Whoohoooo "whats Tammy's favorite color"???BLACK!!!!!
We are so going to kick AZZ!!
Ha! I'm scared as hell about my team--there are so many strong players on it, I'm afraid I'm gonna get booted the first week regardless..lmao!! Well, maybe we'll just rack up so many points that our team will be first and no one will get booted..lol.
I have posted Week 1's Bonus:
Tammy--At the end of each week, the two teams with the fewest pts lose the 3 players with the fewest pts. So the team in first place keeps all its members that week.
Silly question..when/where do we post our starting stats?
Thanks..I went ahead and updated my Starting Weight..I just didn't know if we needed to have it in there by tonight or tomorrow.
So, I went ahead and did it anyways!