Buddies? Any out there for me?



BOOST BUDDIES (for that extra support)!!!

Ok I Am Starting This To Put Buddies Together To Compete Be Accountable To And Email Etc! After You Have Your Buddy It Is Up To The Two Of You To Push Each Other! If You Lose A Buddy Repost And Let Me Know! If This Goes Over Well I Plan To Make Buddy Challenges As Well! So Get To Posting And I Will Do My Best To Get You A Boost!!!:d :d
Sounds like an awesome idea!
I am 32 years old and would love to have a buddy that is close to the same age. I don't have kids, and I've got about fifty pounds to lose! HOpefully by December before the trip... (I know, 1-2 lbs a week is realistic!)
I just bought an elliptical trainer! And I will need someone to hold me accountable on that!
I live in Calgary, Alberta, canada!
Who wants to be my friend?:rolleyes:

I can use some buddies!I am33 and weigh 217 wanna get down to 150!
I have 4 kids and watch 3 more from my home and yes I am sane lol!
hey i want a buddie, i am 34 i weigh 258 with a goal of 120 and would love some one to buddie up with maybe a few even:p
Hey reach4Astar and/or niapage wanna become buddies? How do you work that tickerfactory thing i can't seem to have it work for me. Oh well!

I weigh currently 157 and would like to lose 45 pounds, mind you I don't have much height, so yes.
I'd be happy to take on any of yah as a buddy.... or a couple of yah!
My email addy is rottengirlp@hotmail.com...
I have done this before when I did Jenny Craig... We emailed each other every day to check in, talk about what we ate, what kind of exercise we did etc... it worked well because as long as you are honest with your buddy, you have to be honest with yourself!
Let me know!
I could really use a buddy! I've got 11 pounds to loose and I'm having a really hard time getting/staying motivated.
I'm 34 have a 3 yr. old boy and I live in Manitoba, Canada
Any takers???:)
Here is my email addy niannah123@yahoo.com I still have over 60 lbs to lose and thats if 150 looks good on me?I am not sure what I am suppose to weigh?I hear if your big boned which I am but I am only 5'4?Put it this way 150 I would extremly satisfied and happy better than 255 like I was in April!
I will email whoever nneds extra support I can use all I can get never enough!Tammy:)
I would love a buddy! I have a two month weight loss goal of 16 lbs and I'm pretty serious about it. I used to live in NYC and am going back for the first time since I moved away and would love to feel healthy and confident when going up there.

My long term weight loss goal is 26lbs which would bring me down to 145 and then I'll have to see how that looks/feels -- haven't been there in so long I'm not sure if that is the right weight for me or not.

I would love a buddy who needs support for both exercise and diet. I can email while at work, but for the most part I will be emailing later in the day.
Send me a private message if you are interested and I'll get back to you! Oh, and good luck to all the other buddies!
Since two heads are better than one, three heads are better than two, etc.. I wouldn't mind connecting with a small buddy group (or getting one going).
I'm 38 and have about 68 pounds to lose. Whenever I do go to the gym, I usually do cardio and occasionally strength training (when no one is looking). I'm a closet binger, snacker and love all types of food, especially the fried stuff. I'm a mother of three, two daughters and a hubby :D

I'm looking for peeps who wouldn't mind checking in at least every other day if not daily. I'm on the Fat Smash plan (just started yesterday) but have been on just about every diet created since Fen-Phen. Well that's my story and I'm sticking with it.

I hope to hear from some of you, email: fbrehm@vical.com
I'm Joining too

Hi everyone,
My name is Kathy, I am 30 and I have been on the weight loss bandwagon almost all my life. At my heaviest I was 275 lbs. At my lowest I was 145 I am now at 175. I fell off the wagon last time because I got out of the Marine Corps and was dealing with depression. I am back now and determined to beat this! I will get back into my size 8 jeans!!!
I also have a daughter and hubby and I want them to be proud of me. I want to set a good example for my daughter and of course look good for my hubby.
So I'll be there for you guys. I need help too. My weekness is baked goods and I love to bake and cook...What a curse!
Have a great day and remember "Nobody ever drowned in Sweat!!!"
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I would surely like someone to go through this with. I'm 20 if that makes a difference. I do not have a specific date for which I would like to attain my goal because that only disappoints when I do not get there. I figure if I keep doing what I am doing it'll happen eventually.
What a fabulous place this is! I would really love to buddy up. I am a 24 year old student. At the moment I am at 185 - half way to my goal, but I am having trouble with stress eating. It would be great to have someone to email a daily food list (maybe I wouldn't eat that snickers if I knew someone would know), and exchange thoughts. Please email me whenever ebrosnan04@hotmail.com.
New Here - Need Weight Loss Buddies

I'd love to have some sort of support buddies I can correspond with on here and through e-mail. I'm glad to talk to anyone. I'd love to have buddies who can challenge me to meet short and long term goals. :)