
Wow, guys I didn't mean to start a fight!

Spicy, are you sure you're only 17? Everything you say is true and I know these things. But actually doing them is a different story.

I do have a retirement account through work so put some away there (as well as my employer)-so that is good :) I also have a savings account which is what I use to fund my little vacations/escapades.

I'm just feeling like this cuz I bought a new car :) and :( and :drooling1: and :mad: I didn't 'need' it as much as I 'wanted' it.

I will start by budgeting, and NOT buying $hit I don't need. I'm gonna do it CCR style: Cold Turkey :eek:

Yeah, but I'll be 18 in about a month. Everyone says I look and act older than my age.

It's good that you know what to do, it's putting it in to practice that counts. It looks like you plan on doing that, so good luck to you.
I'm 23, been broke my whole life, it sucks. Graduating in a few months, and expecting to make mass dough for once. Nothin to say that hasn't been said. Comparing it to dieting is dead on. Eating the piece of cake is the same as buying those clothes you don't really need.
You didn't start a fight. Chillen and I collectively started a fight. We've both accepted culpability and moved on. :)

And about the spending, it's hard. Spending for me was like food was for a long time, I can't stop until it's gone. But I've been able to get both under control.

Its little mental tricks, don't use money and possesions as a comfort. Find another outlet of things that will make you happy.

And jeeze, I wish I could buy a car because I felt like it! lol

Just to verify. Yes, we did. We kissed and made up......see below....

HEHEHE.......(trying to make good light of the situation)........>:)


I wouldnt go as far as adding "sitting in a tree"..........

LOL.........Rock on, Der.
I'm broke! Just wanted to share that with you guys LOL. I've got no one to blame but myself. I've made some poor choices when it comes to money. I'm a frivolous spender :( ! and I need to learn to budget.

In fact my resolution this year will be to spend less, save more and be better off financially.

Is it just me who lives ouside her means LOL. It seems like the more you make the more you spend.

Maybe I should just get married, two incomes are better than one! (KIDDING! I know that is not a reason to get married lol) [/end of my temporary insanity]

I have the same problem! I spend way too much. Right now what I'm doing is having an account of another person (namely my mom's) that I deposit to so that I won't spend the money and there is no way I can withdraw the account. So basically, I solved it by not allowing myself access. I'm doing really well with it, and thus far I saved so much I can't believe it. I spend less to, and I'm finding that I want things less and less as I don't go to the store.

What you can do is simply restrict yourself. Don't go shopping, leave your cash at home, don't carry a card, don't carry the check book. Simply go outside, and enjoy what you see and ask yourself, "I really want this now, but in 2 days, I'll forget about it." And you know it's true. Most of what you buy is probably on impulse. So just remove the element of money, and then you can't buy it. Sooner or later, you'll just turn without looking at it.
.. Simply go outside, and enjoy what you see and ask yourself, "I really want this now, but in 2 days, I'll forget about it." And you know it's true. Most of what you buy is probably on impulse.

You are SO right! I'm an impulsive person by nature. Thanks for all the advise guys!

(I'm glad you two-chillen/sarah- made up LOL)
Yeah, there's no H in my name either. Not that anyone spells it with an H, just thought I'd clarify =]

I can't wait till I get to the point where I can be like 'damnit, I bought another new car' lol

Can you cancel the deal, or is it already finalized?
Nope, I can't cancel. California does not have a buyer's remortse clause. I really do love the car, but now I'll be strapped with a hefty payment...
If it makes ya'll feel any better, let me tell you about my spendthrift neighbor.

47yo male, earns about 125K (USD) plus a typical, but not guaranteed annual bonus of about 50K more. He has 0 life insurance. He contributes 0 to a retirement plan (even though his company would match it). He has 4 minor children and a wife with no real job skills. No disability insurance. An illness or death to him means his family is living in a subsidized single-wide trailer somewhere. He financed about 90% of his current 400K home, refinanced it this year and took out 50K to put down on a "beach house" in central Florida that he paid 50K too much for and has already depreciated another 25 - 50K more. His net worth, after earning nearly 200K for the last 8 years, is near 0. Now, hopefully, some of you will feel better about your own situations.
If it makes ya'll feel any better, let me tell you about my spendthrift neighbor.

