How lovely to have a surprise catchup like that! I'm glad you're being sensible about calories and I love that you're breaking down the barriers of habit at the golf club.
Thanks, Llama. It's crazy that in this day & age so many people are still stuck behind barriers. One of my pet hates is "But that's how we have always done it." It drives me bonkers. So? Your point?
Sri Lanka was in 2017?! I thought it was just a couple of years ago

But then of course it WAS a couple of years before the pandemic and that srarted over 4 years ago... Time does fly.
I know. I can't believe it was that long ago. I had to look it up. There is no way that pendant would have survived if we had given in to her even a few years ago. It was quite expensive but she has always loved turtles & we both loved it.
That's so nice you had a surprise visit! I hope you can catch up on sleep tonight.
It was & I have now

I'm feeling human again.
Yes so great about you playing with whoever you want at golf. Those barriers got to go!
They sure do!
It is amazing how a good night's sleep can restore you. I felt terrible for most of yesterday. I tried installing a new printer, which should have been a simple thing. I wasted umpteen hours on it, only to find that our internet connection is not good enough for it. All I wanted was a very basic printer. When I saw it didn't have a USB cable I should have just stopped & put it back in the box.
On Sunday I had decided to change internet providers as I never have enough data to watch videos & am tired of that. R is with them & has been telling me for ages that I should switch. It has taken me so long to make the decision & then when I did & applied online, gave away more information than I would like & committed to it I got a call that took forever & was SO frustrating. In the end I had to say "Let's just forget it for now & I'll go into a store sometime & do it". It did my head in. I actually felt depressed after the call. I said to G afterwards that if I had the energy left I would scream.
I don't know how really old (older than me) people cope. The world is so much more complicated. It's not that much worse, but it is
much more complicated! I'm grateful that I can use a computer & a smartphone, but I am all for simplifying my life if I can, rather than complicating it.
That's that rant over.
Today is a blank canvas. G just left for golf. I think I'll start tidying up the decking where I pot plants up. It is an absolute mess.
I just got a message from C asking if she can have a private chat with me today about R. She says he's doing OK & not to worry but wants to talk to me as he seems to be making flighty decisions & she wants help on how to talk to him about it. She's a smart cookie & she loves him very much. I'm so grateful. I must admit my heart is pounding.