Erika won POV. She decided not to use it.
Here is what CBS said in detail
Here is what I got from Morty's (you can see videos and pictures of it there)
The BB6 alliance continued their domination when Kaysar won HoH. They set their sights on Chill Town. The food competition left half the house eating slop and begging for PB&J. Kaysar cut a deal with Chill Town before nominations, and he ended up targeting the floaters: Diane and Nakomis. Marcellas and Janelle make a BB Soap - Howie forgets towel
On Nomination Day: Kaysar put Diane and Nakomis on the block and tells the nominees he respects their games, which is why they're going up.
A segment on the tarantulas shows them naming them, one Cowboy, and another one Monica, a hairy one is being named Bunkie, and the fourth is named Lisa.
Will does some more campaigning, saying the next HoH needs to put them up. He says he's planting seeds of hostility and he'll can sit back and watch.
After Boogie's birthday, Howie ends up stuck in the shower—he's calling for Kaysar to get him his towel however his buddy never heard him. Naked Howie goes for the towel.
Kaysar talks to Diane. She says she might have to go home because she doesn't have the money to stay. In the DR she cries, ”I'm not as strong as I thought I was.”
Nakomis is bored and dyes her hair yellow and red. Marcellas: "A courageous choice, but a bad one, like most of her choices."
Will: "I never thought someone would want to dye her hair like a deviled egg." Howie calls it unique, but her face is ugly.
Janelle and James talk about how bad Kaysar's nominations are. They're convinced Kaysar made a deal with Chill Town, one that protects him, but not the others.
It's like Pebble Beach
Erika almost gets a hole in one.
Veto Competition: First Kaysar spins the wheel to see who gets the wildcard spot, Will gets the first one, Erika gets the second spot , Nakomis spins last and it lands on James. George will host the competition. The back yard has been transformed into a golf course George reads the rules: The golfers wearing silly golf caps and shirts, tee off with oversized clubs. The farther away from the hole the ball lands, the more veto balls they get, once you collect seven balls you're out.
Nakomis tees off first and her ball lands in the water, three penalty balls in her tube.
Diane is up next. She also earns three penalty balls in her tube.
After winning eight PoVs last season, James says he doesn't want to win this one and appear as threat, he plans to lose, but not be too obvious. He gets three penalty balls in his tube by hitting in the sand.
Kaysar also gets three penalty balls in his tube
Erika takes the lead by only getting two three balls in her tube
Diane gets three more, James gets three more, Kaysar gets three more, Will gets two, and eliminates Nakomis.
Erika wins the veto! Veto Competition
Erika says she likes the power, and will weigh every option she can to see if she can't use the veto to her advantage.
In the DR Diane says, " Erika, she's a smart girl. If she was smart she would use the veto and have the whole house flip on the season 6 people. That's the smart thing to do right now."
"Hey, guys, please come to the living room for an announcement. Today is Boogie's birthday. Happy Birthday! From the DR Mike says: "Whoa! It was the Mike, Boogie, birthday jam. I'm talking sushi champagne, a big old chocolate cake. But the crème de la crème, the whipped cream de la crème had written out 'Happy birthday Boogie' on her [Erika] thigh." Boogie asks, "Do I get to lick that off?"
Will: "Everyone should have a happy birthday but at the same time, Howie and his blue bandanna team lost the food competition while diving for rats."
Howie: "They were taunting me and they were kind of rubbing it in Jedi Howie's face. The other people on the slop, they're not taking it as well as I am."
On the patio, Marcellas complains about Boogie and Will's behavior, "That's just mean. Like that's part of the game? But that's something everybody can't take part in is just mean. I'm the type of person that would not have had a party." It's no big deal.
Veto Ceremony: Diane and Nakomis each get to say why the think Erika should save them Diane says it's Erika's chance to turn the nominations around. In the end, Erika doesn't use the PoV: " I just want to say that I have given this so much consideration. I really genuinely like both of you and would love both of you to stay in the game. I actually have decided to not use the power of veto at this time. This meeting is it now" adjourned. Veto Ceremony