kids tonight. I'm looking forward to that. On Sunday we head down to see R for his birthday & will be staying 2 nights.