Bigger, Stronger, Faster

I've heard rave reviews about it. Looks very good but only went on limited release about a month ago, I think its due full release on the 31st of September....but its only in the States.

Wait for the DVD for me!
I am so gonna do steroids after training for like 5 years. I truly beleave that steroids have only been made illegal because the government wants us to stay the way we are. Steroids work and are not dangerous if you use them correctly. I don't understand why alcohol and tobacco are legal when they do more damage then any other drugs. Funny how more people have died from multivitamins then from steroids lol
Eventually if i find some one i can get them off and some one i can trust....yeah.....i will try them out. Everyone that takes them says they are awesome and its the best **** they ever done and they are not going to stop. It makes them feel way stronger and alive. And i have no real idea about how steroids work but if the time came i would look into it allot.
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I know a lot of people of steroids, some who dont even have much of a clue how to train/eat properly and its amazing the results SOME people achieve. Most of the larger people at my gym are full of juice. My mates dad sells them, they are too easy to get.

Personally though i dont think ill ever use them. Although i have thought about it various times.
I truly beleave that steroids have only been made illegal because the government wants us to stay the way we are.

I hope you're joking. I'm sure Kevin Rudd, Stephen Harper, George W, Helen Clark, Gordon Brown and Kim Jong Il all get together, annually, to discuss how to keep your triceps in check.
I hope you're joking. I'm sure Kevin Rudd, Stephen Harper, George W, Helen Clark, Gordon Brown and Kim Jong Il all get together, annually, to discuss how to keep your triceps in check.

umm **** yeah i am serious. The government wants us to buy things that do nothing for us. Steroids worked so they where like oh crap we dont want everyone to finally look like they wanted to....lets make this **** illegal. They want us to stay in a state of confusion.
umm **** yeah i am serious. The government wants us to buy things that do nothing for us.

What do the government want us to buy useless things for? or what if....for example....they put a nice little tax on steroids and made themselves some money? Would that not make more sense?

Steroids worked so they where like oh crap we dont want everyone to finally look like they wanted to. They want us to stay in a state of confusion.

I'm all for conspiracies but if I don't look well I don't get confused. I go to the gym.
One main reason for doing steroids is that there are studies stating they can cause heart diseases, internal bleeding etc etc etc in the long term.

There are also studies against this. But i dont know what to believe as there are no facts. I wouldnt take the risk.
If you want to know the truth about steroids, take your a$$ to the steroidd section in T-nation and read their threads and know the truth. They have members there that have been roiding for over 20, 30, years and they have not had a problem. There are a lot of myths about Steroids.

They do not give you heart attacks. They do not make your libido go down...etc..etc

So instead of ready some worthless "study" do yourself a favor and go to TESTOSTERONE NATION | The World's Fastest Growing Nation of Bodybuilding and Strength Training Enthusiasts --- > steroid section and educate yourself from the people who have actually done it.
15 minute rant....go!

Steroids are illegal because they're not a vice. Seriously. I really liked what he said about them being criminalized because of their POSITIVE effects, and not the negative.

I mean why the **** should alcohol and tobacco be legal and not steroids? Their ill effects are extremely well documented, and vastly outweigh their positives. Why is gambling legal? It takes advantage of the downtrodden, and is a flimsy front for money laundering. Here in Canada, only the state can sell booze or own a casino. The action's too good to let anyone else get in on it. The government's simply replaced the gangsters. That or the gangsters are the government. Something like that.

Steroids, on the other hand, have many obvious benefits and almost no documented negative effects. And even the ones that do exist are to all appearances completely reversible by ceasing to take them. (Except in some cases, for females. Do your homework if you're even gonna think about it, kids.) This is not true of many "safer" supplements and drugs that are far less effective. And yet they are permitted. Why? Because they don't do anything useful. This makes them excellent cash "crop"s.

If it's useful, it's proscribed, and then prescribed. Y'know, because big business needs a say in every damn thing we as citizens want to do. Mind control is the key to turning a profit amirite?

To quote the Rage, "**** that ****, 'cause I ain't the one..." I will do whatever the hell I want with my body, thank you very much. And that won't include bowing to social pressures to fill it with the useless, toxic **** the government prefers. 'Course, having said that, I have never and probably will never take any kind of steroid, amphetamine, or growth hormone. But if I should get to an elite level in martial arts or something, and it's necessary simply to level the playing field, I sure as **** will, and I'll do it with no remorse, and the government can eat my ass until it learns to do its real job - PROTECTING our freedoms. (See: not taking them away for its own benefit.)
1. You are under the age of 25
The reason is that your natural test is still very high and you are able to make very good gains without gear. There is also a very good likelyhood that you are going to end up messing up your endocrine system because you are still in a period where it is fluctuating. If you are not making good gains you need to look at your training and nutrition. I personally waited until I was 27 to start taking gear even though I was ready to rock when I was 20 so I know how you feel but you need to trust that with proper diet and training you can make gains naturally. The rare exception is individuals with a lot of training experience in their teens who have already acheived a very high level of physical development (230lbs+) and is already at or near their genetic limit. If you are one of the rare individuals who has already reach a very high level of development through consistent training the absolute earliest you should consider gear is 20.

That means you SM, you are no where near a physique to even think about taking roids even in 5 years.