Cate's Diary

Thanks, Llama. It was a really nice day.
This isn't about winning, of course, but it sure sounds like you won to me :p
It's really good to know that it's history now. It's very unusual for me not to talk to anyone & everyone, but not talking to him at all feels right. If he decided to apologise for all the hurt & trouble he caused us that would be a different matter. I think I am a forgiving person if someone is genuinely remorseful.

Our neighbour is cleaning our roof at the moment. He's doing a good job & is obviously very meticulous. It's incredibly noisy while he's working on it. We can't sit & just do nothing while he's here so have been getting quite a bit of housework done. Playing golf in a cart does not exhaust me like it used to so I have more energy the next day.

We also had a visit from one of our golf buddies. A good day :)
It's really good to know that it's history now. It's very unusual for me not to talk to anyone & everyone, but not talking to him at all feels right.
Sometimes there is simply nothing more to be said.
Playing golf in a cart does not exhaust me like it used to so I have more energy the next day.
That's so nice to hear! Much healthier to keep busy regularly than to exhaust yourself one day and then have to lie low for a day or two.
That's so nice to hear! Much healthier to keep busy regularly than to exhaust yourself one day and then have to lie low for a day or two.
Thanks, Llama. That is what used to happen. I was so tired after a day's golf that I could hardly move the next day & now I'm busting to get out there again. I feel I could go another round when I get in after 18 holes of golf.
It's raining here today so our neighbour most probably won't(shouldn't) work on our roof. I told G I would go get some wood with him, but that won't happen either. *sigh* It looks like a book day :D

I had a broken tooth (in the middle at the front) a couple of years ago & had to have a false tooth attached by a bridge to the one next door. It has worked itself loose & had a rough edge & I have an appointment next Thursday to have it fixed as my dentist is currently in Chile. Last night it came off while I was cleaning my teeth. Luckily I caught it before it went down the plughole. I won't be going anywhere until it's fixed. It makes me look like a hillbilly. They said they would ring if there's a cancellation before Thursday, but I think I'll ring today & let them know it came off altogether.
Ouch on the tooth! I don't think anyone who knows you would mind about the gap but I'd probably be self-conscious about it too. Hope you can get it fixed soon.
Ouch on the tooth! I don't think anyone who knows you would mind about the gap but I'd probably be self-conscious about it too. Hope you can get it fixed soon.
I decided not to ring until Monday morning. If it isn't fixed by Wednesday I'll still go to golf if it's not raining. I won't go anywhere else though, unless I wear a mask. Covid was good for something!

It has rained all day & I read a book.
It's chilly here today- about 2oC at the moment. I'm going to use my gappy tooth situation to get the house looking really tidy. B should be here working on the roof so I would prefer to be active when he's here. It is also very noisy! He's cleaning off our roof & gutters.
Haha. Glad I could make you laugh. I'm getting sick of housework already! I'll ring on Monday to see if they can fit me in early, but if not, I think I'll still go to golf on Wednesday.
Hey Cate, Just catching up again on your diary. Sounds like the golf is going wonderfully and yes, so great to hear that you now have energy after playing as well. i remember when running used to wipe me out and then it switched one day...such a great feeling!
Yes get out there golfing no matter what the tooth looks like!
Hey Cate, Just catching up again on your diary. Sounds like the golf is going wonderfully and yes, so great to hear that you now have energy after playing as well. i remember when running used to wipe me out and then it switched one day...such a great feeling!
Yes get out there golfing no matter what the tooth looks like!
Thanks, Liza. I'm really loving golf & it's giving me such a buzz. It's nice to have you back again. I have been wondering how you are xo
You look great in that photo, Cate! Hahaha.
Haha, Em. I thought that would get a laugh.

I got lots of housework done yesterday & will do more today. I have been a bit slack lately.
I have had a bad reaction to whatever B used on our roof. Apparently, it was something to remove the algae & moss. I can smell it everywhere. Because the water pressure is so intense, some liquid has come through the roof in a few places & I am worried about mould. I was up for a couple of hours during the night & am having breathing difficulties. I had a little cry at one stage. There's no getting away from the smell. I feel like my beautiful fresh air has been poisoned. We need lots of rain to wash the roof now to wash it all away, but we also need some sunshine to dry up any residual water/chemical in the ceiling. This has dealt me a big blow. I took an emergency steroid during the night & will take them for a couple more days.
Oh God, I am so sorry to hear that Cate. You poor thing! I don't know how cold it is now but hopefully you are able to open the windows? Or would that make it worse? Could you stay with your son or a friend for a night or two?
I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad reaction! I can very well understand, as I can be very sensitive to any strong smell. Hope all is well soon!
Oh God, I am so sorry to hear that Cate. You poor thing! I don't know how cold it is now but hopefully you are able to open the windows? Or would that make it worse? Could you stay with your son or a friend for a night or two?
Thanks, Em. I have windows open & will put the air purifier on in our bedroom tonight. Actually I’ll go do that now. He’s back to finish the job but won’t use any more product. I’ll be so pleased when it’s finished. I went into town & did some veggie & fruit shopping & took Archie for a good walk.
He has finished up now( at 3 pm) & I have him coming back to silicone seal a few places where our roof leaks. He is embarrassed to say what we owe him as it took a lot more hours than he expected. I just said to let us know as soon as he has it worked out.

I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad reaction! I can very well understand, as I can be very sensitive to any strong smell. Hope all is well soon!
Thanks, Jen. My sensitivities are getting worse. It has taught me a very valuable lesson. I won’t be considering having anything else done up here. Living up here on 50 acres is usually my haven. I must protect that at all costs.
I have doors & windows open on one side of the house & the fire raging. It has been a lovely, sunny day.
With a bit of luck the sunshine will make the ick evaporate as thoroughly as rain would wash it away. I'm so sorry your safe haven has been intruded though!
I hope you are feeling miles better this morning.