47yo male, earns about 125K (USD) plus a typical, but not guaranteed annual bonus of about 50K more. He has 0 life insurance. He contributes 0 to a retirement plan (even though his company would match it). He has 4 minor children and a wife with no real job skills. No disability insurance. An illness or death to him means his family is living in a subsidized single-wide trailer somewhere. He financed about 90% of his current 400K home, refinanced it this year and took out 50K to put down on a "beach house" in central Florida that he paid 50K too much for and has already depreciated another 25 - 50K more. His net worth, after earning nearly 200K for the last 8 years, is near 0. Now, hopefully, some of you will feel better about your own situations.

OOh! I feel really bad for that guy. :(
Wow, that's just not smart. I feel better now LOL. I may be a frivolous and impulsive spender but I'm trying to work on it. I do worry about my future and have a 401k, take full advanage of my employer's 100% match, fully vested plan and have life insurance (so my girls will be taken care of)...

So I decided even to start using coupons, checking out the 99cent store for things like dish soap, sponges, etc., I'm going to solely use Wallyworld for toiletries.

And I'm gonna stop thinking I need to live like the Queen of Sheba, I'm gonna start doing my own manicures/pedicures and stop shopping for stuff I just don't need etc.
I have an H in my name. :)

I finally graduated and got a decent paying job...enough that it's way more than I've ever made before. I'm horrible at budgeting, and I notice the more I make the more I spend. I tend to like to spend too much at the grocery store each week, I like to rent too many movies, and I like to spend on impulse. I also owe a horrid amount to the bill collectors.

That being said, I put a lot into a retirment account now and am working diligently with the bill collectors. I should be able to retire in 15 years if I want to and my credit cards are now paid off. Both my teachers retirement fund is looking nice and my IRA is starting to look good.

You might look at taking 10% of your earnings and "paying yourself" and this is what you spend on fun stuff. Then you take 10% and stash it away into savings. Perhaps taking a financial planning class?
hey moonbeam, i wish i could offer more helpful advice BUT i'm the same way as you. i don't shop much but i spend all my money just freakin' hanging out -- dinners, lunches and going to bars and concerts etc. dinners and drinking take up the majority of it and just this month alone, i blew a ton of money on 3 concerts!

the only thing that helps is that i do live in a double income situation so my bf and i live off of his income and save mine's an automatic savings. but, it isn't really a savings. it's basically a vacation fund so that we can blow it all in one shot at some point in the year. i never regret it until we get back home and have to start all over again...oh well. at least i'll always have my memories! haha.

otherwise, sounds like many people here have offered great advice, some of which i may take myself.

good luck girl!
In theory, dh and I know exactly how we should spend reality, however, it's much more complicated.

We aren't what I would call broke - the bills are always paid, $ going to 401K, etc etc - but, the biggest issue we have is putting money in savings, and taking it out little by little over dumb crap.

Not big purchases like a new tv we don't need or anything like that - but dumb crap that adds (like eating out, renting movies, and all that). Then, when extra expenses pop up (like flowers for funerals, gifts for showers, medical stuff, whatever) we've already spent that week's money. But, if we leave extra money in checking to cover those things, we end up spending it on the other crap.

We are working on withdrawing X amount of cash each week for discretionary spending, rather than carrying the debits around. So, we'll see how that works out.

We do really well with major purchases. The only things we finance are vehicles - all furniture, appliances, electronics - we pay cash (I don't mean old used stuff either - but new, middle/upper line stuff) - so that I'm proud of. It's just the little things that add up and get you.
Yup, I blow it on stuff like that too Aeonteal. Also on stupid ass games...NFL, college football--drinks before during and after. Concerts, same thing. Weekend getaways sometimes twice a month, even if I fly Southwest it starts to add up. I've already put away my American Express...that was step one.

deschain said:
the bills are always paid, $ going to 401K, etc etc - but, the biggest issue we have is putting money in savings, and taking it out little by little over dumb crap.

That's my biggest issue, I spend so much on my American Express that at the end of the month I pay it then need money for gas, and misc. stuff that you don't account for all due to my poor choices.

Also, not to sound like I'm going to mooch but I always feel bad if I don't pay at least 50% when we go bf makes a lot more than me so I think I will start letting him pay more...he offers but I feel like a loser when that happens.

It's hard for me to do that because I've been so independent my whole life and I preach that being independent is one of the few things that can't be taken from you (that a woman should know how to take care of herself and not rely on a man etc. etc.)...I'd feel like a big phony and sell-out...
meh, the feminist movement isn't all it's cracked up to be imo.

Things weren't so gawdawful back when men opened doors, pulled out chairs, and paid for dinner. So, don't look at it as selling out, look at it as supporting the revival of chivalry. :)
werd up! haha...