Weight-Loss Biggest Loser Show Watch along Challenge Starting 01/19/10

Here are the stats as of Week 11 (04/06/10) for the Individual Biggest Loser Challenge.

See your ranking below!

(Individual) (Weight Loss) (% Weight Loss)
1 Mands -23.1 -12.46%
2 glenns angel -43.0 -12.25%
3 Andy -33.6 -11.63%
4 Chubbygirl -15.4 -9.68%
5 Isabel -13.0 -8.94%
6 20to10 -17.9 -8.90%
7 whiskeytangofox -12.2 -6.61%
8 mizzie -11.6 -5.57%
9 Risty -8.4 -4.38%
10 DMR -9.7 -3.93%
11 lilbrat40 -12.0 -3.56%
12 Jericho -12.9 -3.44%
13 lostnfound -7.6 -3.4326%
14 MissJellyBelly -7.6 -3.4325%
15 Alta -4.0 -2.48%
16 mstia -5.8 -2.47%
17 Smurf -5.6 -2.23%
18 Boslo -3.0 -2.21%
19 Monique01 -4.0 -2.118%
20 *Chantelle -4.4 -1.93%
21 Jess393 -3.0 -1.10%
TEAM CHALLENGE WEEKLY RESULTS (Condensed to the top 5 Teams to save space.)

Teams (Pounds Lost) (% Weight Loss)

WEEK 1 RESULTS (1/26/10 Weigh In)
01. Blue Team (-11.0 lbs) (-1.957%)
02. Purple Team (-7.4 lbs) (-1.955%)
03. White Team (-12.0 lbs) (-1.690%)
04. Grey Team (-7.2 lbs) (-1.666%)
05. Orange Team (-8.6 lbs) (-1.397%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 1 (-64.0 lbs)

WEEK 2 RESULTS (2/2/10 Weigh In)
01. Brown Team (-6.8 lbs) (-1.89%)
02. White Team (-12.0 lbs) (-1.72%)
03. Red Team (-6.8 lbs) (-1.54%)
04. Grey Team (-6.4 lbs) (-1.51%)
05. Orange Team (-7.2 lbs) (-1.19%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 2 (-58.6.0 lbs)

WEEK 3 RESULTS (2/9/10 Weigh In)
01. Purple Team (-6.3 lbs) (-1.72%)
02. Orange Team (-4.8 lbs) (-1.62%)
03. Blue Team (-7.0 lbs) (-1.28%)
04. Black Team (-4.1 lbs) (-0.84%)
05. White Team (-4.0 lbs) (-0.58%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 3 (-29.3 lbs)

WEEK 4 RESULTS!!! (02/16/10 Weigh In)
01. Pink Team (-5.0 lbs) (1.34%)
02. Brown Team (-4.2 lbs) (-1.20%)
03. Orange Team (-2.2 lbs) (-0.76%)
04. Black Team (-2.5 lbs) (-0.52%)
05. White Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.29%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 4 (-17.8 lbs)

WEEK 5 RESULTS!!! (02/23/10 Weigh In)
01. Brown Team (-3.8 lbs) (-1.09%)
02. Purple Team (-3.6 lbs) (-1.00%)
03. Orange Team (-2.8 lbs) (-0.97%)
04. White Team (-6.0 lbs) (-0.88%)
05. Grey Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.48%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 5 (-24.4 lbs)

WEEK 6 RESULTS!!! (03/02/10 Weigh In)
01. Green Team (-13.1 lbs) (-2.08%)
02. Yellow Team (-7.2 lbs) (-2.07%)
03. Silver Team (-6.2 lbs) (-1.66%)
04. Blue Team (-4.4 lbs) (-0.94%)
05. Gold Team (-3.8 lbs) (-0.82%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 6 (-44.1 lbs)

WEEK 7 RESULTS!!! (03/09/10 Weigh In)
01. Black Team (-6.5 lbs) (-1.357%)
02. Orange Team (-5.7 lbs) (-1.356%)
03. Silver Team (-4.7 lbs) (-1.28%)
04. Purple Team (-3.0 lbs) (-0.84%)
05. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.78%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 7 (-36.7 lbs)

WEEK 8 RESULTS!!! (03/16/10 Weigh In)
01. Yellow Team (-4.6 lbs) (-1.36%)
02. Orange Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.87%)
03. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.79%)
04. Bronze Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.74%)
05. Pink Team (-2.8lbs) (-0.73%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 8 (-22.7 lbs)

WEEK 9 RESULTS!!! (03/23/10 Weigh In)
01. White Team (-8.0 lbs) (-1.19%)
02. Brown Team (-3.3 lbs) (-0.98%)
03. Grey Team (-4.0 lbs) (-0.97%)
04. Orange Team (-3.4 lbs) (-0.83%)
05. Pink Team (-2.9lbs) (-0.78%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 9 (-31.0 lbs)

WEEK 10 RESULTS!!! (03/30/10 Weigh In)
01. Bronze Team (-2.0 lbs) (-1.48%)
02. Silver Team (-5.0lbs) (-1.37%)
03. Purple Team (-4.0 lbs) (-1.12%)
04. Brown Team (-3.7 lbs) (-1.11%)
05. Gold Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.78%)
06. Green Team (-2.1 lbs) (-0.34%)
07. White Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.30%)
08. Orange Team (-1.2 lbs) (-0.29%)
09. Blue Team (-0.6 lbs) (-0.13%)
10. Yellow Team (-0.4 lbs) (-0.12%)
11. Red Team (-0.6 lbs) (-0.12%)
12. Pink Team (-0.0lbs) (-0.00%)
13. Black Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
14. Grey Team (+2.0 lbs) (+1.09%)
Total Pounds Lost Week 10 (-25.2 lbs)

Feel free to double check the math!

