Weight-Loss Burger Lake to Lettuce Lake Walk

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I did 2.5 Miles!! yay, so that's....386.5 :)
Ok I went ahead and did 3.5 miles on st.Bike = 17 minutes plus
I did 25 jump N Jacks 25 squats 50 crunches and some arm exersices
NEW TOTAL~~~"396"
ok adding mine from today :D god i'm so proud of myself

i did 4 miles bike and treadmill together and also another hour in the gym so that's adding 6 miles

new total is 402 :D
I wound up walking 1.5 miles LATE lastnight it was so warm and the rained stopped for a while and my dog was begging to go lol.

New Total 411.5
I did 3 miles today on the elliptical and stairclimb. So the new total is 414.5.
Yeah You can track it by miles you do or 30 minutes='s a mile if you don't have a tracker.
I did 2 miles stationary bike and walked 2 miles
NEW TOTAL~~418.5
75 minutes of aerobics...boy am I tired :)

New total= 444.5
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