
meh, the feminist movement isn't all it's cracked up to be imo.

Things weren't so gawdawful back when men opened doors, pulled out chairs, and paid for dinner. So, don't look at it as selling out, look at it as supporting the revival of chivalry. :)

Now its your turn to pay for dinners men can't pay for every movie and dinner..
Now its your turn to pay for dinners men can't pay for every movie and dinner..

HEHE: Exercise equal rights, Baby!


Equal rights: "All appropriate Women must be drafted in the Armed Services along with the men"

Quit screaming equal rights if you disagree........:)


Maybe we ought to may a new debate thread guys....
it depends what you're talking about phate - staying home while the man works, or staying home with KIDS while the man works.

Yes, those are two incredibly different things.

Well, it's no secret around here that I think men should be men and women should be women - but sorry about the total hijacking of your thread.
One good place that you could use and I recommend is

Not everyone can utilize their banking/insurance, but the financial planning is open to all. I have been a member there since 1999 and think they are a great company.

I too used to have budgeting problems. I got into the Air Force, made good money as an 18 yr old and spent all of it. I dont even know where now. I think of all the things I could've done instead, but oh well.

When I separated in Aug 05 I had 8K in cc debt that I am using a consolidation company for. The balance is now $700, I just made an additional $500 payment(in addition to this months reg payment) last night. The wife and I sat down and scheduled out our money for the next 6 months to see where we could maximize it. After my cc are paid off next month, we will begin to pay off her single card with the money I was using for my three.

We are also going to start a mutual fund with usaa to create an emergency fund. They also have college savings plans for kids for around $20 a month. however you should always put into your retirement before opening one of those. I also now have a TSP account through the post office, though I dont plan on retiring there. In addition they give me 150K life insurance, which is in addition to a separate policy I have through the VA. Life insurance, retirement savings, and emergency cash are extremely important.

I suggest you put it on paper, its always a real eye opener.
Phew! For a minute I thought this thread was going to go off into a completely different direction....

deschain said:
Well, it's no secret around here that I think men should be men and women should be women

Don't get me wrong, I like the thought of men opening doors and picking up the tab now and then--that's more politeness than anything else. Sometimes I think it would be nice to be the little mrs. at home being taken care of by my husband...but for a woman like me, it's hard to just give up my independence because in a way it defines who I am.

I'm afraid I would lose my individuality, sense of worth and self of self. I get great personal satisfaction from knowing that I can take care of myself, my home, my life...but that's a different topic.

Thanks for the link Tony, I will def. see what they can do for step at a time.
Sometimes I think it would be nice to be the little mrs. at home being taken care of by my husband...but for a woman like me, it's hard to just give up my independence because in a way it defines who I am.

I'm afraid I would lose my individuality, sense of worth and self of self. I get great personal satisfaction from knowing that I can take care of myself, my home, my life...but that's a different topic.

You sound like my girlfriend, at the moment I kind of support her (she works 2 days a week). She hates not working but has to because it's more cost effective than her working FT and paying for child care.
I think if she wasn't capable of supporting herself I wouldn't want to be with her in the first place, I need to be with someone who's at least my equal. I know for sure she's tougher than most of the guys I know

Oh, and for the men on here who think it's easier to be a stay-at-home parent than to go to work :yelrotflmao:.
HA! CCR, I would probably like her LOL. It can also work against you though, sometimes I just come out looking like a man-hating frigid bitch and an ingrate. I hate to be the damsel in distress that needs to be rescued. But I know some girls like that--not that it's a bad thing.

To each their own...
I have a friend who is the complete opposite. I cringe everytime I hear her say. "I need Mike to hook up my DVD player" or some other chore where she'll actually have to make an 'effort'.

But she loves to feel taken care of and he's too happy to oblige so it works for them...
I hate to be the damsel in distress that needs to be rescued.
The problem with being a weak women always needing to be rescued is that any old muppet of a man can come and save you. But if you're a tough cookie yourself then when you need saving chances are that only a real man will be capable so at least then you'll know he's worth your time ;)