Cate's Diary

Thanks, Llama & Liza. I'm always nervous about buying anything & a golf cart would cost more than the car we bought from G's sister. If we do buy one I will definitely play more often.
Wow, I can't believe a golf cart is worth more than a car! Mad stuff! I hope it works out for you Cate.
Yes it's always a bit scary making those big investments, but considering how much good your golf is bringing you these days, it seems like a good idea!
If our club had a cart I could hire regularly I wouldn't buy one, but unfortunately, they don't have any. I am having second thoughts.
I have been doing the exercises but my neck & shoulders have been hurting so I'm doing something wrong. Yesterday I just did the squats, double heel raises & single leg balances & added in some arm exercises with light weights. I loathe doing exercises that I have to lie down for. I'm not going to buy a bench.
I'm a bit out of sorts today so won't continue.
My mood improved as the day went on. I took Arch for a walk & slipped in some mud & had to change from head to toe when I got home. My left wrist is sprained.
I had done the 2 exercises I had found difficult before without a problem earlier.
G & I had a good talk about the golf cart & he’s keen for me to get one so that I keep playing. That made me feel better about it.
Our older son called in tonight after work. We hadn’t seen him for ages. He didn’t know about my golf at the championships.
Yay for exercises getting easier! That's almost always a good sign. Also good to talk about big purchases like the cart some more so you're really sure of your decision.
I took Arch for a walk & slipped in some mud & had to change from head to toe when I got home. My left wrist is sprained.
Oh dear. Does the wrist sprain mean you'll have to take a break from golf?
Will you be going to the physio regularly to check up around the exercises?
G & I had a good talk about the golf cart & he’s keen for me to get one so that I keep playing. That made me feel better about it.
That's great! Yes some purchases that help us keep active are very much worth it!
I'm sure your son was very impressed about your golf at the championships! If that doesn't deserve a new golf cart, I don't know what does! ;)
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I hurt all over during the night & got up & took some painkillers at 2 am. I think the wrist will heal quickly. I hope so anyway. I don't have golf planned until next Wednesday. I think I'll give the exercises a miss for at least a few days. I'll postpone my next appointment I think.
Thanks, Em. He did seem impressed. I always feel that there is a bit of a barrier between us. I'm sure getting a ride on cart will have me playing more. I really dislike talking about money with friends & I just want the deal done. I don't know yet how much they want for their cart (it's either A's or his son's). Maybe they feel the same way.
I really dislike talking about money with friends & I just want the deal done.
yes that's one thing about buying things off people you know...trying to figure out a price, and then as they mentioned the worry about if something goes wrong with it, the bad feelings that could come up. But so long as everyone is just as honest and as fair as they can be, should be good...
Thanks, Llama & Liza. I wish it could just be done, but I'm still waiting to get a reply from the son telling me how much. I will make a decision then. I won't be paying over $5K. About $4K would be really good. Until I hear I am going to feel anxious.

I have been not worrying about my weight for quite a while & have not been overeating or feeling bad about being overweight. I might just start counting my calories for a while & see what happens as I know I would be better off lighter.
Congratulations on getting the cart! As well as on not overeating and and not beating yourself up over your current weight :party:
Good for you, Cate, getting that golf cart. Such great exercise.
Thanks, Vic. I'm excited/nervous. I'm not good with spending money, especially on myself.
Congratulations on getting the cart! As well as on not overeating and and not beating yourself up over your current weight :party:
Thanks, Llama. Definitely nervous, but I'll get over it. G seems to be really happy about me buying it. If he hadn't been so enthusiastic I wouldn't have.
Daylight savings ends here tonight. It's time. The nights are getting cold & it's so dark in the morning. I don't feel too bad about winter coming this year for some reason.
We had a tofu & boiled egg curry for breakfast on toast. Yum!