Thanks, Liza, Marsia & LaMa

Re: the tooth

It ended up being a nightmare & I was in the chair for over an hour. The tooth broke up as he tried to remove it & he ended up having to saw through it ( & my jaw) to get it out. He told me afterwards that he thought he may have to leave it there! The roots had wrapped themselves around my jaw & had fused together. It was an absolute ordeal. I called that tooth every swear word I could think of under my breath. It was as I was saying quietly but loudly in my head “ get out you f$#*er!” That the last bit came out. I was absolutely stuffed afterwards. I needed stitches.
He had to give me so many injections as well, so it took hours to wear off. I told him afterwards that I have a lot of faith in him & that's when he told me he almost thought he was going to have to leave it in. I also said to him that when people complain about going to the dentist I tell them they're going to the wrong dentist.
I was in a fair bit of pain for the rest of the day but managed to sleep ok. I'm not in bad shape today, but won't be doing much today. My jaw is still pretty sore.
One very important thing I can pass on from my dentist is that chewing sugarless gum helps create moisture in your mouth, which helps prevent decay. I am going to become a gum chewer( with my mouth shut, I promise!)
Re: getting rid of my excess weight. OK, Marsia I'll keep trying. I really don't want to buy clothes in a bigger size. It would feel so
wrong! I'm going to think of you when I next have a hit of golf. Zen

Today- we are going to pick up 2 venison this morning & then deal with them. D & the kids are coming tonight for dinner & staying the night.