WEEK 11 RESULTS!!! (04/06/10 Weigh In)
01. White Team (-8.0 lbs) (-1.21%)
02. Blue Team (-3.6 lbs) (-0.80%)
03. Brown Team (-2.0 lbs) (-0.60%)
04. Purple Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.58%)
05. Yellow Team (-1.0 lbs) (-0.35%)
06. Green Team (-1.9 lbs) (-0.31%)
07. Silver Team (-0.6lbs) (-0.17%)
08. Pink Team (-0.2lbs) (-0.05%)
09. Gold Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
10. Orange Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
11. Red Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
12. Black Team (-0.0 lbs) (-0.00%)
13. Grey Team (+0.8 lbs) (+0.43%)

Total Pounds Lost Week 11 (-18.3 lbs)

Total Pounds Lost To Date (-372.1 lbs) :party:

Wow! Even tho people have come and gone, I can't believe 372.1 pounds have been lost during this challenge!
Way to go White Team! You sisters are amazing!!!

I loved the BL show last night!!! Yay, so glad to see Red hit the road. Loved the pool challenge too! So glad they saved the White Team.

Can't wait to see the next show.... It's getting good.

Pink Team is looking amazing!!! Go girl!!
Oh.My.God. I totally thought today was Tuesday!! Shoot.. well, I didn't have a loss anyway, so I guess whew... My schedule has changed a little and its totally thrown me off... Sorry MJ!
WOOT! Second place! Go BLUE TEAM! And a great big grats to the White Team, you gals are awesome! :hurray: Good job everyone! We are past Easter now, so let's rock it next week.

I loved the show this week too. Bah-bye Melissa! The pool challenge was really neat. I would have liked to do that one, I love swimming and diving for objects. I think it would have been fun. I was proud of Sunshine for winning and so glad Melissa lost. Anyone notice that no one helped her. Huh, guess game play isn't everything; guess friendships count for something.

I was super excited when Sam won immunity! I jumped up and did a victory dance. Wonder how many calories that burned? LOL

OH! And did anyone else notice Allison's little dig at the weigh in? "Just so you know, Melissa, the 1 pound disadvantage wouldn't have mattered." Burn! You remember when Melissa gave Green the disadvantage and they were below the line right? :smilielol5: I loved it!
Thanks to everyone for the congrats it really means alot. I'm not sure i'll do as good this week the pollen is reallllllly playing a number on me. not sure exercising is going to be in my list of things to do. I can hardly breathe because of it. But hey thats ok it won't last forever. I LOVED the show Tuesday. I was SOOOOO happy to see Melissa go bye bye!! She thought she had it in the bag. I liked the swimming pool challenge as well. I think that would be a fun thing to do. I love to swim. Well everyone have a wonderful week and lose big!


Keep on Keeping on!!
I was super excited when Sam won immunity! I jumped up and did a victory dance. Wonder how many calories that burned? LOL

OH! And did anyone else notice Allison's little dig at the weigh in? "Just so you know, Melissa, the 1 pound disadvantage wouldn't have mattered." Burn! You remember when Melissa gave Green the disadvantage and they were below the line right? :smilielol5: I loved it!

I am worried for Sam, as he lost a huge number and you know that was mostly water weight, so he is going to have to really go for it to stay above the line this coming weigh in. I was glad he didn't let Melissa get it! Not that she would have.

I agree, that was a little dig on Allison's part about it not mattering. Melissa was all telling everyone there was no way she could win so they keep her, then saying she was going for the prize at the end. Well "BOOYA" Melissa, now you are just going to have to try for that at home prize because no one wants to game play this season, "yet."

I have a feeling game play is going to sneak in soon, it has too, everyone wants to be final 4 and that just isn't possible.

I hope next week is makeover week! Darius needs a haircut. LOL
I have a feeling game play is going to sneak in soon, it has too, everyone wants to be final 4 and that just isn't possible.

Totally agree. In fact, I think Ashley, Drea and Koli are already realizing it, which is part of the reason I'm really starting to not like them much.

Anyways, go DARIS!
It looks like I've lost my teammate :confused:??

Risty, Jess, Lostnfound or Andy - would you like a team mate as it looks like you also alone.

Hope I lost something as I had Chinese on Saturday for my wedding anniversary.
And now for the weigh in...

I'm down 1 lb this week to 137:hurray: Go Brown team!

Good luck to everyone else weighing in....

(And if you're wondering, it's only 5 AM here, but my baby got me up at 4.30, so I thought I may as well weigh in, LOL)
Drum roll, please! My weigh in this week is 196.5!

:eek: That's 4.7 pounds lost since last Tuesday!!! Talk about a whoosh! Heh, I told you last week that I thought some of that was water weight. Plus, this puts me under 200 pounds! :hurray: I thought I was going to faint when I saw the number on the scale this morning.

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I weighed in at 180.8 this a.m. Only down a little bit...but I had a really hard time staying motivated this week, so I was very happy to see I didn't gain. Hope you had a good week whiskeytangofox.

Congrats to everybody with a loss this week. For the people who struggled last week I completely understand. Remember this is a new week, so we can focus on that and forget about last week.
AAAAARRRGGGHH, no weightloss this week!! Did no exercise whatsoever and I had bread on Saturday.
Great job Mizzie! You must be delighted :)

20to10 - you've been doing so well lately, it's probably not surprising that you're maintaining this week...