Yesterday did the 30min treadmill. I watched all the Sherlock Holmes I had taped, so I ended up watching American Idol which was hillarious. My younger son was downstairs with me so we played some pool afterwards. Then hubby and elder son came home from wrestling practice and all 3 worked on a couple of chin ups. I couldnt do one if my life depended on it. Guess that will be further on down the line... way further.
Just got done trying one of my old Kathy Smith low impact aerobics tapes. I know it so well I could do it in my sleep. It's the weight loss tape which combines some arm and leg movements using small weights with 40 min of low impact aerobics. I am so out of shape I didnt make it thru the whole thing. I got 3/4 thru and my body felt like lead and I could barely move it. It was definately mind over matter and my mind was fighting me the whole way. Maybe I am not ready for that one yet. Guess I will start back with the 20min time saver cadio. Better for my frame of mind.
Just read Cover Baileys Taget diet book and decided I need to try to slow my weight loss down and concentrate on losing fat. I am not sure if I lost muscle during this month but I have been exercising every day.
Today I feel a little stressed out about money. It has always been a dream of mine to send our children to Lutheran High which is a college prep high school, but costly. My elder son will be in high school next fall and we have to make a committment to a school soon. One will still be in Lutheran Elementary which also has a good size tuition. I am sure there is nothing wrong with our public school system here, but there is something about releasing my children into the public school system graduating 500 students that makes me uneasy. Also, my hubby has an opportunity to take a new job with a higher salary but he would lose his company vehicle and we only have one veh at this time so we would have to buy one which means car pmt and insurance. You will find me on my knees tonight.