LOL no, this teacher reads them! The paper is also the final exam for the class (which means one less "real" exam to study for!) and she also has a finely attuned BS-radar that I discovered with my first paper for the term. In any case, I think I did okay, though I kind of had an awkward conclusion because I had to work in ties to the class material and it didn't quite work with the direction I was going. I mean, I'm sure I got across the point that I paid attention in class because I talked about concepts used in class, but I had to get in a direct reference to some class material just to cover my bases.
If anyone wants to read it, its on Narratives in Video Games, and you can find a DL link in my non-diet journal in my signature. Its 12 pages long and nearly 4000 words though!
One more paper, one more lab assignment, and then just catching up on my swedish work and I'm done all my class work! Then I've got a week or so to study for finals... woosh.
I'm gonna go to bed now ladies, I gotta be up early!