Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Show Watch along Challenge Starting 01/19/10

Arrrrrrggggggg.....so NO WEIGHT LOSS!!! :( ...also, no exercise for the past week and a half. I started though, yesterday...and THIS MORNING!! :D!!!

Sorrie teamie!!...I'm still trying to find that MOJO!! :D!!!

Does anyone know where I can buy the PREVIOUS SEASONS of BIGGEST LOSER on DVD!?!?! :D!!! I really want them to watch as I run on the treadmill!!! Talk about inspiration right!!!?!?!!?
Hello everyone! Hope all had a great week this week. I did but I don't know how my back is out no exercise for me :( So don't know how but I lost 7 pounds this week.

April 6, 327 lbs
April 13, 320 lbs

Congrats to everyone that lost this week and better week next week to everyone that it wasn't so good to.


Keep on keeping on!!
Looking good everyone!

Still waiting on a few weigh ins. Will post the results by tomorrow afternoon.

Can't wait to see the show tonight! Yay!!
Hey, no change this week. At least I didn't gain. Hopefully things will get back to normal soon.

Weight 185.8
Sorry for the late submission but I was off work sick yesterday and no access to a computer. Hope I'm not too late - my weigh in this week is 147.8.
Thanks MJ!
Great job this week everyone! Let's all hit it hard now and put up big numbers next week!

I have very mixed feelings about last night's show. On one hand, the challenges themselves were neat, but both of them were just a big, built-in commercial and I really can't stand that. I was so happy for Drea for winning one of the cars though.

I've had enough of Mike. Ok, it's great that he can run and all, and I understand that's he's proud of that, I would be too, but it just seems to me like he thinks he's really hot stuff and I dislike overly conceited people. Oh, and I HATE the face he makes when he's working out. Dang that looks stupid. Seriously, I wish he'd get voted out, but he always seems to have a good weigh in. Advantage of being the biggest one there, I guess. I just wish he'd tone down the monolog at the weigh ins. I know they all share their feelings and such, but he just goes on and on and it's the same every week. Ok, maybe I'm petty, he just rubs me the wrong way.

Oh, but the mud thing? Comic gold! I laughed so hard at that, especially when they all went for Jillian! The look on her face when a group of mud covered people started for her... :rofl: And man, she bolted through that gym like her life depended on it. It was great. I can't wait until it's up on the website, I have to watch that again! I think she was more pissed than she wanted to let on though. Bob took it in good humor, but Jillian didn't seem to find it funny at all.

I felt so bad though, when Sam and Drea were below the line. I like them both so much! I had a feeling they'd all keep Sam, he's been there several times now and he never gets voted off. I was hoping they would this time though, since I think Drea needs it more and all, but oh well. I would have rather seen Sunshine go, honestly.
Missing the following weigh ins, let me know if I missed you:

1. lilbrat40
2. DMR
3. mstia (2nd missed weigh in)
4. whiskeytangofox (2nd missed weigh in)
Sam is HOT now!!! :drool5:!!! I always catch myself saying how GOOOOOD he looks!!...I like his Hawaiian look and his buffness is SUPER nice...and I loveeeee his attitude. Such determination. Such Drive. Such a STUD!!!!! ;)
Having trouble posting on the forum today, not sure what's up!!!

I will update Page 1 of this thread later when the forum is back to normal.

Week 12 Results

Individual Challenge

(Individual) (Weight Loss) (% Weight Loss)
1 glenns angel -50.0 -14.39%
2 Andy -36.6 -12.74%
3 Mands -23.1 -12.46%
4 Chubbygirl -16.8 -10.62%
5 Isabel -14.0 -9.66%
6 20to10 -17.9 -8.90%
7 mizzie -16.3 -7.91%
8 Risty -8.4 -4.38%
9 DMR -9.7 -3.93%
10 MissJellyBelly -8.6 -3.89%
11 Jericho -14.2 -3.79%
12 lostnfound -8.0 -3.62%
13 lilbrat40 -12.0 -3.56%
14 Boslo -3.5 -2.59%
15 Alta -4.0 -2.48%
16 Monique01 -4.2 -2.23%
17 *Chantelle -4.4 -1.93%
18 Jess393 -5.0 -1.86%
19 Smurf 6.6 2.70%

WEEK 12 RESULTS!!! (04/13/10 Weigh In)
01. Orange Team (-3.0 lbs) (-1.11%)
02. White Team (-7.0 lbs) (-1.07%)
03. Black Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.75%)
04. Yellow Team (-1.9 lbs) (-0.67%)
05. Brown Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.30%)
06. Pink Team (-1.0lbs) (-0.27%)
07. Green Team (-1.3 lbs) (-0.21%)
08. Red Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.18%)
09. Silver Team (-0.2lbs) (-0.11%)
10. Purple Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
11. Gold Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
12. Grey Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
13. Blue Team (+7.5 lbs) (+1.67%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 12 (-17.8 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-388.9 lbs)
Good work everyone!! Let's get to 400 pounds lost next week!! I hoping next week is also the make over week - it's gotta be coming up soon!!
Good job everyone!!! I really loved the show Tuesday night. I was hoping the pink team girl would win one of the cars. I didn't want the yellow team to win. I was REALLLLYYY hoping sunshine would be the one to go home I don't like her attitude or her dads. I was glad Sam didn't go home but since he isn't losing much weight anymore I figure he will go soon :( I don't know why my sister (Lilbrat 40) didn't weigh in she told me she was going to. She has her grandchildren this week ( spring break )so she probably forgot. I know she hasn't quit. Well everyone have a wonderful weekend.

Keep on keeping on!!
So ...since I bought this scale....I weighed in on Sat @ 159 :cry:!!!....Yesterday I was 158. :banghead:!!....

...I've been consistently working out since Monday. Today will be day 4!!!...

...I really don't want to be below the yellow line, though I probably deserve it! (Considering 2 weeks ago, I was 153)

...I'm going home to do a Jillian Michael's video for lunch and 10 mins of Sprint intervals on treadmill. **I'm praying for myself and Tuesday's weigh in!" Grrrrr